Thursday, June 26, 2008


Tomorrow I cease having to ever worry about.....
Aunty Flow
The Curse
Periods from hell
Getting pregnant!
Feminine Products
Embarassing moments.... just to name a few things!

I am nervous and excited all at once!

Just finished unpacking, now have to pack for the hospital.... no shopping there darn it!

- kids to school
- bit of housework
- pack for hospital

that's about it! Yikes, almost forgot! Got a couple of girlfriends coming for morning tea and lunch, better pull finger and get on with it .....might send Stew out for food....

Been out and about getting lunch stuff and .... cheese and crackers, marshmallows (!) and chocolate biscuits to take to the hospital... for my VISITORS ya understand? LOL.
It's a horrible windy day here too, and bloody cold.. but AHHHHH me winter coat is devine! Can't feel a thing through it. I'm in heaven....

I must still be rather tired.. had a two hour nana nap this afternoon... and now we are getting ready to go out for dinner (me last supper?) lol.....feeling a bit freaked out about tomorrow now.... keep having to go to the loo! Nervous bowel... typical. I am the opposite usually. Go figure.

I pinched this cute wee picture off another bloggers blog... cos it really is true! I am hoping that Stew or Steve will update my blog while I'm outta action.... so check back sometimes and see if they have!

End of Day: a mixed bag sorta day.... overshadowed by my nervousness mostly. Heading out to dinner shortly, then early to bed.

NSV: I am loving all the lovely new clothes from Aussy, even though most of them are in a LARGE .... give me a few months and I'm hoping to get back into MEDIUMS. nite nite.


  1. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you!

  2. Take care, your in my thoughts.

  3. Good luck Chris! All the best for a speedy recovery.

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hope all goes well with your Op & I really enjoyed the photo pics from Melbourne.

    Best Wishes

  5. Don't forget I'm about to help if you need it. Will catch up after the op. Good luck.

  6. I'll swap places with you tomorrow.... I have stocktake at work!!!
    Good luck G/F... you'll be fine!

  7. mine left me december 19th 2000 a WONDERFUL day to remember! I hope that you have an uneventful surgery and great recovery... one thing I recall clear as day is when I woke up I no longer had uterus pain!! I never knew just how much pain i was in before that...I had surgical pain and staple pain from the 11 inch incision they had to make to get my tumor filled uterus out but that pain was NOTHING like the missing pain!~ you will be in my thoughts and prayers. HUGS Laura

  8. Thinkin of ya chick!! I'm sure it will all go well

  9. All the best for a speedy recovery

  10. Loved all the pics of Melb, All the best for a speedy recovery. You'll be a new woman.

  11. Will removing the uterus make the kids behave too?

  12. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Thinkng of you and wishing you a stress free and easy recovery xo

  13. Good luck for tomorrow, i will be thinking of you!

  14. Oh Chris you lucky Tart! I hate my Aunt Flo. She's a bitch.

    Good luck girl!

  15. Hey Chris all the best for tomorrow I hopw you recover quickly . take care jill xxx

  16. All the very best Chris. I hope you are back with us very soon.

    I hope you will be able to update us from hospital - LOL!!

  17. All the best for a speedy recovery. And loved the pics from yesterday.

  18. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Chris, all the best and I hope you have a speedy recovery.


  19. good luck mate i will come see you on saturday. You will feel like a new person, trust someone who has been there.

  20. Anonymous11:18 PM

    hope everything goes well and that you get very spoilt as a hossie patient!

    (or that you are only loked after by hunky nurses/doctors!)

  21. Wishing you speedy recovery and alot of use out of your new fanny ;)

  22. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Your trip looks like so much fun!!!

    We will ALL be thinking about you tomorrow... hope it is a smashing success!

  23. Best of luck for tomorrow, oops, I mean today. Will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.


  24. All the best, my thoughts are with you. Get well soon. (HUG)

  25. Goodluck chris!!! Rest up!


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