So a new week and lets hope it's all up hill and going well for Chris this week.
Kids up, dressed, feed, lunches made & off to school etc. Dog up played with, pooped, peed & back to bed. Quick tidy up around the house, do this blog and now I'm off to spend some time with my wife till it's time to pick up the kids from school. Oh also need to ring my boss to see if I can have some more time off to be with my wife, there goes all my holiday time, but it's all in a very good cause. I'll update you all later in the day. Have a good one all, Stew [Mr C].
It's now 5.30 and I'm home from the hospital and what a day.
I got up to Chris at about 9am and she was in tears again. She had been awake most of the night and felt sore and really sick. She had buzzed for a nurse but no one came. She started to vommit & kept vommitting still no one came. She kept trying to buzz while people just stood around and did nothing. At one stage after Chris buzzer had been on for over a hour a nurse came in and turned it off but did nothing to help Chris. So all this before I got there was just a bit much for her and she didn't feel cared for or safe.
So I contacted Southern Cross to get her sent back there. They confirmed this at 10 am and contacted the Palmy Hospital to get it actioned. So when I left at 4.45 this arvo we were still waiting for a registra to sign the papers so she could go. The nurse said that one was on the way so hopefully she is being transferred as I am typing this note.
While she was feeling pretty low this morning things started to get a bit better for her as the day went on. She now has no tubes, wires, drips or drains in. She has taken on some fluids, has eaten a couple of crackers, has been sitting up and has taken herself off to the toilet twice and given appropriate samples to the nurse.
So things are looking up and I believe once she gets back to Southern Cross she will feel safer and will really improve quickly. I have just had a phone call from our friend Chris at 6 pm to say that she has Chris in the car and is taking her to Southern Cross right now [the palmy hospital were supposed to get an ambulance for but didn't].
I will now feed the kids then take them to see mummy and update the blogg when I ger back.
Well we have been up to visit mummy in her new room at Southern Cross [room 2]. She is lot happier now and looking foward to having a good nights sleep. I think that things are on the up so will hopefully have some good stuff to report tomorrow.
Kids are having some icecream before bed, then it's off to bed for them, I have some chores to do, then maybe a little time for TV and then off to get some sleep myself. Thanks for all your kind wishes and thoughts. Nite Nite Stew [Mr C].
Monday, June 30, 2008
Start of a new week & hopefully better things
Posted by
Chris H
8:57 AM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunday and it's no rest day
Morning all.
Sorry I am not the early blogger like my wife is and also that there is no photo's, I'm not that up with this blogging thing to do photo's, but I know when Chris is back on the blogging deck you will get some. I took some blogg fodder photo's yesterday up at the hospital with all the tubes, wires and sexy hospital gown which I am sure will find there way onto an update coming to you in the future.
So today is open home day so it is tidy up, vacum, wash, polish, clean etc today. Then after open home I will go up and visit Chris with the kids.
I have phoned Chris at the hospital this morning and she didn't sleep well over night. Still managing the pain with the self administer system and really just feeling very very tired. They hope to get her up later on this morning to get her moving a bit. Her only request was a sipper bottle of you guessed it "DIET COKE".
Talking of not sleeping well, my mobile phone rang at 3.07 am and of course I thought the worst problems at the Hospital and the heart missed a beat or 2, but it was daughter number 2 ringing from some party. "Hi dad it's me, what ya doing" "I'm sleeping what do you think I'm doing" "Oh sorry I didn't realise' hey I'm coming down today" "Whatever, goodnight" and I hung up. With her record she may or may not turn up just wait and see. Bloody kids ah!!
Well that's it for now, I will update you all later in the day after my visit. Thanks for all you wishes, I have made a list of names and comments to take up to Chris today. Stew.
It's now 5 pm and I have just been up to see Chris with Mike & the kids. When we got there she was sitting in a chair by her bed in tears. I sent the kids off with Mike for a bit. She had been put in the chair by the nurses and left there unattended. While she hadn't been there long she was in pain and feeling very sick and know one was coming to help her and there was no one in sight. I managed to track down a nurse and we put her back in bed.
After about 20 mins she was feeling a lot better so the kids and Mike spent some time talking to her. While we were sitting there her drip ran out and the machine was beeping to let the nurses know it was empty. It took 15 mins before a nurse came to check the machine and change it.
Chris is still very sore & tired, and finds it very lonely. She has asked me to come up tomorrow as soon as I have dropped the kids off at school to keep her company and I also think she is a little worried that if something went wrong no one would be there to come to her aid until it was to late. So that is my mission tomorrow. She must be feeling bad as she didn't want any of the Diet Coke I took up to her. I thought it was a bit soon for Diet Coke.
Her surgeon saw her this morning and said he was very pleased with the first surgery and managed to fix all the original problems plus a couple of other things he found while he was there. So that is good, it will just take some time to recover from the whole experience.
Well thats all for today. I will pass on all your wishes and up date again tomorrow. Stew or should it be "Mr C". Nite nite all.
Posted by
Chris H
10:25 AM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
It's Saturday, lets hope it's a good one.
Kids in bed for a cuddle at 7 am. Then up, tidy up, bacon & eggs for there breakfast, washing on, dishwasher done, dog played with sorted etc, etc etc. I have just spoken with the ICU nurse and Chris had a good night and appears a lot better this morning. Doctor due to do his rounds shortly and then will know a bit more. At this stage they are hopeful that she will be well enough to go up to a ward later on today, so I will keep you all posted when I can during the day.
Well it's now 7.30 pm and what a day. I have been up with Chris this morning, then took kids & Steve, Mike & Abby to lunch, then back up to Chris. Steve & Mike took turns at looking after the kids for me so that was a really great help and much appreciated guys, thanks.
So Chris is on the road to recovery, which will no doubt take a bit longer than we originally thought. She is still very sore and tired. Late this arvo most of the wires/tubes etc were taken off her and she was moved up to a ward. The bleeding seems to have been stopped and she is able to manage most of the pain with a self medicating system. She is taking sips of water now and has managed to hold most of it down. Hopefully a good nights sleep will give her a lift so that she is feeling a bit better tomorrow and it will help her recovery.
She is in Palmerston North hospital ward 27 room 9.
Well that's it for now folks. Thank you for all your wishes, I am sure Chris will enjoy reading them when she gets home and I will pass them on tomorrow when I see her. I will update tomorrow.
Nite Nite from Stew.
Posted by
Chris H
8:54 AM
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dinner last night was lovely... I wore one of my new outfits from Aussy... I loved it, hated me boobs. I am bloody sure I have gained 10 kilos on me boobs.... friggin things! I hope they are the first things to go once I start losing weight again! We went to the LoneStar Restaurant, they give the most amazingly huge meals!
Posted by
Chris H
6:36 AM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tomorrow I cease having to ever worry about.....
Aunty Flow
The Curse
Periods from hell
Getting pregnant!
Feminine Products
Embarassing moments.... just to name a few things!
I am nervous and excited all at once!
Just finished unpacking, now have to pack for the hospital.... no shopping there darn it!
- kids to school
- bit of housework
- pack for hospital
that's about it! Yikes, almost forgot! Got a couple of girlfriends coming for morning tea and lunch, better pull finger and get on with it .....might send Stew out for food....
Been out and about getting lunch stuff and .... cheese and crackers, marshmallows (!) and chocolate biscuits to take to the hospital... for my VISITORS ya understand? LOL.
It's a horrible windy day here too, and bloody cold.. but AHHHHH me winter coat is devine! Can't feel a thing through it. I'm in heaven....
I must still be rather tired.. had a two hour nana nap this afternoon... and now we are getting ready to go out for dinner (me last supper?) lol.....feeling a bit freaked out about tomorrow now.... keep having to go to the loo! Nervous bowel... typical. I am the opposite usually. Go figure.
I pinched this cute wee picture off another bloggers blog... cos it really is true! I am hoping that Stew or Steve will update my blog while I'm outta action.... so check back sometimes and see if they have!
End of Day: a mixed bag sorta day.... overshadowed by my nervousness mostly. Heading out to dinner shortly, then early to bed.
NSV: I am loving all the lovely new clothes from Aussy, even though most of them are in a LARGE .... give me a few months and I'm hoping to get back into MEDIUMS. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:41 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Shopping in Melbourne Central... the Flat Stanley's liked it too.
The Flat Stanley's having lunch at the Police Academy with Christina.
Mum, my great-niece Ashley, Nannette and my niece Shelley ... well I DID say we went shopping eh?
Nannette in Federation Square with the Flat Stanley's, in the background is an amazingly beautiful church right in the centre of Melbourne.
Nannette and Catherine from Sydney.....
My nephew Deon doing what boys do..... the grubby bugger.
Posted by
Chris H
6:25 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
- 5am WAKE UP call
- Out to the airport with my niece Chris and me Mum
- bit more shopping, catch the flight back to Wellington
- nearly crapped myself on landing, huge thud as we land in Wellington...very bumpy
- horrificly cold, wet and freezing weather in Wellington
- wonderful to see Stew and the kids at the airport, I nearly cried when I hugged my darling.. Hadn't seen him for weeks!
Drive home in the wet and dark.... unpack everything for a "shopping photo"... and now?
Relaxing waiting for pizza for dinner.... SO SO TIRED..... will upload photos tonight ready for a photo post tomorrow hopefully.
End of Day: sorry, not much of an update for the day really, but I just don't have any more energy. It's been a full on 6 days, I have thoroughly enjoyed it, but I'm glad to be home again.
NSV: hmmmm pizza for dinner so maybe none! Me jeans are darn tight too, so me thinks I have gained a kilo or 5!!!! nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:40 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mum and I went into the city again today, then over to a specialty Coat Shop that the blogger girls recommended ... found the MOST GORGEOUS coat.... it was kinda TWICE what we had planned to spend... by my Mum bought it for me anyway! I am a spoilt rotten tart I tell ya!
Cruised past my niece's Police Station, which is right in the middle of Melbourne Central, took a photo .... oh and I also got a photo of the Flat Stanley's on a Police Car.... just before the cop came out and caught me! hee hee he. It is Christina's (niece) first day ON THE JOB today... so we dedided it was not prudent to stop in there and have a chat!
OOOO OOOO, we also found the Krispe Creme (sp?) shop so got us some... will have one later ... I'm told they are TO DIE FOR... we will see.....
Don't think we will be doing much else today except chillin out for a while then packing ready to hit the road really early tomorrow morning. I know my niece wants to take us to the Casino tonight, but I don't think we have the energy! Will see later how we feel.
For now....
End of Day: looking forward (!) to going to hospital on friday for a jolly good lie in and rest!
NSV: been walking bloody miles.... EXERCISE PEOPLE!!! nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
4:26 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
- breakfast with my Mum and Nannette (Wanna)....
- taxi to town
- bit of shopping (Yeee haaa)
- Blogger Meet..... met lots of the girls I have only ever read on their blogs... had a wonderful afternoon yakking .....PHOTOS TO COME ONCE I GET HOME
- back to the Hotel to chill out before heading out to dinner with the family.
Feeling much better today (thank you!)..... feeling red-faced after being told how I acted on Friday night! Seems I flashed me boobs on the dance floor, and I do seem to remember grabbing my nephew by the balls to stop him leaving me on my own on the dance floor!!! Hmmm and then there was when I was dancing and tried to 'boogy down' and just before me bum hit the floor I grabbed Nannette's and my niece's arms and hauled myself up again..... Nanette has the bruise to prove it! Oh dear, I think it will be another decade before I do THAT again!
This trip really has been fun, no hassles at all..... and everyone I have met has been darn lovely. Transport around the city is awesome, the trams are so easy to use..... love the place.
It is my niece's birthday today, so we are off to dinner shortly.... so better go.
More shopping tomorrow...... I'm in HEAVEN.
End of Day: happy as Larry..... NSV: I fit clothes in 'normal' shops still ! This is good..... nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
7:26 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I am almost embarassed by that last awful post!!! I have paid for it dearly though.... I woke up at 8 and felt SICK AS A DOG... and have ALL BLOODY DAY!
We met up with our family and WANNA and headed off after breakfast together to the DFO's.....( Direct Factory Shops ) for a spot of shopping..... with frequent visits to the loo by me as I was constantly feeling like throwing up!!! Serve me right! I drank bubbly wine all night, and the waiters just kept 'topping' up my glass so I have no idea how much I drank.... suffice to say TOO MUCH.
I'm gunna stick to me Bacardi and Diet Coke from now on!
SHOPPING: Was awesome, we went in and out of I dunno how many shops.. bought heaps... and the BEST THING.... we get to do it all again on Monday! YIPEE.
Still no photos sorry.... will do a huge 'photo' post when I get home. Right now we are at my niece's in Williamstown, chillin before having dinner and relaxing for the evening.
End of Day: I am never ever ever going to get pissed (drunk) on friggin wine again! It is NOT worth the pain the next day.....
NSV: feeling ill kills your appetite somewhat... so I probably lost weight today! This is good. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:09 PM
oK, i AM am pissed as a noot??? yeah.... I have been having a awesome day! I am a pissed as a chook! OOppps......
This is fridays post, I have been busy.... graduation day for my n iece..... she is now a Polilce Offiocer...... ooo dear,,,, I have met Wanna... she is looking over my shoulder as I type ... ok , trying to type... it's like 12.35am on saturday morning and we are in the business suite on the h0tel and I am tying to updite....OK I'm pissed oK./......
Ok I'm changing colour, maybe it will help..... NO? whatever... I will be back when I'm sober.........................................................................................................................................................
today has been awesome... my niece is a Police Officer and I have met Wanna, she is totally cool... even if I'm PISSED!!~!!!!
Photos to come,.... like when I'm able to do it without HELP. ha ha ha..... late dudes
End of DAy: totally awesome day, I'm totally pissed for the first time in 11 years and it is awesome !!!!! I am having fun, and I intend to have more so there.!!! nah nah an na. and Wanna says "Hi" to all you TARTS too.
NSV: fucken none@ Except, wine has less calories than Bacardi I'm sure.... nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
2:30 AM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
train to Wellington... 2 hours on a freezing train! I was frigid by the time I got to Wellington... and CRABBY AS HELL!!!
Spent 3 hours walking the streets of Wellington (I'm a street walker now), then I caught a bus out to the airport and spent another 2 hours wandering around before my flight.
The flight.... 4 hours of bliss, just sitting there dozing... and being fed and I even drank 2 glasses of wine (which went straight to me head!).... got off in Melbourne slightly pissed I did!
Got straight through customs etc and me Mum and Niece were there to pick me up.... off to the Hotel, unpacked, yakked, had a lovely dinner ... fell into bed and slept like a baby!
This morning...I got outta bed at 9.30 am!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh.....
Mum and I caught the tram into Melbourne Central and shopped... all day!!!! Did not buy much, we are 'saving' ourselves for the Factory Shops on Saturday!!!!! OOOOO can't wait. Hey Wanna, want to come with us on Saturday????
Got a big day tomorrow with the family stuff... my darling niece is Graduating as a Police Officer ... we are so very proud of her.
Now.... it is dinner time and Mum and I are going to have a very light dinner tonight cos we had a very EVIL piece of cake this afternoon, but is was OH so nice.
I am having a wonderful time people..... and as you can see I found a computer in the Hotel that I can use .... YIPEE! Can't do photos though, so you will just have to wait till I get home to see stuff!
End of Day: I'm loving it ... even though it bloody rained this afternoon and me hair frizzed.... BUGGER IT! Luckily I brought my hair straightener with me~!
NSV: does eating cake count???????? ha ha ha! It was nice. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
7:20 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's VERY EARLY... and I am almost ready to catch the train for Wellington... to connect with my flight over to Australia this afternoon... I'm FINALLY excited!!!
Posted by
Chris H
5:29 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
- kids to school
- puppy to vets for last shot
- hair appointment
- start packing me suitcase ! I keep putting it off....
- make sure I have train ticket/plane ticket/passport in handbag
I think that's about it!
I stayed up rather late again last night, I didn't intend to but got carried away with the sewing AGAIN... I so want to finish the top of the quilt before I go away.....might even get it done today!!!
Now lets get going, and NO MISHAPS today ok? Just have to be more careful!
Been to town....puppy has had his last vaccinations, so he's safe now. Spent 2.5 hours at the hairdressers... fell asleep on their couch while the colour was processing! Looking forward to sleeping on the plane tomorrow! YES.
Nearly time to go get the kids, the day is just flying by ... and I still havn't finished the top section of the quilt, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN TODAY! I can't wait to put a photo up!
MRS C: here is a photo of the Flat Stanley's with the Postal Lady the Post Office, saying goodbye to the parcel that is on it's way to your family! They wanted to come home until I told them they were coming to Melbourne with me... so they decided to stay a bit longer!
It will take between 24 and 28 days for this parcel to reach you all.
End of day: I am finally packing! Feeling a bit excited now! I hate flying too... the takeoffs and landings really shit me! I'm hoping to sleep during the flight... so I'm not too tired to enjoy my holiday! OOOO I am going to get to sleep in! No kids to bug me! BLISS.
NSV: Feeling good! NITE NITE.
Posted by
Chris H
6:29 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
- kids to school (yaaaa)
- Visit the hospital to fill out all the forms, get blood test lab forms, etc.
- Visit Bank to get Aussy cash
- Start packing my bag!
EEEEkkkkkkk... it's getting close now, I'm getting EXCITED! And NERVOUS.... I am not usually shy/nervous meeting new people, don't get me wrong... ONCE I'm in the situation... it's just the anticipation that is getting to me! And I havn't seen my nieces in a long long time either, so I'm so looking forward to seeing them too!
My niece Christina (my namesake), is graduating from Police college, she's gunna be a cop!!!! Hard to believe, she's been talking about being a cop for at least 6 years! I'm so proud of her for following her dreams.
I hope to get lots of photos of my holiday in Melbourne, BUT.... I am NOT TAKING MY COMPUTER!!!! I do not plan on blogging while I am away at all.... if I do it will be from an Internet Kiosk or at my niece's home.... my Mum has given me the HARD WORD about spending any time on the computer! She hates it! So please don't abandon me... I will be back! TOMORROW might be my last post for a while! Yikes... so can't imagine not blogging!
WELL... it's been a busy and interesting morning! I went and posted the parcel to America finally, stopped into the hospital to get all the info for me operation, had a car accident, got some groceries and came home.
CAR ACCIDENT!!!! Yep, I backed out of a car park (after looking I might add) and this guy came outta NOWHERE and I ummmmmm... backed into him!

OOOOPS! Looks like I came off best eh? Anyway.... insurance company to be notified, Police already notified.. he has no insurance, he probably has no Rego or Warrant either... What a great start to my week. Hope it gets better!
Wellington airport was closed due to fog this morning... I hope this does not happen on Wednesday morning when I am wanting to fly out!
I am hoping for a quiet, UNEVENTFUL afternoon OK?
MR CHOO: THIS is just for you: (you asked for it!)

Steve visited this afternoon which was lovely cos he let me go and have a sleep (I was feeling wiped out!), and he looked after the kids till dinnertime. So good to have a wee nap! I must NOT stay up till 1.30am sewing again! I've still done NO PACKING! Maybe later on tonight?
End of Day: well it WAS busy eh? NSV: have been rather good today food-wise, kinda lost my appetite a bit. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
7:06 AM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I can't wait till sundays are not just all about cleaning and getting everything spic and span...
Sunday picnics, sunday drives, sunday shopping expeditions, sunday visiting friends and family, sunday blobbing out in front of the telly, sunday afternoon naps... oh I MISS THEM ALL.....
WE have been on the market for so long now I am starting to feel like it will never happen.. and you all are going to just stop reading me blog on sundays ... cos it is always the same... getting the house clean/trying to sell it.... so boring!
At least I am going to get the next few sundays off... being away and then in hospital... bliss. (sorta!)
A N Y W A Y.... I suppose I better get outta bed and just DO IT eh? Steve is coming today to help, so that is good....
When you get tired of carrying him, you can hang him on the door .... can you TELL he's SO NOT IMPRESSED!!!! Maybe if I dyed the cocoon Blue??? HA HA HA.
Well you can't sell your house if no one comes to look at it eh? Another wasted day, wasted effort...
Now I move on... to packing for Melbourne! That is a positive.
End of Day: been busy, me batteries have run down and now I feel like doing NOTHING.... done dinner, done the dishes, getting the kids to bed... then some more sewing I think. So tired though...
NSV: Got heaps of exercise today doing the cleaning... that would be one of the few positives about today I suppose. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
7:10 AM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
- Morning tea with the girls... taking Bry and Griffin with me cos my big son's have been noticebly ABSENT from around here this week... I am hoping like hell Steve will turn up tomorrow to help me get ready for Open Home!
- I have a parcel of 'stuff' almost ready to send off to the Flat Stanley's family in Missouri..... hope to post it today... lots of KIWI things.... lollies, books, magazines, toys etc for the children... hope they like it all!
- And yes, it will be housework... dusting/polishing, washing done etc in the afternoon.... how thrilling!
I was thinking last night.... how bloody neat... once I have my operation I will NEVER EVER have to buy 'those girl products' ever again! Gawd it's going to be so neat!!! And no more having to stay home 2-3 days out of every 3 weeks....or worrying about "is it coming"?.... bring it on I say!
OK... time to get a move on....later...
Let's play on the couch, then the evil fluffball can't get us!
SHOELACES for breakfast anyone?
We are getting ready to go out.. Griffin is struggling with his sweatshirt..
Brylee: "do you want a hand with that ?"
Griffin: "OH YUK NO, you are a girl, girls are disgusting!"
NICE ONE SON....I bet in a few years you are not saying that!
Lovely morning tea... followed by a wander around town for the kids... tried to buy another pair of those awesome boots (as spares) but no luck, all sold out. Boo hoo. Oh well, I will just have to hope the ones I have last for years!
Very tired this afternoon, tried to have a lie down but B&G are being little shits... can't wait for tomorrow's Open Home to be over cos then I can start packing for Melbourne!
Pretty sure I have everything sorted for when I get back too, Stew is going to be here for the first few days after my surgery and then Mike is going to stay and look after the kids for me while I recuperate... AND if I have any problems my darling girlfriends are just a phone call away. I am so lucky to have such neat friends.
End of Day: so-so afternoon... going to feed kids, let them watch Ice Age movie on the telly while I make a start on getting house ship shape for tomorrow.
NSV: My jeans still fit me bum, this is good! nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:30 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008
All week I have been a day ahead of myself, totally got every day muddled up for some reason... such a dork. So, it IS FRIDAY and I have no plans!
I am hoping to hear from the hospital today with good news... I talked to the specialist's Nurse yesterday and she reckons I will be having my surgery at the end of THIS MONTH... awesome! And also a bit scary... I have haemoraghed (sp?) after both my recent surgeries... so am shitting myself that I will bleed to death! I know they won't let that happen of course, but it is bugging me ...
I mentioned yesterday about my Weight Watcher Leader setting up a blog... so pop on over and say "HI" would ya? Sandra is one hell of a woman, lost a ton of weight, always there for us who are struggling to lose weight, a fantastic friend ... and 'mad about bears'...TEDDY BEARS that is!
- kids to school
- grocery grab
- start next step of the quilt... stitching all the blocks together!
OOO just noticed it's BLACK FRIDAY...luckily I am not in the least bit superstitious then eh? Onward...
So, I went grocery shopping, also picked up a couple more tops from closing down sale... got home and was putting the groceries away when I heard a loud noise upstairs... WHAT WAS THAT??? I run outside so fast, cos there is NO REASON for a loud noise upstairs! I ring my girlfriend Chris D and she comes around with her hubby and we all check out my house for intruders... NOTHING .... I'm thinking someone hot-footed it outta my house while I was down the driveway waiting for my friends!!! NOT A PLEASANT FEELING.. but I'm ok now, gone around and double checked all the doors and windows.
Just had crackers and hummus for lunch (so yum) and am going to do some sewing....
Afternoon.... picked up kids, home... got phone call from Hospital.. I am all booked and ready to go.. surgery WILL be on the 27 of June, just after I get back from Melbourne! YAAAA (I think!).... now just have to organise Stew to look after the kids.... or me Mum...
Had a rather awful afternoon, my back and tummy are giving me hell.... think I have been overdoing it with staying up late sewing, going to town two days running (shopping), doing all the housework etc on me own... won't it be SO NEAT once this surgery is over and I can start to get back to NORMAL!!!
Posted by
Chris H
7:11 AM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
WOW....In less than a week I am flying off to Melbourne (Australia).. am starting to think I should sort out what I am taking with me... do I need only warm clothes girls? Or is there the odd warm day still? I don't want to bring over too many clothes... need some room in the bag for me makeup eh? LOL
I am going to get the kids off to school then take myself into town for a wander around, maybe meet up with a friend or two for lunch? Anything but stay at home again... I feel like I have been cooped up in me house all week!
I have been enjoying the sewing, but need a break from it. And NO, the quilt is no where near finished! Once I have joined all the blocks together I then have to get wadding and backing material, tack all three layers together then learn how to 'quilt' them all together! THAT is going to be an experience I think! And that is when I will be going back to the Patchwork Class, so they can help me. Below: the three blocks I did yesterday:
Ha ha, I bet they are all starting to look the same to you guys!
HOT FLUSHES.. I reckon they SPEED UP your metabolism... well ya get all hot and bothered don't ya? Surely that burns up some calories???? Got to find a POSITIVE to having them!!!!
WELL ... it looks like everyone agrees, it's going to have a dark background then!
Been and had a lovely lunch with Anne so nice to chat with an ADULT... and I did a bit of shopping at a shop that's closing down... scored 2 trou and 4 tops for $120 !
Shopping in Melbourne: am hoping to do some.... with me Mum... she's bringing CASH ... LOL!
End of Day: a nice day actually, had a visit this afternoon from my Weight Watcher Leader Sandra... she needed help to set up her blog.... done.
NSV: Had so much fun shopping for some clothes, being able to buy 'normal' size clothes still gives me a thrill. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:32 AM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Flat Stanleys went to Riverdale School in Palmerston North:
Posted by
Chris H
6:27 AM