And that means just one more week to go till I get out of this place.
Counting down.... OMG I simply cannot wait. To think I was looking forward to this 'quarantine' experience!
How stupid can ya get?
ABOVE: This building intrigues me. Is it going to be another Hotel? City offices?
But mostly, when we arrived last week, I thought, WOW ... it looks like a ship. I am looking at the back end of a ship!
Can anyone else see it?
Last night, after yet another disgusting dinner was delivered to my door, I sent an email to the hotel I'm in.
I detailed what is going on with the meals, and how upset I am. Like, REALLY UPSET.
I know it won't change a thing, but at least it is recorded.
I feel like they (the catering company) are just taking the piss now. How damn hard is it to provide a salad? I got an automated email back saying they could take up to 72 hours to respond. Awesome.
Guess what? I've not done me jigsaws. I've not done any sewing or cutting out fabric. I've not done a bloody thing.
I am perfectly happy just sitting here doing NOTHING! There's heaps going on in my brain to keep me entertained!
And of course, with the laptop, I have plenty to watch on YouTube and Netflix. And I am communicating with heaps of friends and family all day long.
So. I might just continue doing that today. 😀😉
8 am: No breakfast yet, though it doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm not accepting any more of their food. I am going to just leave it out the door after taking a photo.
One day I am going to come back here and see what the 'ship' building looks like finished. And what it is for.
I am just loving watching it slowly have things added to it. Right now another huge glass window is being craned into place. OH and another panel!
8.07 am and breakfast has arrived. Don't get excited.
Off to inspect, take a photo and put it out the door again.
OMG!!!! Today's breakfast... what can I say? They outdid themselves. I'm in shock... GOOD SHOCK!
ABOVE: A croissant, some cheese, a cereal bar! Plus the usual stuff. OMG.
I put that cheese and some of my ham into the middle of the croissant and toasted it with the iron. SO GOOD! Something HOT and tasty. 10/10 for this effort!
I'm almost crying with relief. Fuck I'm a sad git.
Ya know what? I reckon the HOTEL put those extras in my food bag! After my email to them last night they probably looked in me bag and went 'Bloody hell!'
9.36 am: WOW... just wow!
I have just had two phone calls.
One was from the General Manager of ParkRoyal Hotel. He talked to me and said he had read my email and was going to do everything he could to get the catering company to up their game.
And that he had told them to ring me and discuss my concerns too.
So then I got the call from the Catering Company. And that went really well too! They have taken note of everything I had to say, not just ON MY BEHALF, but for everyone in this situation.
He was really nice and said they were going to try and offer A selection, so people are not left hungry because they could not eat the food being delivered.
It was HIM who added the croissant etc to the breakfasts this morning apparently. Well done Adrian! I told him I really appreciated it, as I'm sure everyone else did too.
I really hope that by complaining SO MUCH I have perhaps made this better for EVERYONE stuck here in quarantine? Certainly in this hotel at least?
I just did some jogging on the spot. For like a minute! I think I need to rest now. For like an hour! 😂😆😏
ABOVE: This is a first! A complimentary fruit smoothie from the Hotel! And everyone is getting one... you could choose from Berry, Pineapple or Mango too! It is really lovely.
I just had a really good natter to me Mum. She is having a good day, she had an excellent sleep last night. That makes such a difference to the day.
I feel so much happier today, and knowing Mum is OK just makes it even better.
NOW... more jogging! I need to get more exercise to make my leg swelling go down.
I'm so glad I put me face on this morning. It's a 'face on' sorta day. A happy day.
ABOVE: I know it's wishful thinking, but I think I've probably lost a couple of kilos since I arrived. And my chin zit is nearly all healed up, thank goodness. That was a shocker! 😜😏😂
ABOVE: how many times can I say WOW in one day???
Lunch. Amazing. So fresh. So tasty. Just all round delish. I didn't use the dressing as it was Chilli based, but that's OK. My choice NOT to use it.
I'm so very happy to give this meal a 10/10!
I am 'saving' the Rice Paper Chicken Roll for later on in the day, or even as an evening snack. I know it will be delicious too.
Doing a 'Happy Dance' ...
The new building:
ABOVE: I found it!
It's a new hotel. Due for opening in 2020. edit: it is now scheduled for opening in 2021.
Taken from Google:
'The Glass Snail? The Pencil Sharpener?
The New Toaster? The latest additon to Sydney's hotel boom is set to get the city's armchair architects talking.
Wedged between two expressways and overlooking Darling Harbour, the under-construction building at the gateway to the CBD has been picked by the world's largest hotel group, Marriott International, as the third site of it's luxury W Hotel Chain.
Known as The Ribbon, it sits on the former site of the IMAX theatre within the western distributor and is part of a $730 million redevelopment.
So there ya go. Information you probably didn't want ... but I've got nothing better to do!
5.43 pm: I've had a quiet afternoon. Well... what else can ya expect... 😃😄
It's nearly dinner time.
I'm literally sitting on the edge of my chair waiting to see if it's edible!!!! OMG ... what if it's cooked carrots AGAIN???
That dinner was amazing. So, so tasty. And hot. And OMG just soooo good!
It was steamed chicken strips with ... I dunno! All sorts of different veges and stuff.
It was literally restaurant quality food.
ABOVE: I don't have any idea what that stuff is, but it was GOOD! It was just so nice after all the terrible dinners. Why couldn't they do that all the time?
Anyway, I couldn't eat it all... it was so filling.
I'm now in a food coma... and am going to relax on me bed, feet up and watch some more Forensic Files on Netflix.
So thankful I kept to my guns and didn't accept the dreadful food without saying something.
I actually feel sorry for the hotel, as it is not their fault at all that the food being dished up to us is so bad! The government has the contract with the Catering Company. Nothing will change unfortunately. I just hope like hell this quarantining situation ends soon.
I was thinking you could tell them their food is inedible and not to send anymore to your room, and they should refund you the cost of the meals and you could order takeaway or In room dining. I would not be able to eat anything other than the fruit, my stomach heaves just looking at the disgusting meals they are serving. It’s very disrespectful to disregard your complaints and requests other foods, it’s like a bloody insult, no concern or care for all people in the hotel who don’t want to be in the hotel, they have to be there because of Covid surely whoever is responsible for the meals could have some compassion and make it more pleasant with some really nice food. I think it is appalling,
If I was you today I'd plan the best Uber eats meal for tonight!! Look at all that is available that will tempt your tastebuds and order in. For you sanity's sake! I am appalled at last night's awful meal and you need to post that photo far and wide on social media. I think it will go viral and if nothing else it might help others in the future. I looked at your meal last night and thought if that was me I'd just cry.
I can totally understand why too. I showed my son the photos, he is a chef and he said it is disgusting and he was shocked and it takes a lot to shock him.
I have just looked up the data for returnees who have gone into quarantine in both Australia and New Zealand - the figures are staggering - 63,000 for Australia with NSW taking the majority with the most flights in and New Zealand over 49,000. Is it possible the catering companies are getting more than a little jaded trying to cater for everyone's needs and preferences. Both Governments picked up the tab until fairly recently when they started charging $3000. I know the food isn't good but as your mum said "at least you are getting food". Think what it is like for refugees and that is for far longer than 14 days. Audrey
POINT BEING...I'm not a refugee and I am PAYING for this shit. While I am extremely GRATEFUL that I could come over here to be with my Mum, I did not expect to be fed such revolting food, with clearly NO CHOICE at all.
I didn't have a point other than trying to get you to look at the bigger picture. Our Govt has stated that the $3000 is only a partial payment for the actual cost of quarantining and I don't think you will get an itemised bill at the end so you can refuse to pay for the food. BTW, I meant refugees in camps and not ones entering either NZ or Oz - hopefully they are getting better food than you!! I do feel for you and I wouldn't want to be in your position but what about doing what others have suggested and buy-in and forget about waiting to see what the next meal will be like. Don't stop taking photos of the food as I think we all enjoy seeing what you have been given but try not to focus on it so much. Audrey
The first time I saw that, I thought it WAS a SHIP. I was surprised when you said it was a building. Don't fret about the way you spend your time. You can do whatever you want, and maybe "no projects" is what you need right now. It's good to know you have the option - but friends, family, googling, watching, and Iron Cheffing your own meals is perfectly fine!
Your paying for this quarantine you have every right to complain. Still enjoying the meal pictures so please keep us entertained. 1 week to go wahoo. Love ya blog you keep us reading every day even when your stuck in one room. Long time reader of your blog. You
Today's breakfast looks so much better! But, you know, as horrible as this is gonna sound, I think you're not going to win with the catering. Remember, they're providing meals for something like 3000 people across the city so while they're doing their best to accommodate dietary needs, they're not the Ritz. I think so long as you have alternatives for the days they have really inedible food, you're just going to have to live with their selections. I'm so sorry though. It's tough. Reminds me of jail food... lots of mass produced stews and curries.
On a brighter note, I'm wondering if that that new building that looks like a ship is the Cockle Bay wharf redevelopment. I am not good with what's going on in the city (I never go there) but from what I can see, that's the only building that looks like it could match. Depends of you're looking north (in which case that's more than likely what it is) or south west, in which case it's something totally different!
I know I'm not going to win with the food... I just have to suck it up and accept it for what it is. And no, 'my' building is nothing like the Cockle Bay development, which is further up the harbour.
Hmmm well Google isn't helping me at all then. There are a few major developments going ahead around Sydney, but no one is giving me photos (except the Cockle Bay one!) so I'm stumped! haha.
And I'm really pleased to be proven wrong about the food, too. Good onya chick!!
Perhaps you can start a puzzle at your Mom's . Then anyone can work on it as they pass by. Or maybe - like me - the IDEA of a puzzle is better than doing the puzzle. I keep buying them and NOT doing them. Oh well.
I am glad you got a decent breakfast thanks to the hotel and your ham stash. I told friends about how you were toasting sandwiches and they think you are clever. Hugs and love from northern Canada.
Hi good that breakfast is better...I doubt that the hotel staff would be allowed to intervere with the outsourced food bags...but at least you have the hotel meal options from time to time..I think they should at least let people have options of a menu with the outsouced food...
I really feel for you Chris. And so pleased they have listened to your complaints. The food hasnt been fit for animals. I love your posts. That building looks like it's on a lean? Cant wait till you get to see your awesome mum. Karen J
The building does look to be leaning, but it's just the angle from which I can see it, and photograph it. I'm quite sure it's standin' up straight! Thank you for saying my posts are OK... I was worried they were too negative. But if nothing else, I'm honest.
Good deal! Glad you had a decent meal. I think a choice of 2 options would be good. Food is not one size fits all.But, I understand that giving everyone an entire menu to choose from would be a logistical nightmare/ And all those jellies and butters you had earlier? I would want those on my croissant! I see they didn't send any today. Every one is different! So happy you were able to make a yummy out of the ingredients! Funny, how different the time is. It's almost 8 pm here and I am reading about your breakfast????? We should at least be at lunch! Take care!
Oh I'm just so blinken Happy to hear Granny is having a good day and she had a good night and that you being you is getting heard and so on.... you go Ma 💙💜💙💜💙💜 #Lacy 💙
Good for you chick for sticking to your guns a result and I’m sure others in quarantine will be thankful love all the blog post info not long now x Blondie
What a turn around. See ... sometimes you have to keep at them until someone listens. Well done. I love reading about your quarantine and don't find it negative at all. You are not a negative person. There's a difference. Love the boat/building.
OMG, Chris! You're posts during quarantine are amazing..kinda like a soap opera that I just must follow everyday! Absolutely mesmerizing! So love following your journey! God bless and keep up the good work! Keeping you and the "Old Moo" in my prayers. *Luv from America
See, your complaints, which were very valid has not only helped you but all those others in quarantine in the hotel. Good on you! That salad looked really good, and healthy. And thanks for calling me a "Mad Tart" on my blog, it made my day.
hUH, THAT'S FUNNY. jUST A SHORT WHILE AGO - i MENTIONED THAT WE USE hOTWIRE and / or priceline TO GET bargain PRICES ON hOTEL ROOMS (BUT WE GET THE VIEW OF THE PARKING RAMP). Well, one of those hotels is the "W" in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. We have stayed there quite a few times. It's a lovely hotel. Sorry about the Caps.
When your in such a limited environment food takes on a whole new concern, it’s just being human. You’ve just turned it around and made it a more positive experience, well done Chris. Jo
Oh wow Chris I’m so happy for you. So glad you stood up for yourself and other people in quarantine to make your comments about the food heard! It was your right to speak up. Congratulations
I'm so pleased that you have had a much better day catered-food-wise today. I wonder how many of us were eagerly checking your blog today to see what the next meal was going to be ... I know I was 😊. Am looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's menu will be.
I know I am Paula. It's so wrong to treat human beings so bad. Almost like they have been using old meals out of a freezer. Glad theres been an improvement for Chris. Kj
Parents to several adult kids, and 14 Grandkids (aged 1yr old to 24 yrs old). FYI: We have a large 'family', but due to many and various reasons, we only see a few now. It is what it is. Attitudes. Personalities. Narcissism. Grudges. Perceived slights/favouritism. Backstabbing. etc. DAYS. OF. OUR. LIVES. SHIT. So, you get to see those who we choose to see, and those who do still see us as FAMILY, and who love us unconditionally. The rest can live their lives and just leave us alone. Thanks.
New Zealand, it's in the South Pacific... and it's NOT a part of Australia! We are home of the All Blacks rugby team, the Kiwi (bird, but can't fly) and lots of bloody neat people!
WHO AM I? Here's where to find out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
This post is going to be a WHO AM I, and my family run down... it is for people who have not been here from the start.
Good Morning DCR 😊
ReplyDeleteyup it does look like the back of a Ship 🛳 😊
#Lacy 💙
Morning Mum...hope you have a better day today food wise.. love you stay strong.💙💙
ReplyDeleteI assume you know it is a catering contract/company and not the hotel kitchen. (That also explains why it is cold and late).
ReplyDeleteDo you know if the hotel has anything to do with the contract with the catering company at all?
When you have an event at a location and hire a catering company, usually it is two separate contracts, the hotel is not responsible for the caterer.
Is the government in charge of the quarantine? Because if they are, the contract might be between the caterer and the government.
The hotel might just be in charge of your room.
I actually feel sorry for the hotel, as it is not their fault at all that the food being dished up to us is so bad! The government has the contract with the Catering Company. Nothing will change unfortunately. I just hope like hell this quarantining situation ends soon.
DeleteI was thinking you could tell them their food is inedible and not to send anymore to your room, and they should refund you the cost of the meals and you could order takeaway or In room dining. I would not be able to eat anything other than the fruit, my stomach heaves just looking at the disgusting meals they are serving. It’s very disrespectful to disregard your complaints and requests other foods, it’s like a bloody insult, no concern or care for all people in the hotel who don’t want to be in the hotel, they have to be there because of Covid surely whoever is responsible for the meals could have some compassion and make it more pleasant with some really nice food. I think it is appalling,
ReplyDeleteNail on the head there Maggie. That is exactly how I feel. EXACTLY.
DeleteIf I was you today I'd plan the best Uber eats meal for tonight!! Look at all that is available that will tempt your tastebuds and order in. For you sanity's sake! I am appalled at last night's awful meal and you need to post that photo far and wide on social media. I think it will go viral and if nothing else it might help others in the future. I looked at your meal last night and thought if that was me I'd just cry.
ReplyDeleteI DID CRY.
DeleteI can totally understand why too. I showed my son the photos, he is a chef and he said it is disgusting and he was shocked and it takes a lot to shock him.
DeleteIs it true you don't pay the quarantine bill till the end? Refuse to pay for the food bill
ReplyDeleteI have just looked up the data for returnees who have gone into quarantine in both Australia and New Zealand - the figures are staggering - 63,000 for Australia with NSW taking the majority with the most flights in and New Zealand over 49,000. Is it possible the catering companies are getting more than a little jaded trying to cater for everyone's needs and preferences. Both Governments picked up the tab until fairly recently when they started charging $3000. I know the food isn't good but as your mum said "at least you are getting food". Think what it is like for refugees and that is for far longer than 14 days. Audrey
ReplyDeletePOINT BEING...I'm not a refugee and I am PAYING for this shit. While I am extremely GRATEFUL that I could come over here to be with my Mum, I did not expect to be fed such revolting food, with clearly NO CHOICE at all.
DeleteI didn't have a point other than trying to get you to look at the bigger picture. Our Govt has stated that the $3000 is only a partial payment for the actual cost of quarantining and I don't think you will get an itemised bill at the end so you can refuse to pay for the food. BTW, I meant refugees in camps and not ones entering either NZ or Oz - hopefully they are getting better food than you!! I do feel for you and I wouldn't want to be in your position but what about doing what others have suggested and buy-in and forget about waiting to see what the next meal will be like. Don't stop taking photos of the food as I think we all enjoy seeing what you have been given but try not to focus on it so much. Audrey
DeleteBrylees spaghetti, baked beans, toast & hash browns is looking positively gourmet compared to what you are getting.
ReplyDeleteOH how I dream of that dinner right now! With tomato sauce.
DeleteThe first time I saw that, I thought it WAS a SHIP. I was surprised when you said it was a building. Don't fret about the way you spend your time. You can do whatever you want, and maybe "no projects" is what you need right now. It's good to know you have the option - but friends, family, googling, watching, and Iron Cheffing your own meals is perfectly fine!
ReplyDeleteYour paying for this quarantine you have every right to complain. Still enjoying the meal pictures so please keep us entertained. 1 week to go wahoo. Love ya blog you keep us reading every day even when your stuck in one room.
ReplyDeleteLong time reader of your blog. You
Today's breakfast looks so much better! But, you know, as horrible as this is gonna sound, I think you're not going to win with the catering. Remember, they're providing meals for something like 3000 people across the city so while they're doing their best to accommodate dietary needs, they're not the Ritz. I think so long as you have alternatives for the days they have really inedible food, you're just going to have to live with their selections. I'm so sorry though. It's tough. Reminds me of jail food... lots of mass produced stews and curries.
ReplyDeleteOn a brighter note, I'm wondering if that that new building that looks like a ship is the Cockle Bay wharf redevelopment. I am not good with what's going on in the city (I never go there) but from what I can see, that's the only building that looks like it could match. Depends of you're looking north (in which case that's more than likely what it is) or south west, in which case it's something totally different!
I know I'm not going to win with the food... I just have to suck it up and accept it for what it is. And no, 'my' building is nothing like the Cockle Bay development, which is further up the harbour.
DeleteHmmm well Google isn't helping me at all then. There are a few major developments going ahead around Sydney, but no one is giving me photos (except the Cockle Bay one!) so I'm stumped! haha.
DeleteAnd I'm really pleased to be proven wrong about the food, too. Good onya chick!!
Perhaps you can start a puzzle at your Mom's . Then anyone can work on it as they pass by. Or maybe - like me - the IDEA of a puzzle is better than doing the puzzle. I keep buying them and NOT doing them. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you got a decent breakfast thanks to the hotel and your ham stash. I told friends about how you were toasting sandwiches and they think you are clever. Hugs and love from northern Canada.
ReplyDeleteHi good that breakfast is better...I doubt that the hotel staff would be allowed to intervere with the outsourced food bags...but at least you have the hotel meal options from time to time..I think they should at least let people have options of a menu with the outsouced food...
Seems they can influence what is being brought into their hotel! The General Manager just told me so.
DeleteI really feel for you Chris. And so pleased they have listened to your complaints. The food hasnt been fit for animals. I love your posts. That building looks like it's on a lean? Cant wait till you get to see your awesome mum. Karen J
ReplyDeleteThe building does look to be leaning, but it's just the angle from which I can see it, and photograph it. I'm quite sure it's standin' up straight! Thank you for saying my posts are OK... I was worried they were too negative. But if nothing else, I'm honest.
DeleteFab response Chris from the phone calls ,,
ReplyDeleteHave a fab rest of the day up n up on the food from now on
Love the back of the ship 🛳 too..
Cheers 🥂
Good deal! Glad you had a decent meal. I think a choice of 2 options would be good. Food is not one size fits all.But, I understand that giving everyone an entire menu to choose from would be a logistical nightmare/ And all those jellies and butters you had earlier? I would want those on my croissant! I see they didn't send any today. Every one is different! So happy you were able to make a yummy out of the ingredients! Funny, how different the time is. It's almost 8 pm here and I am reading about your breakfast????? We should at least be at lunch! Take care!
ReplyDeleteHow are your swollen feet & ankles?
So loving your honesty re the meals etc.They aren't fit for human consumption.
Take care.
I would say similar to yesterday, but as I just said on today's post, I'm workin' on it! *smiles*
DeleteHow wonderful !! you have some action on the food front, good on you!
Oh I'm just so blinken Happy to hear Granny is having a good day and she had a good night and that you being you is getting heard and so on.... you go Ma 💙💜💙💜💙💜
ReplyDelete#Lacy 💙
Good for you chick for sticking to your guns a result and I’m sure others in quarantine will be thankful love all the blog post info not long now x
What a turn around. See ... sometimes you have to keep at them until someone listens. Well done. I love reading about your quarantine and don't find it negative at all. You are not a negative person. There's a difference.
ReplyDeleteLove the boat/building.
Happy to hear you gave the lunch a high score, I was going to say - it looks like something i WOULD buY.
ReplyDeletethat food is 100% better! well done you for getting some action
ReplyDeleteOMG, Chris! You're posts during quarantine are amazing..kinda like a soap opera that I just must follow everyday! Absolutely mesmerizing! So love following your journey! God bless and keep up the good work! Keeping you and the "Old Moo" in my prayers. *Luv from America
ReplyDeleteWho knew sitting in a room on my own for two weeks could be so... interesting! You are rather funny too.
DeleteSee, your complaints, which were very valid has not only helped you but all those others in quarantine in the hotel. Good on you! That salad looked really good, and healthy. And thanks for calling me a "Mad Tart" on my blog, it made my day.
ReplyDeletehUH, THAT'S FUNNY. jUST A SHORT WHILE AGO - i MENTIONED THAT WE USE hOTWIRE and / or priceline TO GET bargain PRICES ON hOTEL ROOMS (BUT WE GET THE VIEW OF THE PARKING RAMP). Well, one of those hotels is the "W" in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. We have stayed there quite a few times. It's a lovely hotel. Sorry about the Caps.
ReplyDeleteScore, well done Chris :)
ReplyDeleteBe sure to provide your positive feedback to the hotel & catering company for their improvements :-)
ReplyDeleteAlready done mate.
DeleteWhen your in such a limited environment food takes on a whole new concern, it’s just being human. You’ve just turned it around and made it a more positive experience, well done Chris. Jo
ReplyDeletelololol you now know more about my city than me!!!!..... very educational
ReplyDeleteLove all the research you have done on the City Chris,,
ReplyDeleteDriving through there all we see is the concrete but aerial views are cool,
Fabulous that the days aren’t dragging with all your devices and city watching
The old saying A City never sleeps,,,
Hope dinner is as good as lunch n the smoothie was a nice gesture
Cheers 🥂
Oh wow Chris I’m so happy for you. So glad you stood up for yourself and other people in quarantine to make your comments about the food heard! It was your right to speak up. Congratulations
ReplyDeleteWow dinner looks amazing. I’m having frozen pizza lol, just a bit jealous but I do like chick peas I’m glad you stick to your guns Complaining
Wowza that looks delicious night another day done n dusted
What a brilliant food day... I think that stuff might be couscous. Let's hope food is good again tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI think it mught be quinoa
DeleteIt does look like quinoa. What a delicious looking bowl of food. Such an improvement. Glad you enjoyed it Chris.
DeleteGood on you Chris! Not too long now before you see your mum xx
ReplyDeleteSo thrilled that you had a happy day with food and with your mum feeling good. Sleep well tonight
ReplyDeleteYay, a good day...enjoy your food coma.
ReplyDeleteLet’s hope it continues into tomorrow
Well the squeaky wheel got oiled!! Well done Chris! The food you’ve had today looks really good!
ReplyDeleteAlly S Melbourne
I'm so pleased that you have had a much better day catered-food-wise today. I wonder how many of us were eagerly checking your blog today to see what the next meal was going to be ... I know I was
ReplyDelete😊. Am looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's menu will be.
I know I am Paula. It's so wrong to treat human beings so bad. Almost like they have been using old meals out of a freezer. Glad theres been an improvement for Chris. Kj
DeleteIt is just shocking how quickly the time is going, hard to believe you are half way already.
ReplyDeleteFinally! Looks as though all your efforts have paid off. I too think it looks like a boat/ship. Yeah to surviving week 1.
ReplyDeleteFinally some decent food for you!