I feel like I'm starting to settle into this Quarantine thing now.
And believe it or not, I'm NOT BORED YET!
Not at all. I'm actually loving the peace and quiet, with no demands on my time. All I have to do each day is make me bed!
I tried NOT making it yesterday morning (you know, just to change the routine), but by 9.30 I had to do it, it was doing my head in. 😛
Yesterday my nieces took the long awaited 'FIVE GENERATION' photos.
And a few others too:
ABOVE: Just GORGEOUS! Mum, M, Shelley, Ashlee and Ardie.
And clearly little Ardie is a dream baby!
ABOVE: My niece Christina, Mum and Ardie.
ABOVE: Mum and her darling Ron. Gosh I can't wait to see them.
ABOVE: Mum suits blue like me ... isn't she gorgeus! And don't say bullshit Mum. You do look lovely, so there.
Well... it will be another day watching the traffic, the construction on the huge building, the ferris wheel and... ???? Ya just never know what could happen out the window.
I live in hope for some sort of action. 😂😆😅
The bathroom here is tiled from floor to ceiling. I do have to wonder who chose the tiles?
Cos seriously ... it looks like somebody threw shit on the walls in LOTS of places:
ABOVE: See? LOOKS...LIKE...SHIT. There's another splodge on the floor by the loo... just looks like someone had a poop on the floor!
Shame really, cos overall this hotel is very nice.
From what I have seen of it that is.
MAGPIE: The tiles are very clean! The brown splotches are part of the pattern! None of the windows open. I've turned the air con off as it was too cold, and having it set at 26 C made no difference.
ABOVE: Arrived promptly at 7 am. Like the water, I reckon they have to provide drinks? Anyway... that pastry was DELICIOUS! There was nothing in the middle of it (shame), but it was still very, very nice. I won't be eating the Nutri Grain, and the pear I have put aside until it is a bit more ripe.
So, breakfast today gets a very nice 8/10.
Clearly it doesn't take much to make me happy right now.
ABOVE: There were two sachets of chocolate drink in the room when I arrived. I made one this morning. VERY YUM! Shame there's only two. But then it doesn't matter cos I only ever have a hot drink... about 4 times a year! 😂
Oh there was another question: Linen. Every 4 days they give you fresh towels, bathroom amenities and the like. ONCE a week they give you fresh linen for the bed.
There is absolutely no room service in relation to cleaning... NO ONE is allowed to enter the room.
Unless there is a medical emergency. Or you test positive for Covid-19, in which case I suppose you are transferred to another place.
That's what they do in New Zealand anyway.
I need to clarify something, because I've had quite a few really mean and nasty comments in relation to my trip over here.
I AM NOT ON HOLIDAY! I have not LIED to get over here.
I am here on 'Compassionate Grounds'. My Mum is terminally ill, and I am here to spend every last minute I can with her. To support her and Ron during this incredibly difficult time.
So... please stop with the horrible comments. I will NEVER publish them, so you are wasting your time leaving them.
I find it amazing that some people can be so cruel.
12.48 pm: And here it is, another meal update:
ABOVE: We have a coleslaw with exactly 10 tiny pieces of salmon on top, with some soy sauce and another sauce, I have no idea what it was.
Then there was a rice paper roll which was very, very delicious! I would have rather had two of them than the salmon 'Poke Bowl' any day. And the obligatory bottle of water.
No snacks. Not even fruit.
Today's lunch gets a 6/10, cos I only threw half of it in the bin!
Oh well... it's just as well I've been saving fruit... and I also have the snacks Colleen sent me yesterday.
I'm not going to fade away any time soon!
I just had a nice conversation with my Mum. She's having a good day. She certainly sounds good. Very reassuring.
ABOVE: Gosh! I really should do the dishes.
Just another quiet afternoon here in isolation.
Dinner is another 3 hours away.
I have a feeling if dinner is another goddam stew the whole lot will be going in the bin.
My grocery order arrived, so I can now do my washing. Well... all the small, necessary stuff anyway. That should take me... oh about 10 minutes. 😏
7.30 pm: Dinner arrived:
ABOVE: And shock! Horror! It's ANOTHER stew. And the exact same veges 4 nights in a row now.
I took one tiny mouthful. OMG! SO hot... as in CHILLI.
I can't eat any food that is HOT and spicy.
Oh and it is COLD.
I'm actually furious.
Tonight's dinner gets a damn 1/10. The one is for the orange.
IT IS ALL GOING IN THE BIN. This food is a disgrace!!!
ABOVE: And this is what an ANGRY KIWI does when she's hungry and wants something decent and HOT (not spicy) to eat!
ABOVE: And I'll have you know, that toasted sandwich was amazing! Nice and hot, and tasty and just totally made my evening.
And ... here ends my day of posting while in quarantine.
I would freak out if I saw those marks on the tiles, can you get someone to clean them properly? How are you managing with the air conditioning, I have stayed at The Park Royal Darling Harbour and I don’t think the windows opened. I am surprised that you don’t get any exercise and fresh air time. Maybe it is different in every state. I think you are doing so well, and your journals every day are actually entertaining and funny. I am glad that you
You and your mom both look great in blue. Very nice pictures. I keep looking at your blog to see what your next meal is like. Im obsessed now! LOL Plus I would be staring out the window all day-I am sure you see interesting things. Hope your stay is going fast for you. I will check back later to see what your breakfast was like!
Good Morning DCR 😊 Granny you do look really lovely in Blue, well lovely all together 😊💙
And what Ma is really saying is that yesterday when packed a sh*t about the food... she really did thro her shit around and now she can't scrub it off the walls or floor so she's trying to cover her little tantie lol 😂 🤣 **jjs but it was funny in my head** 😂 love ya Ma #Lacy 💙
Chris, your niece Christina looks like you. And that baby makes my arms ache to hold and rock one. There's nothing that makes me happier than rocking a baby! Well, crafting comes close. As soon as I get my blog back up, I'll try to be brave and show some crafts I'm doing. By the way, did you ever find the fairy? PS. Have you thought of making a collage type of poster thing from pictures of your confinement? You could name it "Covid Confinement Collage"
YES Laura! I found the freakin' fairy... took me ages though. I reckon you can see, find all sorts of things in those paintings. *smiles* As for a poster... well we will see. There's this quarantine to get through, then the one on my homeward journey too. Just taking it one day at a time right now. Not looking forward too much.
I love reading your adventures every day. Like when you were in NZ, you are positive and entertaining, though not afraid to call things out. I love your mothers outfits, but then blue is my favourite colour too and I am blonde. I'd love that food, as I happily exist on carbs, fruit and some veggies. It must be hard for them to cater for all food tastes, but you would think they'd listen to you, eg you said no tea and coffee.
Have you tried the Nutri Grain, it isn't bad and full of fibre. You can eat it without milk. Regarding the tea and coffee sachets - they probably have a conveyor type putting together of food parcels so would be difficult to leave some out - easier to just put them in. At least back in New Zealand you will have a menu for three days after the first day - I read that somewhere. The days are coming down fast now and as you are not bored, it is all good. Audrey
I've been following your blog for quite some time and really enjoy it. Learned a lot about life in NZ and now am looking forward to life in Australia once you're free. I don't know how you survive on those meals in the hotel!!!!! Blue is definitely your color and your Mum's. When you head back home, maybe you should take up learning knitting - while you're in lockdown. Hang in there.
Good Morning! It wine time for me. Your Mum does look great in blue! A FIVE Generation photo! That is amazing. I do not think I will see 3 generations below me in my lifetime. Maybe one. Or maybe none. I have 1 son who is 22 right now. What else. I can not believe people leave you nasty comments. Why are people so mean? There is no reason to go find some blog on the internet, read it faithfully enough to know what is going on, then leave asshole comments. WTH? You have made it very clear from day one - why you are going to Australia! Not only that, I believe you are going from the only Covid-free country in the world to one with a pretty bad outbreak. Sounds like a blast! Stupid idiot mean comment leaver! I bet, if you asked nicely, the hotel would give you more cocoa! Oh! I have a funny story. A few years ago, I went sky-diving. A tandem jump. It was really fun. My son was about 16 at the time and he and my husband came and greeted me at the landing. So, I thought it would be great fun in 2 years to have 1 three generation sky dive. My son, My Mom, and Me. But we had to wait until the kiddo was 18 (legal BS). So, guess who chickened out???!!! The 18 year old! I sometimes wonder if he is truly my kid, doesn't like roller coasters either. Takes after his Dad in that way! Anyhow - have a lovely day! What else. Oh, I cracked up about your poo tile comments! That was so funny. Trust me, I rarely Laugh Out Loud! And somehow - my wordage got out of order. Don't care to edit! Bye for now!
I wish we were Covid free although we have done really well and better than a lot of countries. Our Govt has stepped up really well but the restrictions are getting worse - hopefully they will have stamped out the community transmission before too long. Audrey
Hi sorry to hear about the nasty comments...also Dogstars..Australia does not have a bad outbreak if fact we are very low compared to the rest of the world...in my city we don't have any cases and havent for more than two months and we only had a few cases previously from overseas travel..no community spread at all...if you look at the graphs from the world Austalia is low...also Sydney has the same population as the whole of New Zealand. Austrlia has 25 million so some areas are having some outbreaks still very small compared to the rest of the world...and like us New Zealand is an island..so both countries are very lucky... Chris you and I would get on so well I don't have hot drinks either and like to drink my coke zero...but I also drink water especially if it has bubbles...ps and champagne...lol. Your mother looks pretty...yes you can eat the nutrigrain as a snack...lol..
Oh Good! I am glad Australia is not having a bad outbreak. I am sorry. I thought I heard something in the news. Probably my Country trying to pretend it's not the worst as far as Covid goes. But of course we are. Glad Australia is in good shape.
Unfortunately there are always weak, pathetic individuals who hide behind the anonymity of the keyboard and get their jollies by trying to bring others down. They must be very sad, bitter, dissatisfied people. Not you, though. Your positivity shines through. Love the photos of the Old Moo. I can see where you get your looks from. Had to laugh at Lacy's explanation of the marks on the bathroom tiles. She might be onto something!!
How can people claim they follow this blog on a regular basis and not know you had to apply to come to Australia on Compassionate Grounds due to your Mum's illness? They are just plain mean-spirited. I am enjoying your blog daily. I did have to google the time in Australia though as I was worried your blog was later posting. So now I know there is a time difference of two hours between New Zealand and I assume the eastern part of Australia. Thank you and hugs.
Who are these effing twats saying nasty things!!! Get a grip you keyboard warriors yes for your information I am pissed 😤 THE OLD MOO looks gorgeous and Ron bless them both 🙏 what's for dinner Stew?? Take care thinking of you chick 💙 George's Mum.
I'm with you on thst George's Mum, they are effing twats, bloody pathetic keyboard warriors... but we need to be better people then them, they obviously have their own personal issues and feel the need to tale their anger and petty pathetic-Ness out on others, and for that I feel sorry for them and wish them all the best in life...
oh and btw all comments coming thro wether published or not have a IPN number spacificly to their computer or what not....so keep it up and see what happens #dampathetictrolls love ya Ma night night #Lacy 💙
Hi Chris, are you at the “holiday inn” Darling harbour? We stayed there last October and the room/tiles look familiar! Anna - long time follower (at least 10 years) but never commented before
WOW Anna! Ten years and never commented! That's impressive... thanks for FINALLY leaving one !!! I am in the Park Royal Hotel... it's very nice. My room is a good size thank goodness. I actually have room to swing a cat! lol
I can't help but come and read the blog updates you post Chris just so I know what they are feeding you! It's ben rather sub-standard in my opinion to date. 🤣 I can't believe you're up to day four already! You will be with you mum before you know it! How are Stew & Brylee's dinners though?
There is a Facebook page for you to look at... 'Hotel quarantine Australia'. Go and post on there, lots of others are. It might be a good place to vent. It seems some are getting better food than others.
Have followed your blog forever but I am seriously addicted to your quarantine posts! You are doing so well, so impressed. OMG the food situation is dreadful! Thank you for sharing photos of your beautiful mother and family. Very attractive family 💙💙
Sorry to hear the food is not to your taste but I’d be careful about throwing it in the hallway. I suspect the Hotel could charge you for cleaning. Not to mention it would break the quarantine aspects of all your rubbish going in the one bin etc and could lead to further problems with authorities. It’s a shame you don’t get a small meal selection to choose from so you could at least avoid spicy food. And annoying that the food is reaching you cold. You’d think they would have a proper system for that by now. Liz
I just looked out the door... and I suppose luckily it isn't all over the floor. It landed on the table and stayed there! That was rather lucky. I cannot stress enough how disgusting the evening 'meals' are! I have had to buy in food so I can feed myself!
The photos of your Mum are so lovely ... she definitely suits blue, just as you do.
Your toasted sandwich looks like meal of the day! I would could see myself losing a lot of weight on the "hotel hell diet" you are receiving.
A couple of interesting Facebook pages you might like to check out ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/939750759769956/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/231584044706171/
The hotels and authorities still have an obligation to ensure people receive adequate, healthy food options, and clearly they are missing the mark on that one.
I think, my opinion, you just let the food thing go.
Clearly it is not well organized. Clearly you are not going to be able to eat 50-75% of what they give you.
I suggest you order supplies so you can feed yourself happily/reliably, order meals in a couple times a week, pick out what you can of what is provided and just go from there.
I have no idea if they keep lists or rosters, but they might. You were super lucky to get in this time. You might need back into Australia at some point in the future, so you might not want to be the squeaky wheel.
Clearly it is not fair, pretty stupid, and totally avoidable, but it is what it is. And I do not think you have to be put in the stressful situation as the one to change it.
If you change to “what can I use from the bag to supplement my stores”, probably less frustrating.
I love your ingenuity!! And ironed sandwich. And it looked darn good. That bread with all of those lovely seeds...YUM!!
Glad to see you hanging in there and that you can at least feed yourself...that catering company s/b fired. I would be crying and screaming at this point. Good job!! XO
Sending peace, tight hugs, and love to you and your mum today!!
HAHA - I am so glad you actually tried the Iron trick AND it worked beautifully! It seems like they should at least offer you a choice between two meals. So you could have a tiny bit of input. Poke Bowls are kind of trendy right now, although I have never had one.
Hi Chris. I have been a long time reader of yours.I love your posts, they are so informative and interesting and funny😂. Iam so sorry about the circumstances of your visit and I can’t wait to see posts of you being reunited with your gorgeous Mum. Take care and all the best. Christine from Australia XXX
Parents to several adult kids, and 14 Grandkids (aged 1yr old to 24 yrs old). FYI: We have a large 'family', but due to many and various reasons, we only see a few now. It is what it is. Attitudes. Personalities. Narcissism. Grudges. Perceived slights/favouritism. Backstabbing. etc. DAYS. OF. OUR. LIVES. SHIT. So, you get to see those who we choose to see, and those who do still see us as FAMILY, and who love us unconditionally. The rest can live their lives and just leave us alone. Thanks.
New Zealand, it's in the South Pacific... and it's NOT a part of Australia! We are home of the All Blacks rugby team, the Kiwi (bird, but can't fly) and lots of bloody neat people!
WHO AM I? Here's where to find out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
This post is going to be a WHO AM I, and my family run down... it is for people who have not been here from the start.
I would freak out if I saw those marks on the tiles, can you get someone to clean them properly? How are you managing with the air conditioning, I have stayed at The Park Royal Darling Harbour and I don’t think the windows opened. I am surprised that you don’t get any exercise and fresh air time. Maybe it is different in every state. I think you are doing so well, and your journals every day are actually entertaining and funny. I am glad that you
ReplyDeleteYou and your mom both look great in blue. Very nice pictures. I keep looking at your blog to see what your next meal is like. Im obsessed now! LOL Plus I would be staring out the window all day-I am sure you see interesting things. Hope your stay is going fast for you. I will check back later to see what your breakfast was like!
ReplyDeleteI love hearing about your quarantine experience. I hope it keeps going as well as it has so far.
ReplyDeleteWill you have to change the sheets after the first week or you're stuck with them for 2 weeks?
ReplyDeleteGood Morning DCR 😊
ReplyDeleteGranny you do look really lovely in Blue, well lovely all together 😊💙
And what Ma is really saying is that yesterday when packed a sh*t about the food... she really did thro her shit around and now she can't scrub it off the walls or floor so she's trying to cover her little tantie lol 😂 🤣
**jjs but it was funny in my head** 😂
love ya Ma
#Lacy 💙
LMAO on the tile! Lovely photos of mom and family!
ReplyDeleteChris, your niece Christina looks like you. And that baby makes my arms ache to hold and rock one. There's nothing that makes me happier than rocking a baby! Well, crafting comes close. As soon as I get my blog back up, I'll try to be brave and show some crafts I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, did you ever find the fairy?
PS. Have you thought of making a collage type of poster thing from pictures of your confinement? You could name it "Covid Confinement Collage"
YES Laura! I found the freakin' fairy... took me ages though. I reckon you can see, find all sorts of things in those paintings. *smiles* As for a poster... well we will see. There's this quarantine to get through, then the one on my homeward journey too. Just taking it one day at a time right now. Not looking forward too much.
DeleteI love reading your adventures every day. Like when you were in NZ, you are positive and entertaining, though not afraid to call things out. I love your mothers outfits, but then blue is my favourite colour too and I am blonde. I'd love that food, as I happily exist on carbs, fruit and some veggies. It must be hard for them to cater for all food tastes, but you would think they'd listen to you, eg you said no tea and coffee.
ReplyDeleteForgot what i was gonna say but anyho have a good day
ReplyDeleteHave you tried the Nutri Grain, it isn't bad and full of fibre. You can eat it without milk. Regarding the tea and coffee sachets - they probably have a conveyor type putting together of food parcels so would be difficult to leave some out - easier to just put them in. At least back in New Zealand you will have a menu for three days after the first day - I read that somewhere. The days are coming down fast now and as you are not bored, it is all good. Audrey
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog for quite some time and really enjoy it. Learned a lot about life in NZ and now am looking forward to life in Australia once you're free. I don't know how you survive on those meals in the hotel!!!!! Blue is definitely your color and your Mum's. When you head back home, maybe you should take up learning knitting - while you're in lockdown. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteI can knit... in fact way, way better than my crochet skills. Thanks for the suggestion though.
DeleteWhat gorgeous pics...truly lovely ones of The Old Moo. Old Moo, I’m with your daughter, you do look gorgeous in blue....and so does your daughter 😊
ReplyDeleteGood Morning! It wine time for me. Your Mum does look great in blue!
ReplyDeleteA FIVE Generation photo! That is amazing. I do not think I will see 3 generations below me in my lifetime. Maybe one. Or maybe none. I have 1 son who is 22 right now. What else. I can not believe people leave you nasty comments. Why are people so mean? There is no reason to go find some blog on the internet, read it faithfully enough to know what is going on, then leave asshole comments. WTH?
You have made it very clear from day one - why you are going to Australia! Not only that, I believe you are going from the only Covid-free country in the world to one with a pretty bad outbreak. Sounds like a blast! Stupid idiot mean comment leaver!
I bet, if you asked nicely, the hotel would give you more cocoa!
Oh! I have a funny story. A few years ago, I went sky-diving. A tandem jump. It was really fun. My son was about 16 at the time and he and my husband came and greeted me at the landing. So, I thought it would be great fun in 2 years to have 1 three generation sky dive. My son, My Mom, and Me. But we had to wait until the kiddo was 18 (legal BS). So, guess who chickened out???!!! The 18 year old! I sometimes wonder if he is truly my kid, doesn't like roller coasters either. Takes after his Dad in that way!
Anyhow - have a lovely day!
What else.
Oh, I cracked up about your poo tile comments! That was so funny. Trust me, I rarely Laugh Out Loud!
And somehow - my wordage got out of order. Don't care to edit! Bye for now!
I wish we were Covid free although we have done really well and better than a lot of countries. Our Govt has stepped up really well but the restrictions are getting worse - hopefully they will have stamped out the community transmission before too long. Audrey
DeleteI know you had a few unexplained cases recently. But, by comparison to the rest of the world New Zealand is as close as it gets to Covid-free.
DeleteReally fabulous family pictures!
ReplyDeleteI cant believe people would be nasty to you! That is horrible, I swear some people just plain suck. I am sorry that some just have no shame
ReplyDeleteHi sorry to hear about the nasty comments...also Dogstars..Australia does not have a bad outbreak if fact we are very low compared to the rest of the world...in my city we don't have any cases and havent for more than two months and we only had a few cases previously from overseas travel..no community spread at all...if you look at the graphs from the world Austalia is low...also Sydney has the same population as the whole of New Zealand. Austrlia has 25 million so some areas are having some outbreaks still very small compared to the rest of the world...and like us New Zealand is an island..so both countries are very lucky... Chris you and I would get on so well I don't have hot drinks either and like to drink my coke zero...but I also drink water especially if it has bubbles...ps and champagne...lol. Your mother looks pretty...yes you can eat the nutrigrain as a snack...lol..
Oh Good! I am glad Australia is not having a bad outbreak. I am sorry. I thought I heard something in the news. Probably my Country trying to pretend it's not the worst as far as Covid goes. But of course we are. Glad Australia is in good shape.
DeleteUnfortunately there are always weak, pathetic individuals who hide behind the anonymity of the keyboard and get their jollies by trying to bring others down. They must be very sad, bitter, dissatisfied people. Not you, though. Your positivity shines through. Love the photos of the Old Moo. I can see where you get your looks from.
ReplyDeleteHad to laugh at Lacy's explanation of the marks on the bathroom tiles. She might be onto something!!
Your mum is just beautiful. What lovely family pictures.
ReplyDeleteHow can people claim they follow this blog on a regular basis and not know you had to apply to come to Australia on Compassionate Grounds due to your Mum's illness? They are just plain mean-spirited. I am enjoying your blog daily. I did have to google the time in Australia though as I was worried your blog was later posting. So now I know there is a time difference of two hours between New Zealand and I assume the eastern part of Australia. Thank you and hugs.
ReplyDeleteSTUFF THE TROLLS!!! 😠 😠 😠
ReplyDelete#Lacy 💙
Hi Dogstars you would love Australia and New Zealand...where do you live? I have relatives in CAnada and America..
What beautiful photos of your mum. She certainly does suit blue. Sending hugz to help combat all those nasty comments (some people are so sick). Mxx
ReplyDeleteLovely photos of mum and family..
ReplyDeleteThis time in 2 weeks you will be there enjoying yourself with the all and the stunning place they live in,
Loving the meal updates,,
It’s gr8 that you can get food delivered and fabulous the care packages from Colleen so kind..
Sounds like all back home are going good
Big hi to the. All ✈️✈️
Cheers 🥂
Who are these effing twats saying nasty things!!! Get a grip you keyboard warriors yes for your information I am pissed 😤 THE OLD MOO looks gorgeous and Ron bless them both 🙏 what's for dinner Stew?? Take care thinking of you chick 💙 George's Mum.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on thst George's Mum, they are effing twats, bloody pathetic keyboard warriors...
Deletebut we need to be better people then them, they obviously have their own personal issues and feel the need to tale their anger and petty pathetic-Ness out on others, and for that I feel sorry for them and wish them all the best in life...
oh and btw all comments coming thro wether published or not have a IPN number spacificly to their computer or what not....so keep it up and see what happens #dampathetictrolls
love ya Ma night night
#Lacy 💙
Hi Chris, are you at the “holiday inn”
ReplyDeleteDarling harbour? We stayed there last October and the room/tiles look familiar! Anna - long time follower (at least 10 years) but never commented before
WOW Anna! Ten years and never commented! That's impressive... thanks for FINALLY leaving one !!! I am in the Park Royal Hotel... it's very nice. My room is a good size thank goodness. I actually have room to swing a cat! lol
DeleteHi Chris, maybe I got my math wrong but I’ve been reading since before Dante/Kiera were born anyway. Maybe I’ll comment more often now. Cheers Anna
DeleteI can't help but come and read the blog updates you post Chris just so I know what they are feeding you! It's ben rather sub-standard in my opinion to date. 🤣 I can't believe you're up to day four already! You will be with you mum before you know it! How are Stew & Brylee's dinners though?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure if Stew is cooking they are lovely. Brylee cooking? Well let's just say she has to keep practising. lol
DeleteYou Mum looks so beautiful, the blue top,and her blue glasses suit her so well.
ReplyDeleteThere is a Facebook page for you to look at... 'Hotel quarantine Australia'. Go and post on there, lots of others are. It might be a good place to vent. It seems some are getting better food than others.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Facebook page too... 'Rate my plate Australian hotel quarantine food.'
DeleteI had a look. Seems bad food abounds. So 'glad' I'm not the only person finding the food utter crap.
DeleteOrder yourself,something nice from the in room dining and if it’s shite or cold, or both tell them you want a refund,
ReplyDeleteBeautiful family photos Chris. Sorry to hear you are still getting horrible food and I find it really distressing to read about the comments.
ReplyDeleteHave followed your blog forever but I am seriously addicted to your quarantine posts! You are doing so well, so impressed. OMG the food situation is dreadful! Thank you for sharing photos of your beautiful mother and family. Very attractive family 💙💙
ReplyDeleteTold ya the iron and baking paper would work 👍🏼👍🏼
ReplyDeleteIt did indeed! Thanks so much for suggesting it Kate.
DeleteSorry to hear the food is not to your taste but I’d be careful about throwing it in the hallway. I suspect the Hotel could charge you for cleaning. Not to mention it would break the quarantine aspects of all your rubbish going in the one bin etc and could lead to further problems with authorities.
ReplyDeleteIt’s a shame you don’t get a small meal selection to choose from so you could at least avoid spicy food. And annoying that the food is reaching you cold. You’d think they would have a proper system for that by now. Liz
I just looked out the door... and I suppose luckily it isn't all over the floor. It landed on the table and stayed there! That was rather lucky. I cannot stress enough how disgusting the evening 'meals' are! I have had to buy in food so I can feed myself!
DeleteThe photos of your Mum are so lovely ... she definitely suits blue, just as you do.
ReplyDeleteYour toasted sandwich looks like meal of the day! I would could see myself losing a lot of weight on the "hotel hell diet" you are receiving.
A couple of interesting Facebook pages you might like to check out ...
The hotels and authorities still have an obligation to ensure people receive adequate, healthy food options, and clearly they are missing the mark on that one.
Options?? Ha ha.. you don't get options, you have no choice what is delivered. NONE.
DeleteI think, my opinion, you just let the food thing go.
ReplyDeleteClearly it is not well organized. Clearly you are not going to be able to eat 50-75% of what they give you.
I suggest you order supplies so you can feed yourself happily/reliably, order meals in a couple times a week, pick out what you can of what is provided and just go from there.
I have no idea if they keep lists or rosters, but they might. You were super lucky to get in this time. You might need back into Australia at some point in the future, so you might not want to be the squeaky wheel.
Clearly it is not fair, pretty stupid, and totally avoidable, but it is what it is. And I do not think you have to be put in the stressful situation as the one to change it.
If you change to “what can I use from the bag to supplement my stores”, probably less frustrating.
I love your ingenuity!! And ironed sandwich. And it looked darn good. That bread with all of those lovely seeds...YUM!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you hanging in there and that you can at least feed yourself...that catering company s/b fired. I would be crying and screaming at this point. Good job!! XO
Sending peace, tight hugs, and love to you and your mum today!!
Ky Girl
HAHA - I am so glad you actually tried the Iron trick AND it worked beautifully! It seems like they should at least offer you a choice between two meals. So you could have a tiny bit of input. Poke Bowls are kind of trendy right now, although I have never had one.
ReplyDeleteHi Chris. I have been a long time reader of yours.I love your posts, they are so informative and interesting and funny😂. Iam so sorry about the circumstances of your visit and I can’t wait to see posts of you being reunited with your gorgeous Mum. Take care and all the best. Christine from Australia XXX
ReplyDeleteThat's awful that the food is shit most of the time! What about healthy takeaways? 0r a fancy pizza?
ReplyDeleteSo sorry the food is crap Chris, wish I was closer to send you something edible!!
ReplyDeleteLMAO on the throwing the stew. Hey can you order a hot plate?