Saturday, April 18, 2020


Following on from yesterday, I repeat:

ABOVE: Here's some fun for you.

If you can guess what's under the towel in Brylee's lap, I will gift you that bird Table Runner that I made on Wednesday!

Yep. Give it to ya. But you have to be 99% correct with your guess. Steve/Bex/Brylee and Stew ... you can't guess.

Let's see what sort of guesses we get!

You have until midday TODAY to guess. (NZ time) GOOD LUCK!

Winner will be the first person to guess correctly. Winner, (if there is one), will be announced after midday.

So, Stew and I did a little job together last night, getting the next tree addition ready to be put up. We will do that soon, and then show you.

I have to get it up fairly early today as there was an elder gentleman on the footpath the other day talking to me, and I told him Saturday's addition was going to be a bit different. And he said he will walk around at 9 am to see it. So ... we can't dither today!

And on that note... I might just roll over and catch another 40 winks before I really should get up. *SMILES*


So tired!  It rained all night long... and I know this cos I woke pretty much every hour.  Grrrr.

But it is a lovely cool day, overcast and about to rain again.  I almost decided not to go and hang the next addition on the tree, as it is doubtful anyone is out and about in this weather.

But we did.

ABOVE:  We now have a clown on a swing.  I have to admit I did not knit this particular clown... he was in our toy box.  I have knitted them before though, many moons ago.

I'm sure the little kids will enjoy seeing him up there.

MIDDAY:  AND... yes!  We have a winner.
Last night Anna guessed homemade bread, and I thought that was pretty close!  But this morning Robyn (George's Mum) guessed 100% spot on.

"Morning buggered if I know has Brylee made bread and keeping it warm while it rises lol!!"

So:  Brylee and I were making dinner last night, and part of that was Naan Bread.  Once it was ready to rise in the bowl, I thought... "Hmmm, where's somewhere warm for it to rise for half an hour?"  And I decided Brylee's lap would be perfect!  lol

So there ya go, it was a bowl of naan bread, in a warm spot on Brylee's lap!

ROBYN,  text me your address so I can send you your gift!  Might have to wait till the post shop opens though? 

I had a lovely video chat with a girlfriend down in Palmerston North this morning.  Weird how we don't think of doing that normally.  Lovely yakking with you Sandra.

ANNA:  Surprise surprise!  Robyn has very kindly asked me to 'pay it forward' and gift you the Table Runner!  So please get in touch with me on my email: so I can send it to you.

Well... I've literally just sat on me butt today and made bits for the tree!
So tiring just sitting!

Bugger all on TV tonight so might go to bed a bit earlier than usual.  


  1. A set of cooking goods, like mixing bowls and such?

  2. Baking supplies / baking equipment?

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    well its not me lol coz that would just be all kinds of wrong and weird 😂🤣
    #Lacy 💙

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Morning buggered if I know has Brylee made bread and keeping it warm while it rises lol!! Expecting 25 degrees today singlet and shorts weather. George's Mum.

  5. Love the clown hanging from your tree .... very cute.

    Is Brylee hiding something she baked ... or maybe some other type of food/snack?

  6. Kiwionholidays10:12 AM

    Loving the clown on the swing
    Looks awesome,,

    Will look in later to see the answer to Brylees hidden gem


  7. Oh ya - the clown is goood!

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Omg that tree is so gorgeous. Look at how you have made people smile Chris and brightened their day in this crappy time. And us blog readers! You are awesome.

    Is Brylee holding more wool, new clothes, a puppy, ...kj

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Bunny Rabbit? :) ~Nicole in CA

  10. It's a kiwi! Ok, maybe not. The clown is perfect.

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Yay! I have never won anything! Thank you!!!🥰🥰🥰 -Anna

    1. Sorry honey.. .but Robyn guessed 100% so she is our winner.

  12. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Oops! Jumped the gun there! Congratulations to the winner!-Anna

    1. Hey Anna... Robyn has asked to pay it forward and have me give you the Table Runner... so please send me your address. Send me via email:

    2. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Email sent! Thank you so much!🥰-Anna

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    What is that gorgeous orange plant in front of your fence. It is beautiful. Kj

  14. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hey Chris what a bloody hard case me guessing correctly if it's not against the grain would you consider giving it to Anna? I have a few table runners that my 83 year old Mum has made would love to push it forward if possible. George's Mum.

    1. What a wonderful gesture Robyn! Oh course I am happy to gift it to Anna! I will let her know. ♥ Thank You ♥

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      All good chick we're only here once and you and Stew have been a big part of our lives for a few years now. Enjoy Anna 👍💗

    3. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Thank you so very much Robyn! -Anna

  15. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Oh Robyn that is so kind of you thank you!!!!😘😘😘😘 -Anna


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