Friday, September 02, 2016


OK... let's humiliate someone else today ...


Decided to strip her hair so she can put in some fancy colours, so the first step was last night:

 ABOVE:  Yep, that's cling wrap on her head.  lol

 ABOVE: And, it didn't take all the colour out... so now she might just be WEARING A HAT for a while.  *lol*

It's neat to see her looking so much better than just a few weeks ago.

ABOVE:  She's looking good eh?  Even with her head in cling wrap, and having orange hair.  *smiles*
It makes having her here worth it, even if she can be a right grumpy bitch sometimes!  

Today my job is to edit all the photos I took at the staff 'do' last Saturday night.  Then forward them on to Stew.  After that my 'job' will be done.

I actually expect that to take me a few hours.  So I better get a move on, get some washing on and then sit down and edit.


2.40 pm:  And we have been into town so I could buy a foam mattress, which we will need in the next month or so.

Lacy went like this:

 ABOVE: not 1, but 2 hats!

ABOVE:  It's kinda called a disaster!

After that, Lacy and I went to The Warehouse, where I got a couple of things for the Hobbit Playhouse:

 ABOVE:  This is really cute.  It can be a seat for 2, a table and chairs for 2, and it has storage room under the seat.  On sale so even better.

ABOVE:  A cute little kitchen.  I think they will enjoy playing with it.

Lacy bought some more hair dye, and this time she's putting it in the bottom half of her hair, to try and even up the colour.  Let's see how that works shall we!

I also bought some hair dye.  Dark Blonde/Light Brown.  It's worth a go, might be a lot cheaper way to keep my colour as I want it?  TIME.  WILL.  TELL.

9.38 pm:  Well... Amanda bought Keera out so she could spend the weekend with her Mummy.
Then the kids had a bit of a play, and after an hour or so, Amanda and her two littlies left.
Having a nice, quiet evening ... Coronation Street... then  bed.


  1. looking good Lacy, so much healthier, you have a lovely smile and it is nice to see it :-)

  2. I just saw something about an earth quake in NZ, hope you are all ok!

    1. Yes. Have not heard of any people being hurt.

    2. That's a relief!

  3. Hello Lacy!!! I'm glad you are with your Mum for awhile and looking so happy and healthy :) I hope you take this time to sort your life out and make a great future for yourself. Anything is possible with self belief and the support you have :)

  4. Hair is all kinds of colors! I've recently seen two shades of blue on a friend, and one had top half a brown and bottom half a green! LOL

    1. My 16 year old wants to dye hers blue over the Christmas school holidays. She has dark hair so has to strip all the colour out as well. I think my son is also going to do something then as well although as he is at uni now he doesn't have to worry about school rules being broken.

  5. O I love Lacy's new look. She is so beautiful.

    1. haha thanks webbsway lol...its changing this space lol :)

  6. I love the pictures of Brylee and Lacy! I think they are fun and simply catch a moment in time. And it looked like Brylee was surrounded by caring people - that's fabulous! Can't wait to see the colors Lacy chooses. Is she ready for color or does she need to bleach it more first? IS she going with crazy colors or more traitional? I shall wait and see. Can't wait!

  7. Lacy is looking quite stylish. There are fancy terms for hair that goes from dark to light or light to dark. Ballyage and ombre, and I bet there are others. It looks cute in the hat. I don't think it will take much to make it darling. It's pretty close already.Just a hair light at the roots.

  8. Hey Lacy, I actually reckon you should colour all your hair the same as the lower recolour that is an awesome colour :-)

  9. Chris, I use Napro Pallette Medium blonde - have done for ages. I no longer get my colour done at the salon but make sure I just do my roots. I'm sure Lacy could help you do just your roots.. find out what colour suits but don't do the entire hair if you can help it. I know there are dearer/flasher hair products but I've never had an issue with Pallette and it's very cheap although not everyone has the medium blonde (the Warehouse usually does).

  10. Lacy is looking great - she's rocking the cling film look too ;)


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