ABOVE: The GHD's... I didn't get to use them yesterday as I was totally engrossed in doing the mosaic table.... they even came with a "How to Use" CD and product booklet. NICE.
So that's first on the "To Do" list after I get the kids to school today... do me hair!
My back is killing me from all the bending forward while doing the table, so am going to have a break from it today...if I can force myself to stay away from it that is!
We are expecting a crap weekend weather wise, so I can work on it to my heart's content then eh?
Feeling really down, got on the scales (friggin hate those things) and I have GAINED 1.5 kilos this week! WTF??? So now I feel like diving head first into the pantry/fridge and eating whatever I can find.
PISSED OFF.... I tried really hard this week ... did everything RIGHT for a change. Pfffffft. Trying hard NOT to eat cos I'm angry.
AND I havn't done my hair yet... I'm waiting for it to dry 'naturally'... it's only been 3 hours so far... still wet in the back.... waiting... waiting....
OH. MY. GOD!!! The hair straighteners are bloody amazing! Awesome, fast, do the job so well... why did I ever muck around with cheap ones before?
So, I tried taking a 'nicer' photo... this is number 6,758:
It is soooo hard to take your own bloody photo, and not end up loooking like a startled deer in a car's headlights! ... and try to smile too! Don't feel like smiling. Shit it's a bloody awful photo! Pfffft... who cares?
LYNDA: yes they are SO much better than any others I've tried! I got them from Shampoo and Things in Sylvia Park ($350) and worth ever cent.
On a happier note: I decided "Oh stuff it, I'm going to Weight Watchers"... and I did! AND... according to their scales (I LIKE THEIRS!) I only gained .200 grms. I'm so glad I went and didn't take my frustration out on the fridge! Tis a better day already....
End of day: lots of up's and down's... but it's been good overall! NSV: I faced the bloody scales and then went to Weight Watchers! AMAZING, but true! nite nite.