Wednesday, December 19, 2007


It started raining yesterday, and I'm sure it hasn't stopped since then! And the temperatures have dropped quite dramatically, so quite a bit different from the past week for sure.

Today: kids to school (in the car for once!) then home to do a bit of ... nothing!

Yesterday I was sure Stew was about to tell me he no longer intended to take up the job in Auckland... I just was so sure the other shoe was about to drop! He had been making noises about how he wasn't happy about 'this and that'.... so anyway, I decided to take the bull by the horns and talk to him about it, no pussy footing around.... what a good idea!

While he is concerned about how long it may take to sell the house, and how long we may be seperated, he is NOT going to back out of the new job. Thank God! I really really want to move. Not that I hate this town, I have some amazingly lovely friends here, but my heart is NORTH, it's where I want to be.

So, all is good here, and I am really happy Stew and I are going to be ok.


  1. Awww, I am sooooo glad to hear that ALL is good with you and Stew and that your mind has been put at rest due to your frank discussion...

    Here's hoping you'll be moving North soon!

    LL x

  2. Talking sure helps doesn't it :) Looking forward to our catch up. LOL. Jim says "hope there is cover where we are going"!!!!! Trust us to choose a garden centre on a day when its pouring with rain!!!!! Who knows though, maybe it will clear up before we get there :)

  3. I am sooo pleased that things are alright with you and Stew. Sometimes things get heated before they get better but when it gets heated then that is usually when things get sorted.

    There have been more issues with Michael and I don't ever see them, they don't want to.

    Hugs to ya xx

  4. Well aren't you a wise wee thing then?? It's always good to clear the air. Now you know you are both on the same page. Hope it goes a bit more smoother than it has been.

  5. I'm with you, I hate pussy footing around, I need to know what's happening and now!

  6. I managed to get my bloody kissmass tree up at 6am yesterday morning!!! bah humbug... I am tired and over it already...
    Oh... bought myself a pressie today..... ;o) will post a pic maybe tomorrow....

  7. Glad to hear you bot had a good talk, and fish and chips!!!

  8. Just caught up on the past few days. Glad to see you worked things out with Stew and you're feeling much better.

    Hope you find someone for you house soon.

    Yes that thing under my tree is called a tree skirt. My sister inlaw made it for me years ago. Pretty sure they sell them in the stores.

    Love the dog picture, reminds me of my dog, she likes to sleep like that too. It hilarious.

    Wishing you well. Take care hope the sun is shining tomorrow.


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