Wednesday, December 26, 2007


WHOOP WHOOP....Stew and I are off to Wellington to do the sales.... and the best part?

We are leaving the littlies with the teenagers! Oh man, what bliss!

In less than two weeks Stew is off to Auckland, so it will be nice to spend a whole day with him, just the two of us. BLISS.

And.... I am going to be 100% ON TRACK from today on. It was very nice to eat whatever I felt like yesterday, but it wrecked havoc with my tummy!

I did not feel very well last night at all... too much rich food and two glasses of wine... all a bit much for my tummy.

Just realised I did not include a photo of Steve in yesterday's post... so here is his butt playing Wii with Griffin!

Now I wonder what we can find to buy in Wellington today?...... later ......much later....... you will find out!
The traffic was horrendous, the crowds were manic, the shopping was... neat! We managed to get me 3 new summer dresses, a new suit for Stew, and new work shoes for Stew. All that took 7 hours!
This was my DINING room when we got home! Hmmmmm, wonder how much "child minding" was going on? They ASSURE me the kids were looked after all day!
End of Day, no pics of dresses, I'm feeling FAT ... so there!
NSV: been on track (minor slip up when I got home and was confronted with a humongous mess and ate some chocolate in a fit of anger). Derrrrrr. nite nite.


  1. Have a fun day shopping!!

  2. Happy shopping!!!

  3. Happy shopping! Hope you're able to work off some of yesterday's food and eat a bit better today! Cheers!

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Have a great shopping trip

  5. Ohhh you and your shopping... omg.. as bad as me and my scotch... hahahaha

  6. 7 hours! Sheesh! You would have had to burn some calories for sure...that is some serious shopping LOL!

  7. LOL - the age of technology! Sounds like you had a good time shopping. We're having our traditional lazy day today - don't think i'd have the strength to do anything else. Know what you mean about the eating thing though, i'm pleased to say i'm also back on track today and looking for a good reduction in my weight by this time next year.

  8. Merry Christmas!
    Love the ring! your have to post photos of your dresses, Talk to ya soon!

    Luv the lazy blogger (:P)
    PS when do you move to the big smoke??? we should catch up for coffee

  9. Well wheres the pics of the dresses????

  10. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Hi Chris,

    I am so glad that you were able to make the most of the sales and that you were able to spend some quality time with your other half in the process!

    Good luck with getting back on track. I am *hoping* to do the same from tomorrow onwards...


    LL x


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