Sunday, December 29, 2024



Guess what I have decided to do again?

ABOVE:  I'm gunna do NO SUGAR again.  For 6 weeks.  I will post any weight loss every Sunday, so first report about that will be Sunday the 5th of January.

I also plan on getting out and walking the streets, hopefully with Stew, 3 times a week.

So, focusing on my health again, now that the stress of selling and buying is behind us.

I have said it before, I am an emotional eater... I literally stuff my face when I'm stressed out!  

But as of today, I'm going to get back on track and just CHILL THE HELL OUT!

ABOVE:  Archer and Baby.  No one is actually 'touching' Baby at all... but I am trying to jiggle him around on his stick, to make him use his wings.  He's a bit of a nightmare to feed, it's kinda doing my head in.  But we persevere, because it won't be too much longer now and he will be off on his own. 

AND SADLY... Baby Bird 🐦  has died. No idea why, he was doing so good. Yesterday was the first day he came out of his enclosure... maybe it stressed him out? 
I'll never know.  
I do know that I'll  never try hand raising a fledgling again, it was a lot of work. And right now it really was the last thing I needed, more work!

At our last market, it pissed down with rain towards the end.  I was wearing my new, white Skechers sneakers.  They got wet and dirty, so when we arrived home, I scrubbed them and put them aside to dry.
This is what I came back to:

ABOVE: Ahhh yeah.  Looks like the patch that was put under my toe area, to stop my big toes making holes ... has leached out it's colour and ruined the shoes!
So now I wonder?   Should I leave them like that and call them 'EXTRA FUNKY', or should I try and dye them?   They certainly look 'unique' right now!

ABOVE:  At the supermarket for a couple of supplies, who did we run into?  Yeah, these girls.
They ended up following us home.

ABOVE: Where Lacy spent a good deal of time helping me in the garage, she made up more packing boxes for me.
Keera helped with some packing/clearing out cupboards too.
Thanks girls!  Much appreciated.

It may not look like it, but I AM pacing myself today.  Taking good rests in between spurts of doing stuff.

ABOVE:  We packed up both vehicles again and took more over to storage.
We still have plenty of room for more stuff in there, which is neat.
After that we went to Chartwell Square for some lunch, then came home.

To relax for a while, before having a swim.

ABOVE:  Summer skies.  So beautiful.

4 pm:  Thank goodness we fixed the pool pump, the pool was starting to go green.  But yesterday and today we ran the pump for hours, and put a shock dose of chlorine in and BOOM!  The pool is crystal clear again.  What a relief.
One less thing to stress me out.

And we just had a lovely swim and cool off.  Summer days πŸ’™πŸŒž

7.12 pm, and we have had a relatively quiet late afternoon/early evening.  I might have packed one more box.  Eyeing up another one.  lol
Seriously, I don't think there is much more I can pack before we go unconditional now.

Coronation Street it on this evening!  MOST unusual.  Probably a catch up episode as we missed one or two over Christmas.  So this means I'll be up later than I would have liked, as I'm freakin' tired.  But oh well, can't miss Coro Street.

And that's me done for the day.  Time to do bugger all.
Catch ya tomorrow.

DAY ONE of no sugar done and dusted.  I felt quite a few cravings, but resisted.  Can't fail on the first day!


  1. Hugs on the bird. You gave him a chance and thank you for trying. I love the sneakers this tie dye way.

  2. Soak the shoes in Janola. I had to soak a school shirt recently that had permanent marker all over it and it took DAYS AND DAYS but it finally all came out. Otherwise embrace the tie dye look :)

  3. Awww that's a shame about the birdie but honestly you went above and beyond ❤️

    I like the shoes! They look cool 😎

  4. Kiwionholidays9:51 AM

    I’d say leave them as they are that way they’ll be unique to you and your market stall lol
    Enjoy the rest of your days off together while Stunisbon his annuals πŸ’―πŸ₯πŸ•ΊπŸΏ✔️πŸƒ‍♀️
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  5. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Oh I am so sorry about Baby. You gave it so much love and attention. But why these things happen who knows? Kj

  6. Sorry that baby bird passed you tried so hard.

  7. Sorry the bird didn't survive you gave him a fighting chance. Funky shoes for sure. Remember young lady u r resting today.

  8. Kiwionholidays1:18 PM

    Stu is on his Annuals , that should’ve read πŸ‘πŸƒ‍♀️πŸ₯

  9. I'd say leave the shoes as they are but I'm sure they'll do your head in. Janola sounds a good way to go. At least try it before you chuck them.
    Does it ever cross your mind to leave the stuff in storage and lead a minimalist life?? You've done so much packing.
    Nahh, just kidding. But you're doing a tremendous job. At least moving I will be less stressful.
    Take it easy!! If you can.
    And good luck with the sugar free time. Hope there are no birthdays coming up. You can do it. You've got diet coke lol

  10. Anonymous9:41 PM

    It looks like you need to sell more stuff

  11. Bummer about Baby Bird. Weird.
    Dye the shoes. Either black. Or a blue/turquoise/black tie dye type color scheme.

  12. I need to do the no sugar too. That's all I've eaten for Christmas lol


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