Monday, June 14, 2021


 Well ... for the first time in a while I really don't have much housework on a Monday.

So, I'm gunna go and look at some wood!

I have decided to do some Shiplap on a few areas in the house.

ABOVE:  This is an example of Shiplap.  It's wooden panelling on a wall.  I want to have three walls done this way.  One in the entrance, one in the lounge and one in the kitchen/family room.  I also want to put it here:

ABOVE:  'Behind' the kitchen benches.  I had originally thought of only putting it behind the benches, but then decided to have a few walls done to 'tie' it in.

And well... I really like the look of shiplap!

What do you think of my idea?  Yes?  No?  And why.

I'm only in the planning phase of this feature, as I'm still stripping bloody wallpaper!

Steve said you can buy an MDF product that is already in panels, that looks like Shiplap, so that's what I want to go and look at today.

Planning, pricing and so on.  These things take time.

Once I've done that, I will come home and get a load of washing on, put away yesterday's washing, and do some ironing. 

All the usual, boring household jobs. 

So, that's me for now.... catch ya later.

11.30 am:  Brylee and I went out to the Base.  I bought another clothes airer.  The signs said 40% OFF all Clothes Airers.
Got one and went up to the counter to pay for it.  It rang up as full price.
Ahhh... nope I said, it's 40% off.

The sale ended yesterday, said the sales person.

Brylee went and got the sign... to prove it was still up there.
So they had to honour it.  SCORE.

After that, we moved on to the supermarket, I needed shower wash liquid.

ABOVE:  Who EVER goes into a supermarket and only buys what they went there for?
I decided to buy a 'few' different lollies for the lolly box.

ABOVE:  I think we have enough, for now.  😊😏😅

4.50 pm:  Well... I had a dr's appointment this afternoon.  I got some shitty news... but not unexpected.
My HbA1c (diabetes) count is way too high.  
Clearly, I won't be eating any of those lollies!

The Dr has said I really should try the KETO diet.  *sigh*

It's all I seem to have done (on and off) my entire adult life.
Bloody sick of it.

But... if I want to get healthy and stay that way, Stew and I are gunna have to change our bad eating habits NOW.

So this evening we are having pork steak and a green salad. 
The Dr said we could have healthy carbs, like a potato, every 2-3 days.  Oh yaaaa.

So I suppose I'm now going to be researching the KETO diet.

I'm not exactly thrilled about it.

Stew is home, and happily having his dinner.  As I am not hungry, I'm not having any.  
We are both going to work on our diet, let's see what we can do!


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    How funny you are talking about shiplap...I am looking at doing 2 walls in my house. Thanks for the reminder of is much lighter material than a plank of wood, and, hopefully cheaper. Ky Girl

  2. I agree, very nice.

  3. Yes, I like that tongue and groove look! If only you had a builder who could install it :)

  4. That is a great idea I love that look of panelling something different

  5. I think shiplap would look great. It'll really brighten the rooms.

  6. Shiplap will look amazing!

  7. I like the shiplap, it will look great.

    Lose the lolly box - you do not need the temptation!!!!

  8. That wall covering looks great. Not sure if the paneling kind will look as good - so be sure to check out both and do some scrutiny~

  9. You have got me thinking now, too! The previous owners wallpapered the hallway because the plaster had been damaged. Then they painted it. Now it's peeling. I think shiplap would look amazing there. I'll get the hubster to check it out when he next goes to Bunnings. He only goes on days that end in Y.
    I love the lolly jar idea but the hubster loves lollies almost as much as Bunnings so I have to ration them.

  10. What a great idea shiplap is. You’ve inspired me too.
    Oh no that lolly jar is huge. There is no way in this world I could have that temptation in the house. I love a good lolly. With my 5 year old granddaughter recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (lifelong insulin dependant 😢) and my husband recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (not on medication as we will monitor strictly with diet and exercise) it would be torture for them and I can only imagine the cost. OMG 😱

  11. I like the shiplap for the walls. But we have a breakfast bar like yours and put in some REALLY bright and colourful Andy Warhol tiles. They are really out there, but in such a small and contained space, it's not ugly or obnoxious!!! We got these ones...

  12. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Diabetes in a box!😳😳😳

  13. Anonymous4:26 PM

    OMG I could totally live at yours, I’m a lolly fiend, Jo

  14. I couldnt have lollies in yhe house id eat them.

  15. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Keto way of eating is an excellent way to control diabetes. I have done it for years and have lost a lot of weight and have excellent hba1c's. I don't look at it like a diet. Diet doctor is a great website to start. You can do it!

  16. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I've actually got a tall skinny kiwi doctor here in Australia. She's always lecturing me about doing the keto diet. I did try it for a couple of weeks in December and lost 5 kilos but then Christmas happened😂

    You can do it!

  18. Kiwionholidays7:29 PM

    Love the shiplap/ Tongue in groove idea
    Makes fab feature walls
    Enjoy the rest of your evening

    Cheers 🥂

  19. Researching KETO will give you and Stew the information to see if this is the plan for you. As controlling diabetes is lifelong, I’d probably steer clear of any quick fix ‘diets’ that will be hard to sustain in the long term. In Australia the Diabetes Australia website has all the information regarding food plans to effectively control your diabetes. Maybe you have the same in New Zealand? I’d imagine though with Stew having been a diabetic for a long time you would be aware of this. I refuse to have the word ‘diet’ in my vocabulary! It’s all about the choices we make. There is no such thing as bad food. It’s about balance. I’m sure you’ll find heaps of info on daily eating plans to assist diabetics on the internet. A dietician could also assist and I’m sure he/she will not put you on a ‘diet’ but rather educate you about choosing the right foods for you.
    You are a strong woman Chris you can do this and having the support of Stew would be a great incentive for you both to get healthier. The health risks and implications from uncontrolled diabetes are not pretty.

  20. Don't call it a diet. Whatever you do should be a permanent life change. Don't go hard keto but rather low carb. Full on keto might not be sustainable for you long term (in my opinion). One other thing... if you have had your medication increased but are going to reduce carbs you might have those lows you had previously. Keep an eye on your blood sugar and let that be your guide.

  21. Some great suggestions above
    Chris. I struggled with full on Keto but reducing carbs helped me initially. Now mostly low carbs but have to have Vogel’s or a little cereal for breakfast,
    Taken me almost 4 months to lose about 7 k’s

  22. I was thinking about joining weight watchers again. There is a 60% off sale that ends today. I also need to get serious. And start doing easy yoga stretches. I am getting stiff and unflexible!

  23. I'm always worried about eating a high fat diet with no gall bladder. Doesn't seem to be like a good idea. I too hate that nasty diet word :(

    Love how people try to give instructions on what you should eat, like you haven't dieted 5000 times lol


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