Friday, May 14, 2021


 Well, we are making a fairly early start to our day today.

We are heading off to Wanganui, with the plan to stay with Stew's sister, Khady tonight.

We are going down the west side of the North Island.  Stew has never done the 'Paraparas' before, so that will be an experience for him.  The Parapara's is a local name given to the road between Raetihi and Wanganui.

I've driven on this road many times before.  Many years ago I must admit, but still, I have not forgotten the road.

Many twists and turns.  And from memory, the trees in autumn are gorgeous down that way.

The Paraparas were closed in 2019...

ABOVE:  There was a huge slip!  But I've checked and it's open again now.  Yaaa.

It is a moderately long trip (it is 322 kilometers, or 201 miles)so we will just take our time and stop a few times along the way.  As the road is inland and rural all the way, we get no lovely sea views sadly.

Let's see if we can find some lovely scenery anyway.

ABOVE: There's a map of our route. 

I will endeavour to keep you up to date on where we are during the day.

HAPPY 84th BIRTHDAY MUM, our first without you here. You are loved.  You are missed.  You are irreplaceable.

...10.58 am. We are at Taumarunui... its FREEZING! Seen the mountains with snow on them. We walked down the main street of Taumarunui..  our faces froze! Can't believe how cold it is. SO THANKFUL we packed warm clothes.

12.27 pm: we are now in Raetihi having a toasted sandwich for lunch. 
It is just the most PERFECT Autumn day. Cool, frosty with not a cloud in the sky.

I'm taking HEAPS of photos. 
You poor buggers are gunna get a shit load to view
 tonight! 😂🤣😅 

3.47 pm: safely in Wanganui. Yakking with Khady. Lovely log fire going. Nice and cozy.

ABOVE:  The beautiful Waikato.  Taken out of Te Awamutu.

ABOVE:  My 'photo of the day'.  Countryside somewhere past Otorohanga.

ABOVE:  OMG it was bitterly cold in Tauramanui!

ABOVE:  Just before we came up to this lookout I glanced at my phone... it was reading 11.11.
I told Stew we had to stop to see what the view was at this particular lookout because Vern was telling me to.

ABOVE: And wow, a gorgeous view AND there was a train passing as we stood there.  

ABOVE: Just so pretty.

ABOVE:  So cold!  But the mountains are so pretty. They look even better with more snow, right now they just have a dusting on them.

ABOVE:  Another interesting view.  In the distance we could see Mt Egmont/Taranaki.  

ABOVE:  Raetihi.  Very busy.  NOT.  
Two cafes to choose from.

ABOVE:  We asked at a local shop and got directed to 'the one on the left'.  And it was very nice indeed.

ABOVE:  Raetihi felt.... sad.  There was a shop playing very melancholy trumpet music.  It kinda said it all.

ABOVE: That's where the huge slip was in 2019.  There is a new road now, but you can still clearly see the slip.

ABOVE:  We saw so many amazing Autumn trees/colours on our travel down the island.  Just stunning.

ABOVE:  Finally driving into Wanganui.
Did you know... 41 years ago I gave birth to Lacy in Wanganui?
She only took 2 hours to arrive.  Cord around her throat two times too!  
We both got thrush in the hospital.  Wasn't very nice. 
The things ya remember eh? 😜😚😊

ABOVE:  We checked out the main shopping street of Wanganui.
I spied this shop, told Stew we had to stop!
😡😠😞  Nope.  Not one single piece of fabric in that SEWING shop.  Buttons.  Notions.  Sewing aides. Sewing Machines.  NO FABRIC...  I walked in... then straight out again.

ABOVE:  Khady has an amazing view from her home!  A huge deck to sit on and just enjoy looking over the town... and the Wanganui River in the distance too.

And that's it for today.  We have just had dinner, which was delicious.  Time to just relax and enjoy spending time with Khady and Stew.


  1. Drive safely you two. Happy Birthday to THE OLD MOO 💙

  2. Have a great time away. Happy Heavenly Birthday to yout mum.

  3. Have a lovely journey!

  4. Drive Safe, enjoy your time away 💙💙💙
    Happy Heavenly Birthday Granny, you are so loved and missed, untill we all meet again say hi to Grandad and Uncle Vern Peter, Nana ect for us xxxxxxx

    1. That is so heartfelt Lacy. Beautiful

  5. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'm very impressed with how you have dealt with depression and grief by doing crafts, puzzles, walks, cooking, trips etc awesome to see it working and you sounding happier. Great work and happy birthday the old Moo. Surrey

  6. Beautiful weekend away with Stew what a lovly way to spwnd on your mum birthday hugs

  7. Have a great trip away - enjoy yourselves.

  8. Safe travels Chris. X

  9. Happy travels, keep safe x

  10. Have a lovely trip you two. And Happy Heavenly birthday to your dear mum. xx

  11. Have a wonderful trip. So glad you and Stew can enjoy time together and your country is so beautiful.

  12. Don't worry about updating too much. Just enjoy a down day relaxing. We'll be fine.

  13. Happy Birthday to the Old Moo in heaven. Safe travels. Jo.U.S.

  14. Safe travel parentals x and happy birthday grandma, hope your smilin down on us all, love you always x

  15. I am looking forward to all your photos :-).

    Happy Birthday for your Mum.

  16. I grew up in taumarunui 😍

  17. yyyaaaayyyyy have a great time with yer man!!!! xxxxx

  18. Looking forward to photos, sounds like a great trip

  19. Hope you both have a great time on your trip. Looking forward to the pics. Happy Heavenly Birthday to the Old Moo!

  20. Kiwionholidays7:05 PM

    Awesome day for you ones ,
    Loved the tour you took us on .
    Homesick much so special you share it with us 💐🕺🏿
    Cheers 🥂

  21. That’s the 2nd tiki tour you have taken me beautiful thanks Chris.
    We are so going to visit NZ again....this time not on a cruise so we have more time to see and do things.

  22. p.s. Happy heavenly Birthday to the old Moo 🥳

  23. Thats the second Tiki tour you have taken me on...thanks Chris. Just gorgeous. We are definitely coming to NZ again and not on a cruise ship either. So want to have a good look around...and of course say hullo to you again 🙂

  24. OMG those photos are breathtaking Chris, you certainly live in the most beautiful country. I love Vern's train photo.

  25. WOW beautiful photos, thanks for sharing. Fall is the most beautiful of seasons. Keep warm, safe travels.

  26. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Stunning photos. You live in the most beautiful country. Can’t wait to come back for a visit. Have a lovely weekend- you deserve it Lucy in UK

  27. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures!

  28. Looks like a lovely trip away from home. I caught 11:11 on the clock last night.

  29. You live in a beautiful country. Wonderful photos.
    Have the best of holidays!

  30. Fab photos! Keep them coming x

  31. Anonymous2:13 PM



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