Wednesday, May 05, 2021



On the 5th day of the 5th month, in 2015, at 15 minutes past 3 pm (so 15.15 pm) we were blessed with this little grandson.  Archer, you are an amazing, adorable little man and we love you so very much.

Keep being YOU, cos YOU are a blessing to our family.

He's our youngest grandchild.  So rather special.

Tonight we have been invited to his home for his birthday dinner.

YES!  I don't have to cook tonight.

Well... probably time to think about reading the news, checking emails and then starting my day.

Catch ya later.

11.11 am:  Just got home from town and around.

Bex had to pick up her car from the garage, it's all fixed now.  After that we both went to Chartwell Square for morning tea.

I'm now home and wondering what to do.  It's not like I don't have anything to do of course, it's just that I don't feel like doing it!

Might just take some time out and enjoy doing NOTHING.

3.19 pm:  Doing nothing didn't last long.  I put Netflix on (Real Detectives) and did some housework while listening to it.

I really love a 'who done it', or true crime stories.

Now... time to sit and relax again... got a freakin' headache.  Can't believe how dull it is outside, so early in the day!  Seriously, winter is here already.

5 pm:  And I just did some jig sawing of a different kind!  I cut some chip board sheeting up.  Then I drilled holes in it.

Then I had to sweep out the garage, and vacum the house, cos I had friggin sawdust all under me socks, and I walked all around the house before I realised I'd left sawdust footprints EVERYWHERE.  Fark!

Tis turning out to be a busy day.

What was I cutting up and why?  😋😉 I'll show ya tomorrow.  But don't get excited, it's not that amazing.

Time now to get tidied up and wait for Stew to get home.  Then we will head over to Steve and Bex's for dinner.  

I understand we are having home made burgers, wedges AND CAKE.  

ABOVE:  Well, the birthday dinner was wonderful.  The burgers were bloody yum,  I really must do them more myself.  There is nothing nicer than a home made burger!

The cake ... Thanks Countdown... was rather nice too.  Very rich.  Ya couldn't eat more than one slice, that's for sure.

Archer had a very enjoyable day.

Now that we are home, it's just quiet time till we head off to bed.

I'm going to get hot flushes ALL. NIGHT. LONG now,  cos I ate friggin cake!


  1. Happy Birthday Master Archer xx
    Have a fab day little buddy xxxx

  2. Happy birthday to my little snuggly dog 🐕 obsessed archie. Let hope mum can pull off your cake order lol. 🤦‍♀️ that can be a supeise for grandma tonight 😅

  3. Nawww Happy Birthday young fella where did that time go??? 💙🎂

  4. Happy birthday Archer wow 6 years of your not sure your grand kids realize the gap they fill when we read there fun times

  5. Happiest of birthdays wee Archer.

  6. Happy Birthday Archer - best wishes for a wonderful day 🥳

  7. Happy Birthday Archer, have a great day. How time flies

  8. Doing nothing sounds like a wonderful idea.

  9. Happy birthday to Archer🎈🎈🎈

  10. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Happy Birthday Archer!! hope you all have fun tonight...



  11. Happy Birthday Archer! Such a beautiful child.

  12. Awwww happy birthday all the best people are born in may
    Blondie x
    (May 20th) 😁

  13. 6 years already, omg time has flown by.
    Happy 6th Birthday Archer.

  14. Thank you for all the birthday wishes for archer. He had a great day apparently and loves his new toys. 💙

  15. This cannot be true, he can't be six already! Gorgeous boy, takes after both his lovely parents. Glad he had a fun birthday.

  16. This cannot be true, he can't be six already! Gorgeous boy, takes after both his lovely parents. Glad he had a fun birthday.

  17. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Oh Wow he has changed so much. Not a little boy anymore. Congratulations Archer òn your big 6 birthday. Ķj

  18. Belated Happy Birthday to Archer. Looks like you had a nice celebration.

  19. Happy Birthday to Archer! Six already!


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