Thursday, May 06, 2021


While at Steve 'n' Bex's last night, I spied a little 'fish dish' on their shelving unit.

I was like "Oh that's so cute, where did you get it?"

To which Bex replied "You gave it to me!"

For the life of me I could not remember giving it to her, let alone it once being mine!

So anyway, I was given it back, thanks Bex. 😊😌

ABOVE:  I DID remember, after giving it some thought, owing it when we lived up in Auckland.
I even remember what shop I bought it from.
It was from a Japanese import shop in Manukau Mall.
Cheap as too.  Isn't it so cute!

Thursday already!  This week is going so fast.
I don't feel like I've done very much this week.
Just plodding along, keeping myself busy.

ABOVE: This is what I did yesterday afternoon.  I cut two sheets of particle board to fit inside my puzzle board.  Now I can protect the puzzle from little fingers while I'm not working on it.  AND move the board without losing any pieces either.

I have one more edge to cut down to size (red arrows), I'll do that sometime today.  *The black elastic is to lift each panel off easily.

8.55 am: Whoop!  I just spent a bit of time on the phone and computer, organising our next weekend away.
Stew and I will be heading down to Wanganui/Palmerston North and Wellington on the 14th of May.  A 4 day jaunt away.

We will be staying with Stew's sister in Wanganui, then seeing friends and family in Palmerston North, then a day trip to Wellington.
Sounds fun!  Busy, lots of travelling, but a neat get-away.

We didn't manage a get-away in April, we had too much on.  I wasn't going to let May be another miss!  

Shivers it's cool this morning.  Time to get a move on and warm up.

10.25 am:  And I've finished my jig saw covers.  Now I know the puzzle is safe from pieces getting lost.

I then moved on to my next job:

ABOVE:  Sorting out all my herbs and spices.

ABOVE:  About a year ago I bought this revolving spice rack.  
I bloody hate it!  I can't put my finger on exactly  WHY I hate it, I just do. 
So, I'm going back to my little click clack containers.

And that will take me a while I'm sure.  It's a good time to check expiry dates and toss out stuff I never use.

AND before anyone asks ... I am going to use the revolving rack for buttons in the sewing room. 

ABOVE:  12.39 pm:  And it's done.  So much better now.  YES, it takes up more room in the pantry, but I won't be getting frustrated spinning that damn spice rack looking for what I need.  It's all there at a glance now.

And now it's dinnertime.
And Stew won't be home from Rotorua until around 7 pm. 

I am tired.  I have done heaps of housework this afternoon.
Washing. Vacuming. Cleaning stuff. 
OH and I did some of my actual jig saw too.

While I was doing that, the girls decided it would be a great idea to jump all over the beds and pull all the pillows and cushions onto the floor!
They like doing that while I'm not watching. 😂😅😖

8.44 pm:  Right, I'm done for the day.  Stew is home safe and sound.  Dinner was Chicken Sausages, Roast potatoes and veges.  And Gravy.  


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Stop off at Plimmerton beach on your way into Wellington. It's a beautiful walk along the beach and on a clear day you can see the South Island. They also have a really nice pizza/coffee place that's on the corner of the main street in Plimmerton.

    1. Certainly will... it sounds lovely.

  2. I hate those spice racks, too, but couldn't tell you why. The button idea, though, brilliant!!

  3. I had one those spice racks too as i thought it would be easy to find what im loooking for when doing packing of kitchen i gifted it and the contents to my friends and ive gone back to leaving the few im left with inthe shop bought boxes...i didnt get rid og the 8 pkts of pepper using that in garden to discourage cats thhe place has been empty for over 6 mths and the neighborhood cats think its the local kitty poop spot.

    1. Stand out there with a hose and blast them with it! Cat shit in your gardens is YUK. Is the pepper working?

  4. Chris that way of organising your spices makes much more sense, you can see it all at a glance. I'm so glad you and Stew are having these little trips away, just the two of you. We'd do it more often too if we didn't have a hundred cats and a workaholic husband in the house.

  5. Maybe you should consider having Steve build a little adjustable easel for the puzzle board. So it doesn't lay flat all the time. I think I need my hubby to construct something like that for me. Might save strain on the back!

    1. Wouldn't the puzzle pieces slide down if you had it propped up?

  6. I tried to find Real Detective on Netflix and it is not available here in the USA. Poo!

  7. I must add that doing a search for Real Detective has brought up a whole bunch of new shows that have promise!

  8. Great idea for button storage! I use a mug tree on a small lazy Susan to store all my scissors and rotary cutters.

    1. I put mine in a basket, and when the small kids are over I put the basket up really high. The rotary cutters scare the shit out of me, can't imagine them in the hands of a little kid.

  9. I'm with you, I hated my revolving spice rack too! Now you just need to buy one of those label makers and make fancy labels for your click clacks :)

    1. Nah... I just wrote on a piece of paper and taped them on! I don't need yet another gadget in my house!

  10. Looks like you had a productive day at home.


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