Friday, May 07, 2021



Let's make this quick.

I'm heading over to Cambridge first thing this morning for an FBG walk.

So... not much else to yabber on about for now.

Catch ya later.

lol... has to be the shortest post I've done in a while eh?

12.15 pm:  And I'm finally home.
The walk was at 9, but I got there early (8.30 am), so I sat and scrolled through Instagram till the rest of the group arrived.
The walk itself was just perfect, a good 5 km distance, all on flat ground.

ABOVE: This morning's group.  Some girls, some guys and Robbie the dog.
After the walk about half of us went on to have morning tea at a local coffee shop.

Then I went and took some photos of the gorgeous autumn trees around the Cambridge lake:

ABOVE:  It is the most gorgeous time of the year.  Never mind about the mess all the leaves make, we won't go there.  😂😆

I remembered I had yet to pick up my night Hi Vis Vest from Joanne (FBG Admin), so I popped over to her home and caught her in her dressing gown!  lol

ABOVE:  It will be safer walking at night with that on.  It has no pockets, so I think I will add some before I use it.  
It's always handy to have somewhere to put ya phone and keys while out walking.

And yeah, it's been an all round lovely morning.  I didn't want to come home.
But, 😌😒... it's where I live so I thought I better.

I love our home, don't get me wrong, it's just sometimes you can feel a bit lonely during the day.
I'm going to try and get out more, even if it's only for a walk in my neighbourhood.

But right now?  IT'S LUNCHTIME.

ha ha... Now it's dinnertime!  I've spent the afternoon pottering around the house, doing a bit of this 'n' that.  Got lots more of my puzzle done.. well probably about 20 pieces found and placed.  That's good going considering how goddam difficult it is!
It's now covered up for the weekend, better safe than sorry.

Stew just got home.  He doesn't know it yet, but we are having takeaways for dinner.  

I'm feeling a bit lazy.  😉😊😋

8.45 pm:  Stew and I had fish 'n' chips for dinner.  Then just chilled out in front of the telly.
I'm falling asleep in me lounge chair, so am off to bed soon.


  1. Kiwionholidays9:51 AM

    Sure is lol 💯💗🕺🏿🎸

  2. Enjoy your walk and catch up with the FBG girls :-)

  3. At least you posted!!
    Enjoy the walk

  4. OMG I WANT THAT HI VIS I'll joint the dam walking group if I have to.....
    I NEED THAT SO SO SO BAD *drooooling*

  5. Sarah2:33 PM

    Wow, stunning trees!

  6. Parcel arrived safe and sound thanks chick might keep them for myself (jokes) they're awesome 💙

  7. Looks like a good group for the walk this morning. Amazing autumn colours on the trees. The first photo is fantastic-what beauty

  8. Love those autumn colours. I'd forgotten that is a great place to see them.
    Sleep well :) xx

  9. Those pictures around the lake are stunning, particularly the first one. So lucky to have such spectacular nature surrounding you. Sounds like you had a lovely day all up. Have a great weekend! Liz

  10. Fall is a stunner, thanks for sharing your pictures. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Love the tree pics! I’ll be searching for some to photograph on next weeks run!


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