Sunday, May 09, 2021



It is the first Mother's Day without my Mum.

I miss her every day.  

I miss being able to talk to her about the family, the situations that she so loved to hear about.  She never missed a beat, she was right in the thick of it, always giving me advice and encouragement.

I miss her.  And I will love her forever.

If you still have your Mum earth side, I hope you let her know how much she is loved.

ABOVE: Thank you to the sons, daughters and daughters-in-law who I know love me very much, and show it in many and various ways all the time.  I love you all so much.

I am looking forward to being spoilt today... and it does not have to be by material things.  Texts and phone calls mean a lot too.

If the weather isn't too bad (we are expecting showers), we might head over to Raglan, to the craft market that Bex is attending.  I do hope for her sake it isn't wet.

9 am: finally out of bed.

ABOVE:  Stew gave me a Mother's Day gift.  I didn't even need to open it to know what he had given me!

ABOVE:  The ONLY two mug and saucer sets we saw when we bought my cheese dish.  So beautiful!  We will probably not use them for fear of chipping them!

ABOVE: Lacy got spoilt by Keera too.  She got a mug and smellies from Keera.  And we gave her the hooded snuggle blanket.

Raglan might not happen.  It's raining out there apparently.  Drizzling here too.

We are heading off to The Base soon.  Our little Keera needs winter shoes, she arrived in jandals.
Poor kid has freezing cold feet.

ABOVE:  I can't believe this top still fits Keera!  I remember buying it for her years ago, and it had to hang in the wardrobe for ages cos it was too big for her.  Now?  Getting a bit short in the sleeves, but still fits her! 

So... off we went to The Base for lunch and shopping.

ABOVE: And there you are, one extremely happy little girl in her new clothes, and some nice sneakers to wear over winter.
Doesn't she look just gorgeous!

ABOVE: And this twat walked around the mall with her t-shirt on backwards.  I noticed the tag in the front ... so she like, fixed it.

ABOVE:  So many loves and cuddles from our Keera this weekend.  So lovely. 

LET ME CLARIFY SOMETHING.  We decided from the word go to provide Keera with clothes while she is in our home.  That way Kelly does not have to provide anything while Keera is here with us.
Keera might have been happy in jandals right now.  But we thought they were not suitable for winter, so we bought her winter shoes.

ANON:  You really should stop and think before hitting 'publish'.  And NO, I don't publish shit comments.

Brylee has been in Taupo for the weekend. She just got home.
With my Mother's Day present.

ABOVE:  Even Marley is not impressed!
It's a piece of pumice from the shoreline of Lake Taupo.  I'm trying to figure out if I should be happy or not?
It's a joke present of course.  I got a lovely message from her this morning, which is all I wanted.
Ummmm... thanks Brylee. 😂😆😅😘

8.38 pm:  Stew cooked us a really lovely dinner tonight of Pork chops, potatoes, and veges with a cheese sauce.  
Now we are just sitting in front of the telly watching Beat The Chasers.  It's a good programme.


  1. Happy Mummy's Day ya crabby tart xxxxx 💙💙💙 love from #2

  2. Happy mothers day xx 😘 love ya both have a nice relaxing day looks like this market will be a moist one 🤣🤣

    1. Thank you Bex. Mooooiiiiisssst!

  3. Thinking of you today beautiful friend

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  5. Nawww Mum's need to be spoilt everyday they're so precious 💙 thinking of anyone whose Mum is no longer with you 🥺 go Keera nice work 👏

  6. Happy mother's day to the most amazing mother/grandmother I know. You are awesome, chick.
    I LOVE how happy Keera looks with her mum. Makes the heart melt. And that card. Awwwwwwww.
    Have a fabulous day with your lot. xxx

  7. Lovely photos again Keera is looking more like Lacy very day and she is getting so tall.
    Hope you are all having a nice day.

  8. I remember my Nana buying me clothes. Grandmas do that!

  9. Keera looks so grown up in those clothes and she looks beautiful er everytime we see her

  10. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Grandparents buy their grandchildren presents (if they can, of course) and we should never have to defend our right to doing so. Shame on anyone trying to do that.

    Happy Mothers Day to you, Chris. You are a wonderful grandmother and mother.

    Keep on, keeping on.

    Ky Girl

  11. You are smart to have our own set of things for her. It is so much easier.

    That is what I have done for years also. We have a girl who has stayed with us regularly for a long time (age 4 thru 12, not this last year because of Covid). She has always had a full set of everything here for all four seasons. Her toothbrush always stays at her sink in the bathroom. She has her own room/bed. It is so much simpler when they leave in the clothes they came in and there is no packing.

    I actually have always done this with my college kids too. They left enough clothes, all four seasons, at home that they could simply get on a plane/car/train with a backpack of their electronics and medicine and come home. It is much easier for everyone.

  12. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You should use the blue cups and saucers. There is no point keeping things for good, can't use it when you're dead! Think of how much joy they would give you everytime you use them.🥰

  13. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Marleys face 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Happy Mother’s Day
    Michelle from Oz

  14. Maybe Brylee is telling you that you are a rock and can always be depended on

  15. Kiwionholidays4:05 PM

    Wow that jacket on Keera looks fab ,,,,,is it one that’s light ,,,down filled but really warm n cosy??

    I Got one 3 years ago at rivers in aus, and it’s fab, light n warm and rolls in to a wee carry bag,,
    Neat that you are all having a great weekend together there, that park yesterday wow at all the stuff ,

    Is it In Hamilton near you ones place??

    Lacy the top back to front 🕺🏿
    Can happen when we dress in a hurry ,, well done Mum for noticing 💗

    Haven’t seen pumice in ages had it rubbed on our feet in the bath as wee ones back in the day 🌾
    Cheers 🥂

  16. Leeann5:18 PM

    Keera looks like a model she is turning into a real beauty. That jacket looks so good.

  17. happy mother's day!!! Nice family pix xxxxxx

  18. Keera is stunning. She is growing up so fast. Makes sense to have stuff at your place. Easier all round.

  19. My MIL had a room set up for our babies which was filled with supplies. We just had to bring the baby and that was it. So convenient and helpful and just another way for MIL to show she cared and was trying to help us out.

  20. Anonymous7:19 PM

    The earlier anonymous took the words right out of my mouth, do use the lovely blue cups and saucers. There's no point in saving things for "best". Use them and enjoy them every day.
    Maybe reserve them for just you and Stew.

    Keera is looking so grown up these days. And beautiful, too!

    A Fan In Canada

  21. Great photos of nice family moments. I know your blog is really a beautiful online diary of your life. It must really annoy #3 daughter though lol

  22. Lovely photos of Keera ... she looks very happy with her new clothes and shoes. She's growing up fast.

  23. Keera is growing up so fast, such a pretty young lady. We also bought clothes for the grand kids so they had things here for when they visited. Surely it is something all grandparents do if they can afford it. Love the blue china. Yvonne UK

  24. Keera is adorable in her new outfits. She looks to be such a sweetheart. I want a coat like Keera's for myself. ha!

  25. Belated Happy Mother's Day. It is never quite the same once our moms are no longer here to celebrate, but does make the day even a more sentimental and precious meaning. Take care.


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