Friday, May 21, 2021



LYES!  I feel a million bucks this morning.

I had such a good sleep last night, it makes all the difference eh?

So... I'm heading out this morning to do some shopping.

I'll get in some fresh veges/salad stuff for the weekend.

Once I get home again, I've got some housework to do before I go and do some of my jig saw before lunch.

ABOVE: Do you remember my little robots?  I'm thinking of making a few more of them.  They are rather cute, and so much fun to make!
I might do one or two this afternoon.  😊😌😉

11.29 am:  And I've been out, took my new trousers to a clothing alteration place to be shortened.  
Had a quick catch up with our Brylee at the mall before she started work.  I ate a donut for breakfast.
Then I bought some new hook thingees for me ensuite, and some door latches.
Need to ensure children don't have access to some rooms in the house.
We have a little snoop.

I also bought a new lippy, isn't it wonderful how that makes ya feel happy!  😏😋😊
It's a pretty pink with a shimmer.  

Ky Girl:  LIPPY is a LIPSTICK!

I have visitors right now, so I'll do more of an update later.  Bex was a dick today...

ABOVE:  This twat locked herself out of her house this morning!
She went out to pat a cat and yeah, the door closed behind her.
No phone.
No key.
No open window.
So she had to walk over to my house to use MY phone to ring Steve.
And Steve arrived and took her home.

HIDE  A  HOUSE  KEY  OUTSIDE  ya twat. 🐔🐤🐥

ABOVE:  The girls visited again.  And were trying to demonstrate how flexible they are.  Lacy isn't.  Tarsh is.  And I can put my leg up on the high bench and LACY CAN'T!  😂😄😅

I'm just getting some lunch then it will be time to get busy in the sewing room.
First up, find the pattern for the robot, then sort out fabrics to use. 
That will be fun.

Gosh I feel so much happier today!  Things are slowly happening.  

DAMMIT!   I stubbed me bloody toe on the edge of the bench again!  Putting me feet up for a little while.  Foot is throbbing.

OK.  End of the day.  Stew home for the weekend.
Love that.
Time to just relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Stew's in 7th heaven, rugby is on the telly.
Bloody man.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I love those robots. Kids will too. Have a good day kj

  2. Kiwionholidays9:16 AM

    Great to wake up refreshed after a gr8 nights sleep 💤

    Those wee robots super cute n so colourful
    Love them
    Enjoy your day over there 🕺🏿🌹
    Cheers 🥂

  3. Woohoo glad you got a good night's sleep!

  4. So pleased u r feeling bright and chirpy Chris x

  5. have a great day and weekend!!! I'm so jelly of your good sleep. I haven't slept well for weeks and it's a bloody nightmare

  6. Haha I'm so glad you got home when you did 🤣🤣 stupid cat 🐈

    1. Hahahaha, you should of called me or walked to mine, i would of helped lol 😂 🤣 hahahahahah.... taking the piss
      Glad your ok and didnt get eaten by the wildlife (penguins giraffes elephants ect) lol 😂
      #Lacy 💙

    2. I had no phone it was inside with my Moro bar I was happily eating and my tea brewing 🤦‍♀️ thankfully mumma dosnt live far away lol 😆

    3. Lol i know you had no phone and im to far to walk lol hence taking the piss lol 😂
      But those wild animal's i tell ya lol 😂 🤣
      #Lacy 💙

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Okay, I'll bite...what is a lippy? Ky Girl

  8. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Haha - that is hilarious. I never thought once about lipstick!! Fun!! Ky Girl

  9. I have a key placed inside a container and buried in a place only we know. It's only been needed once but knowing there is always a spare key is peace of mind. Funny about the 'lippy' comment, I thought that was a universal saying everywhere :)

  10. But Bex loves cats!! That makes it all okay.

  11. Crikey moses you've been in the wars lately!

  12. I posted (another) post about two sleeps, and since then I've slept really well and all the way through the night. Glad you're feeling well!

  13. Anonymous1:16 AM

    I stubbed my toe just two days ago and it is a very pretty purple. I am not prone to doing this and hope not to again for a while as it hurts!! Happy TGIF...or maybe Saturday in your case? Best of wishes, Ky Girl

  14. I too was wonder what "lippy" was. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care.

  15. I'm always whacking my toes ugh


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