Sunday, April 24, 2011


ABOVE:  Finally!  I've sewn all the blue flowers onto the backing blocks!  I can't believe how long it took... but they are done now.

On to the next stage... only I'm not too sure what to do.  I want to do 'Quilt As You Go' for this quilt...  so need to do a bit more research on the net before I attempt the next stage.

Not sure what's the haps today... probably visit the park... feed the multitudes... bla bla bla...


SHIT!  Almost forgot!!!  IT'S STEVE'S 24th BIRTHDAY TODAY!  Maybe I will bake him a cake??? 

Hmmm... it would appear Steve is avoiding his Birthday... it's almost 11am and he's still in bed!

I can't do any more on my Dresden Plate Quilt today afterall... I need to buy wadding... and all the shops are CLOSED!  Easter Sunday an all... grrrrr.

OH and I found a really good Tutorial on Quilt As You Go on the net... by a lovely lady in Wales in fact.. and she blogs so I spent ages last night reading her blog!  Thanks Andrea!  Yet another blog added to my reading list!  lol

He (Steve) has risen... and made a dinner request:  Nachos.  So we have to find SOMEWHERE that's open to buy corn chips and sour cream!  AND Happy Birthday to Vic down in Wellington too!

Yaa Stew and Steve have taken the kids to the park for a play.
Brylee got a blood nose just as they were leaving... ball hit her in the face.
Once they had gone I thought I would have some peace.
HA!  Coco decided to vomit in the garage... super IKKKK.

Trying to practise QAYG... with three blocks left over from Michael's Heart Quilt...

ABOVE:  my first attempt at Quilt As You Go, using 1 inch strips on the front and 1 and 3/4 inch strips on the back... so you end up with a half inch sashing.   I decided I didn't like only a half inch sashing so I thought I would try doubling the size of the sashings...

ABOVE:   I had to make a couple of blocks to practice on... so it was a good chance to try cotton wadding... I like it much better than the polyester stuff...  I only had a little bit of it so will buy more tomorrow for my big Quilt.

ABOVE:  it also gave me a chance to try Stipling using Free Motion Sewing again.. I still suck at it!  I mean really SUCK.  I don't know if I will ever get any good at it.  *darn it*

ABOVE:  so there you have the sashing... twice the width ... I think that will do for my big Dresden Plate Quilt.

Cooking dinner now... Stew managed to find what we needed at the garage... 3 times the price... but it is a public holiday afterall.

End of Day:  oooo dinner was just delish!!! I made enough of the mince/beans to last two night... SO I THOUGHT!  It's all gone.  Everyone except me had 2nd's. 
DIET: yep... just think about it.. it's EASTER!
nite nite.


  1. Looking good .... that's gonna be a really gawjus quilt!!
    Joy :o)

  2. Ohhh, if you bake a cake, show the picture! I love to see people's creation. ;)

  3. hehe Happy birthday Steve... hope you have a fantastic day and are thoroughly spoilt LOL

    and a very Happy Easter Chris to you and your family :)

    catch you all soon


  4. Steve's birthday is the 24 of April.....???
    So is mine and I know about 5 other people who are born on this day... awesome day to be born on !!!!

    Happy Birthday Steve

  5. You have been a busy beaver!!

    Happy birthday to Steve, and Happy Easter to the rest of you :)

  6. Well here in Taupo everything is open COME to Taupo for the day!!!! lol cake is here and all the shopping you can handle.

  7. O Yes - Happy Easter to you and yours! All that Beautiful hard work! My DH used to call me a "slave-driver"- but sometimes we are our own worst enemy. LOL

    Birthday greetings to dear Steve and yes, I would like to see your cake. I baked DH a chocolate cake for his birthday too. :)

  8. Thank you for the happy birthday... soo funny I know so many people born in the same day as Steve and myself is odd..

  9. Happy Birthday to Steve! Hope your froggy does well; maybe you can catch his grandkids later on. :)

  10. Happy Easter to you and yours Chris, and a very Happy Birthday to Steve!

  11. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Happy Easter to you and your family, and dogs ... and a super Happy birthday to the handsome birthday boy. Steve, hoping you have a wonderful day,

    Joan x


  12. All your quilts are just gorgeous!

    Happy Belated Birthday to Steve!

  13. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Happy Birthday to Steve!

    Your quilts are amazing- love the talent- wish I had just a little bit!

  14. Love those hearts , I,ll do a sample today . I,m thinkng it,s differing sizes one after the other . on one of them . Email if any advice
    also any must see blogs--cottonreel

  15. Happy birthday to your son, Steve!


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