ABOVE: there it is in it's entirety... "Sweet Pea"... I just have to stitch down the binding now.
We watched a TV programme last night about a kiwi bloke who had a Lap Band put in... and he lost 30+ kilos in a year.. it reminded me of how bloody neat it feels to lose the weight... so with renewed vigour I am going to keep working hard to get it off... AGAIN.
I am not going to be a bloody statistic... you know... one of 'those' people who lose it, gain it, lose it, gain it PLUS MORE... forever and ever. I am going to win this personal battle with MYSELF.... goddammit.
ONWARD.... where's me bloody lettuce leaf???
Well... it's a horrible day here... cold, windy and wet.... and I've done bugger all so far today! Just a little housework.... and watching some telly. With a blanket. Cos it's cold. I don't like being cold. *sniff*
I have spent the afternoon mucking around the house, moving this... tidying that.. it's been quite nice actually. I've got chicken in the oven... the smell is just devine! It's cooking in Teryiaki marinade, honey, 5 spice, ginger, garlic granules and onions. MMMMmmmmm.
End of Day: well I'ts been a good day overall... dinner was really lovely...nite nite.
How gorgeous is the Sweet Pea, it is lovely, I love the colours and the detail. Believe in yourself, you can do it, you can lose those lbs...you know what to do.....keep saying you CAN DO IT. XXXXCathy
ReplyDeleteI like you am not giving up and if it takes me till I'm 90 I'm going to be a normal weight.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you.
I'm sick to death of being average and overweight.
I want to be stunning and slim and healthy and not obsessed about my weight, because I have no need to be.
I was reading your blog when Guy just came into the room and pointed to your quilts on the screen and said "I like those... I like the pretty shapes!"
ReplyDeleteLove the Sweetpea...
ReplyDeleteI too am having a personal battle with myself and my weight, not winning at the moment but I will...eventually. Persistence!!!
You have got a real talent for quilts. This is the prettiest one yet. I wanted to reach out and pull it from the monitor.
ReplyDeleteI'm back at the dieting thing also. Fuck.
Yeah I hear you!
ReplyDeleteThe Biggest Loser is on tonight, maybe it will motivate me a bit lol.
I have faith you will win the battle and not be a statistic. Rock on.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya on NOT being a statistic! We will win this battle somehow Chris!
ReplyDeleteYour creation is once again beautiful! It is busy, but not hard on the eyes;)) Keep up the good work!
Purdy! Love it.
ReplyDeleteIt's bloody cold here too & windy. Wish I was snuggled up under a blanky on the couch.........
HI Chris, Yes, Sweet Pea is so beautiful. Do you have a place of honor for it?
ReplyDeleteHate to hear you are cold. Today was our first day of Fall and you can tell a Big difference . Hubby and I go walk in the local park because it runs by the river and the view helps me get my mind off of walking! LOL But most of the "evening crowd" all mentioned that it was getting dark on all of us! I Hate it - I love my Summer and Hate Winter-time. Cold and miserable!
Maybe a chat with a good friend and a cup of something hot to drink would make you feel better?
I'm down about 50 pounds from the fattest I've ever been. I hope I can get motivated again and lose another 40. It's not very easy to stay motivated but I'll worry about that next week cause I've got a good friend coming in tomorrow and we're going to eat like there's no tomorrow. ;)
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I didn't like this quilt (and I can't put my finger on it as to why?) as much as I LOOOOVVVEEEE all the others I think it is the quilt I would need to see in person to drink it all in perhaps IF YOU post it too me !!!!! I could let it say HANG at my place for a decade or TWO!!!!! (kidding I love it IT IS FAB) YOU think you have cold in Tuapo on the weather map said 7 PIGS TIT it was 5!!
ReplyDeleteI love this quilt...it is so romantic, and the colours are wonderful!
I can totally relate to you Chris. All I want is to be able to walk into a store and pick out a pair of pants from the "normal" section, (not the "Women's" sizes), and have them fit...that's not asking too much, is it?
ReplyDeleteThe thing about the pics of the quilts is I can't tell how big they are. Maybe you should put something in for a size reference, like a can of Diet Coke??
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that I like the idea of those body band things....
Sorry i dnt comment last nite but was a bit drunk, So love the new piece and i have just the right place for it just need to know the measurmen for it please so i can make sure it fits!!!.
ReplyDeleteIt says me totally, I see it as all the different parts as all my different personalitys and moods. i so love it.
Daughter #3
Wow... this is so gorgeous...
ReplyDeleteSorry I haven't been around of late... things have been absurd around here of late... cannot wait for that stork to get here... it is driving me insane...