I'm off to the gym at 11 to meet with my Personal Trainer... after she has seemingly avoided me for over 2 weeks, she better turn up! I have been floundering with my excersise these last 2 weeks, not motivated to go, and I'm sure it's cos I don't have my new programme and some direction to head in.
I need a programme to follow or I simply muck around ! So, fingers crossed.
Food : I have two days under my belt of being on track, and I am already feeling better for it... I had heartburn for the first time in years the other day, and I'm sure it's because of all the crap I have been eating.... and I've been feeling like crap too, most likely cos of all the bad food going down me throat. So, NO MORE, I want to feel on top of the world again, and I know that is only going to happen if I stay on track with my eating and exercise.
It will be worth it!

Right.... Cat (PT) turned up !!! Shock horror !! She had no good excuse, said something lame about leaving me heaps of messages (she didn't), but I didn't want to get angry so left it at that. I now have a good new workout for the next 6-8 weeks so I'm happy. Will reassess whether to stay with her after 8 weeks.
Well you should be with your PT right about now... I hope for her sake she has turned up this time..haha Have a top day... just about to drag on the daggies and start painting....
I feel a photo post coming on....
Hope the PT turns up this time!! Amazing how you do feel better when you are eating better - easy to forget that when we are of track. Keep up the great work Chris!!
ReplyDeleteGood to see you yesterday - and yep I love the ring!!
Hope you get in your workout with your trainer!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Crankybee and Chops! Wooohooo. Hope they have an awesome day.
hope she turned up!!!!!!!
NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING SLIM FEELS - I think that I may write that on a note and post it on the fridge. :)
ReplyDeleteHope your personal trainer showed up - what's been her excuse 2 weeks is a bloody long time.
ReplyDeletegreat that your PT turned up!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you have been busy painting today!
You must LOVE painting! I always agonise over colours, and hate it when I have to re-do anything.
ReplyDeleteI have clothes just like those....
Brylee's room looks gr8...
ReplyDeleteIs it smelly like Naths room...stinkin paint fumes..
Having trouble getting the paint to dry on the ceiling... so blasted cold in there...
and we had to paint over those lovely 1950's polystyrine tile things... oh fk it... hopefully they will look fresh...
Hey if the trainer knows you like the rest of us do, I'd be avoiding you too!
ReplyDeleteBrylee's room looks great!
So glad the PT turned up. Don't ya hae it when people say "left you messages" when they bloody did not. Never mind. You are on track for an incredible 8 weeks. wish I had the guts to get a PT. Maybe one day. I so do not want to get a PT. Painting looks a great way to spend the day... not great in one way, but I imagine it would be so rewarding!I just finished a necklace. Not sure if I like it. IN the morning I will love it or hate it. I hope I love it...alot of thought went into this one. Not as good as painting a whole room, but hey! Painting would be good exercise too, ontop of the over 10000 steps you did!
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't happy with your PT, email me (savyart@gmail.com) and I can take a look at what she is having you do and point you in a better direction (no charge, I just HATE IT when other PT's do that to people!)
ReplyDeleteOooohh, I just saw my pic - thanks girl! LOL! We did have a great day...