It's 6.20 am and I just asked Stew to get up and take Mike to work, cos it's absolutely foul out there! Gale force winds and raining something shocking... and Mike was gunna go to work on my scooter... like hell ! He would have ended up in the gutter! Not MY baby, that's for sure.
And, maybe Izzy will just have to stay home today, even I'm not mad enough to go walking in this weather. Awful it is!
Will drive the kids to school then go to the gym/personal training session, am not looking forward to it now... TOM has hit big time and me back is killing me... oh the friggin joys of womanhood... my arse !
Maybe I'm on my own on this one but....
BIGGEST JOKE OF THE DAY: They let Paris outta jail... Oh that poor pathetic excuse of a woman!!! F**k what a bunch of twits they have over there, letting her out! What? She didn't like the food? The lack of maids? or was it the metal loo ??? Ha ha, hope she got constipated... Ok rant over.
Friggin daft weather we are having... it's now sunny and brisk, lots of wind but no rain... looks like Izzy is gunna get lucky! Been to the gym, did the RPM (felt ill half way through, but still did it), and again a NO SHOW from my Personal Trainer... but she did leave a message that I got after I had sat and waited for half a bloody hour! bugger damn and blast ! Seeing her on Sunday now... she better show up! Or she is "dead meat" mate!
Being the lovely Mum that I am, I picked Mike up from work at midday, he has another shift this afternoon.... and of course I wanted to take a photo of him at work!!! What mother wouldn't??? Hmmmm.... seems Mike didn't like that idea and did a runner.... the little shit ! So, below is Mike Running...

Running away from his darling Mum ! Crushed I am , totally crushed... ha ha ha. And this fickle weather has changed again... and it's friggin well raining again...
Kek mate... I have done that already! Come to think of it, Stew and I have done so much to our older kids to embarass them that I've run outta ideas! I think the worst I've done is flash me tits at them .... now.... do ya think I'm evil too??? lol
I am feeling like crap crap crap today... TOM is shocking, headache is the pitts... all in all I'm quite miserable.... ah well, that's life eh? Am having a quiet night. nite nite.
STEPS TODAY : 10217, probably won't do many more either tonight.
It was, in case you were interested:
ReplyDeleteJune 7, 2007
Jayden James Federline shows his face
Britney Spears was spotted in Hawaii with her kids and this is apparently the first "clear" shot of Jayden James Federline. I'm assuming he's the one without the super wedgie, but all kids look the same so who knows. And I don't know what happened since these pictures, but it's hard to even comprehend that this ass and this ass are from the same person. The first one could be of a gun shot victim and it'd look just as related. Slightly less horrifying too.
UPDATE: Pictures now with more cow bell.
Photo Credit: Ramey
Comments (38) | Permalink
Paris Hilton speaks out
An attorney for Paris Hilton issued the following statement today on behalf of Paris:
"I want to thank the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and staff of the Century Regional Detention Center for treating me fairly and professionally. I am going to serve the remaining 40 days of my sentence. I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope that others have learned from my mistakes."
There's a lot of words you'd use to describe Paris Hilton's treatment by the legal system but 'fair' wouldn't be one of them. They could've sent her to Disneyland for a week and it would've been more fair than what she got.
Comments (88) | Permalink
June 7, 2007
Kim Kardashian is a ridiculous human being
Kim Kardashian was spotted leaving Koi posing like, uh, this. Look, I'll admit she's hot because, well, she's hot. But what the hell is this? If you want to know why men don't respect women for their minds it's because of shit like this. I can understand posing for the paparazzi and maybe sticking your tushy out a little, but this is unreal. She could be wearing a hamburger for a hat and she'd look less ridiculous. Mmm, twice as tasty though.
Photo Credit: Splash News
Comments (51) | Permalink
Paris Hilton released for psychological problems
So apparently Paris Hilton's medical condition was purely psychological and she was released from prison because she was in danger of having a nervous breakdown. TMZ reports:
Psychiatrist Charles Sophy visited Hilton in jail yesterday and the day before. We're told after Sophy's visit yesterday, word was passed to the Sheriff that Hilton's mental state was fragile and she was at risk. The reason for releasing her had nothing to do with a rash or other physical issues. It was purely in her head.
Hope the gym session goes well.
ReplyDeleteI am TOTALLY on the same page as you when it comes to Paris Hilton, I mean COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!
Sorry to hear you having such shit weather, it is BEAUTIFUL in Wellington today...hehe Bitch eh?
Hey girl.... beautiful day here but fkn cold I tell ya... Huge frost out there and my blog tells me it was minus 1.4 deg at 8am....
ReplyDeleterippa just makes you want to go outside and exercise...NOT!!!
Hope TTOM settles for you soon.
WTF about Paris being let have got to be joking!!!
Ok I won't comment on Paris Hilton as I just don't want to go down that track and spoil my otherwise great day. But in regards to your training being a 'no show', grrrrr. Between me and my real estate agents and your trainer I start to wonder where on earth the professionalism is these days. Don't they realise WE ARE THERE CUSTOMERS, without us they wouldn't have a job. If they don't bump their client up their priority list a wee bit, I dare say they won't last too long as there always someone else out there whose doing it better. (I just have to find them, I'm losing faith in the real estate industry BIG TIME).
ReplyDeleteGorgeous looking day here too..and I think it may be warming up a luttle.. prob about 5 degrees now..woooohoooooo
ReplyDeleteSo I was right in what I thought I heard on the radio... they DID let her out!! I can't believe it either... THAT'S CRAZY!!! Shows what a 2yr old tantrum can do huh??
ReplyDeleteThe wind in Sydney is insane, and although it's dry now we have had heaps of rain in the last few days. It makes a nice change; weather with personality!
ReplyDeleteI am so pissed that Paris is out of jail. ugh. I'm sure it had to do with her parents money, lawyers and influence. No wonder she can't learn a damn lesson. She's always bailed out!! UGH. Made me so mad. Apparentely they are getting FLOODED with angry calls and emails. GOOD. Lame decision!!
ReplyDeleteLOL at Mike running - my kids would do the same!! Have spent ALL DAY in the Resource hearing!! Are you doing coffee tomorrow?
ReplyDeletehey gym bunny i'm going to join our local one!!!! take a leaf out of your inspiring book!!!
ReplyDeletePARIS. hahahahaha enough said.
you're such a cute mum!!! i would've killed my dad if he did that.
dad use to go through my checkout all the time when i worked at the supermarket...and being a right royal pain haha
To annoy your older offspring even more than taking photos, try ostentatiously kissing and hugging them, before shouting "BYE DARLING, I LOVE YOU" as you drop them off at work in front of all their friends.
ReplyDeleteI'm evil, I know.
Huh, Paris Hilton....what's she famous for again?
I've been buggin all our kids tonight. Playing mum. Got reason tho.
ReplyDeleteBloody hell, that's a good size rock on your finger. Trust you to go do something completely different.
TOM can be a right a hole at times. Know exactly where you're coming from.
Anyway ya ole tart.... have a good weekend, will catch up in the next day or so...
OK, you win!
Ok.. ya potty mouthed tart...I am home now...went out with Mark.. to the workingmans club....haha what a friggin joke... oldies or what!!!
ReplyDeletebut I got totalled.. and had a fkn ball.. doesnt matter where I go i have a good time... tis 11.45 here now.. and I havent had anything to eat since lunch at 2pm..
so waiting for my nachos to heat up and thats it for me.. oops.. not very healthy hey!!!
ok.. you will be up in a couple of hours... have a good start to the day.. and think of me with my ..slight hangover...
yup... got pissed again... hehehehe
Hoping you are over the worst of TOM by now. Women are truly blessed.
ReplyDeleteAs per Paris ...... Money talks. Yeah like she really learned her lesson.
Good for you pushing through the pain and getting your workout done. Do hope that trainer shows up on Sunday.
Wishing you a bright sun shiny weekend.
You count your steps, that's cool.
ReplyDeleteEmbarrassing my children is one of the joys of parenting.
Maybe Paris was constipated. They did say they let her out because of a medical condition. Personally I think her only medical condition is dumbbitchitis. Gaaar. Must be nice to get special treatment.
Paris Hilton was taken from a courtroom screaming and crying Friday seconds after a judge ordered her returned to jail to serve out her entire 45-day sentence for a parole violation in a reckless driving case.
"It's not right!" shouted the weeping Hilton. "Mom!" she called out to her mother in the audience.
Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff's car, came into the courtroom disheveled and weeping. Her hair was askew and she wore a gray fuzzy sweatshirt over slacks. She wore no makeup and she cried throughout the hearing.
Her body also shook constantly as she dabbed at her eyes. Several times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, "I love you."
She had been brought to court in sheriff's custody today for a court hearing on her early release from jail after back-and-forth decisions on whether she could participate by telephone from her home.
Hilton, appearing to be in handcuffs, cried after she was placed into a black-and-white patrol car, which sped away from her home with lights flashing as news helicopters pursued, broadcasting live TV coverage.
Just thtought I would let ya know hun