Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Our story:

I left my first husband after 7 years and 4 kids... moved with the kids to the beach... stayed in my little house with my kids for 6 months before venturing out for the first time -28th September 1985 - with a girlfriend to a Netball Prizegiving... Stew was the coach of the team.

He was one of only 3 eligible men in the room, and I fell in love within about an hour! Seems so did he.... well almost anyway!

WE locked lips fairly quickly that night, and that was it so to speak... he moved in with me and the kids after about 2 weeks of meeting.... and never left. The first words I EVER spoke to him were "Don't get interested, I'm a solo mum with 4 kids"....ha ha.

We moved from the beach after about 6 months together due to his job... and we bought our first home together. Got engaged, got pregnant, got married one month after my divorce was final and 6 weeks after I gave birth to Steven... so we have been married 20 years today !

Our Wedding : All our guests were asked to "bring a plate", and they all put together to buy us some larger essential items..... we had a church service then back to our home for a party and food! It was bloody neat! No hassels, no leaks... I was breastfeeding No' # 5 afterall !

Our Honeymoon : Ever tried to book a Honeymoon Suite with a double bed, 4 singles and a bassinette ? We did not have a honeymoon! WE did finally have our first holiday without kids 10 years later, when we visited my brother in Singapore.

Below: Photos of our wedding... and I hated that dress but couldn't find anything to fit me that wasn't too expensive! WE were on a darn tight budget!

From the top, left to right: Me and Steven, 6 weeks old and adorable.

My Maternal Grandmother, Me holding Steve and My Mum, 4 generations .....Mother, Daughter, Granddaughter and GreatGrandSon. Me and Stew cutting our cake, Leaving the Church, the first 4, aged 3,4,6 & 7, and finally Stew and his Mum...Ruth died of cancer just under a year later. So sad, she would have been THE BEST mother in law ever. It was a small wedding, just immediate family and a few very close friends, just how we wanted it.

And now the next 20 please....


  1. What a lovely story!! You were meant to be together:-)Congratulations to the pair of you.

    We are coming up to 35 (gulp)!

  2. Happy wedding anniversary - love the pics thanks for sharing :)


  3. Oh! What a fantastic story! Congrats on 20 years of marriage. Have a lovely Wedding Anniversary and lots of luck and love for the next 20+ xxx

  4. Congrats! What an awesome story! I'm just catching up on being a bad blogger. You've had so much going on, but I'm going to read it all!

  5. Your story is wonderful. Hope you have a very special day on this you 20th Anniversary. Can't wait to come back tomorrow and see how you spent your day.

    (It's 6pm June 5th and I'm at work waiting to meet up with our guests)

    All the best.

  6. So you were both eager beavers then? Hehe...

    Congratulations, here's to the next 20 years!

    The boy in the photo looks like Griffin.

  7. Congratulations!! Here's to the next 20!! *raises glass*

  8. Happy Anniversary to the both of you.... Wooohooo 20 years and still going strong.

    He he he hope you get a nice ring out of it he he

    Love Chubbymum

  9. 20 years hey.... you only get 15 for murder, and out on parole after 7 if ya lucky... damn some people just dont think do they!! rofl
    Nah It is lovely to hear that some people are actually happy...
    I am sceptical and have never believed in happy endings... grew up in a war zone and married into a war zone..
    trying the peace core at the moment.. ;o)
    Best wishes for the next 20 year and I hope Stew is feeling generous...

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Aww! That is a very sweet story! Congratulations on 20 years!

  11. Congrats and happy anniversary Chris. Have a fantastic day x

  12. cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs!!!!what alovely story, have a ripper of a day!!!

  13. Aw! Congrats to you! Thanks for sharing the photos with us. You both make a great couple.

  14. Huge Congratulations Chris! I love you in the third photo from the top. Its really sweet to me. I get good vibes from the photos. Geez Stew must be a sucker for punishment taking on 4 kids and a new woman LOL. I guess his risk taking paid off since something must be right if you've stuck together through 20 years. Happy 20th Anniversary! I'm sure whichever ring you choose will be wonderful and treasured for always. I hope you have another 20 years together and then many more after that too!!!

  15. Love that story, you can tell how happy you are as it pours through your writing! I hope we are as happy as you are in 20 years ;)

  16. So cool to see a strong woman like yourself go through shit and come out the otherside happy with a darling man and still together 20yrs later!!

  17. Happy anniversary! I had even less people at my 2nd wedding - we eloped to Raratonga! Love both the rings - I'm a sucker for sapphires - got a green one when I was in Thailand a couple of years ago. Depends I guess what your other rings are like - must admit I like both of them. Have fun choosing

  18. Congratulations again to you both again. Have a fab day - hope you have something special planned for later.

    I like the three saphies too for what its worth. I like the setting.

  19. What a great story! I love it!

    As far as rings go, I love the one with three sapphires. It's beautiful!

  20. Ok, had gremlins in the system but think they are gone now. For some reason I kept checking your blog and it hadn't been updated which I knew was VERY unusual. (unheard of infact, lol) so I thought something must be wrong.
    I had to do a complete shut down and disconnect from the internet before I suddenly saw not only yesterdays posts, but all todays as well. Thank goodness that is fixed, I was beginning to have major internet withdrawals.

  21. OMG You're spoilt!! I like the 3 saphires and diamonds too....

  22. Happy anniversary! Thanks for sharing your story. You guys are so cute together. Here's to 20 more!
    As for the rings, I like them both. I would lean towards the one saphire w/ diamonds. That's only cause I used to have one almost like it. I lost it when we moved to this house about 6 yrs ago and never saw it again. It was a special promise ring from my hubby so I'm sentimental when I see one like it. I will have one again! You can't go wrong though, both are beautiful.

  23. I say dont buy a ring and use the money to fly Melissa and myself over for your party.. hehe... thats a better anniversary pressie...

  24. How awesome!! 20 years is amazing. :D!!

  25. ohh what a lovely story, thanks for sharing!

    I like the first ring too, but it depends on your other rings... and if you are going to wear it on the same finger! Have fun choosing!

  26. OOOOOOO YAY cool story!!

    i look forward to telling my story after 20yrs just like you have....

    i'm sure you're enjoying your i write this!!

  27. I personally love the second ring, it's absolutely divine, and would suit you to a T.
    Congratulations on 20 years. That sure is an amazing story!

  28. Congratulations on your anniversary, 20 years great going (Stew looks just the same as he did 20 years ago), very sweet story, you definitley have a keeper there.

  29. Happy anniversary, Chris! Hope you have a wonderful evening.

    Both the rings are lovely - go for the one you REALLY love, don't worry about the cost. Heehee.

  30. Hard choice - try them on see how they look with your other rings and then go for it!

  31. Awww congratulations you two! I like the ring at the top with the three sapphires - beautiful!! I love all the pics you put up, it gives us such an insight into your life. Garden looks great, rooms look great, wish I could come to your party. I hate living so far away!! Hope you liked the movie. I haven't seen it but heard it's very long!

  32. I hope you both had a lovely day!!

    HEY! The pic of your 4 kids, the daughter on the left (looking at the pic) she looks like Brylee.

    The rings, I say.....get em both....I'm greedy...woohoo.

    I have to say, You have never changed.

    Hugs to ya hun

  33. I agree with CKK your son looks like Griffin. Happy Anniversary - I'm a sucker for a good love story.

    I like the 3 stone sapphire rings as well.

  34. Awwewwwww, that really is such a sweet story.

  35. Awwww... Happy Anniversary. I love that you are so happy! Well done on twenty years together.

  36. Ha! I was going to say the single sapphire - I'm obviously a girl with expensive tastes!

    You looked lovely despite the dress. Congrats for the anniversary...

  37. I'm back to see how everything all turned out and I'm glad to see you had a good time on your special day. I like the ring with the sapphires. This parallel universe thing continues. Take care and many more happy anniversaries to you!

  38. Congrats on the 20 years!

    I love sapphires, they happen to be my oldest daughter's birth stone.

  39. You were/are a real cutie-pie!


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