Monday, March 10, 2025



This morning Stew and I have an appointment with our solicitor, to sign the papers to go UNCONDITIONAL with our new home purchase.

All going well, it will be finalised today, if not, definitely tomorrow.

I can't wait for it to be all over, well the legal shit anyway.  Then I can relax and just wait it out till we move.

We talked to Steve last night about the little improvements  we want to make to the new-to-us house.  Mostly putting up shelving, adjusting cupboards, and the biggest thing.... stripping out the existing bathroom and putting in a new one.

Nothing too flash, but we certainly want to get rid of the 80's décor in there.  I reckon the bath is original, so over 30 years old!  Ikkk. 

It is quite exciting, knowing that there will be plenty to keep me (and the guys) occupied for a while.  We won't be doing as much as we did to this home, because it simply isn't going to be necessary.  But there is 'a bit' to do.

ABOVE:  I forgot to post this.  The blue line shows where we went yesterday .... quite a nice 'round trip'.  

ABOVE: Marley enjoying a tummy rub yesterday afternoon.  She's such a cutie.  It's so neat we still have her in the family, and get to see her all the time.

Right, before I have to go into town, I shall do some housework, then potter around in the sewing room.

One more thing to do...
and it's DONE.

I had a bit of a 'wobble', not 100% sure if it was the right house for us, but it is.  It means massive changes in how we live, but I just have to go with it.
The positives outweigh the negatives.  

Once we move, I can start to get my life sorted out again.  These past 6 months have been hard in many ways.
Not least me putting on about 8 kilos!  I stress eat.  I hate that I do that.
I am feeling really horrible about myself at the moment.
I am on the verge of crying all the time.
So much is NOT RIGHT in my head.
But... I will come right eventually.

Just had lunch.
About to go into the sewing room and work on the smaller runners.
Might even finish off those donuts from yesterday.
Maybe they will be my LAST INDULGENCE?


  1. Your road trip and photos looked like a great day. Hope all has gone well today with the paperwork fingers crossed 🤞

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Well I cant see the extra 8kgs on any photos. !!I think you are looking great. Just go back a couple of years in photos to see how far you've come. From one emotional stress eater to another....... KarenAK

  3. Can you get some stuff done before you move in? ie, bathroom, oven etc? That would be great if you could.

  4. Rhonda2:52 PM

    Woo hoo congratulations. I can only imagine how stressful this whole process has been/is for you. Very very big changes. It will take time. OMG 80s decor. I had in my mind the property you were buying was ‘newish’. Is the kitchen original too or has it been updated? I’m thinking it would have been.


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