Thursday, March 06, 2025



I moved heavy furniture.

I found BIG DENTS in the carpet.

I pondered what to do.

Then I put the question out there on Facebook.

How do ya get rid of furniture dents on ya carpet?

LOTS and LOTS of helpful replies.

The most common one?

Put ice blocks on them.

ABOVE: So I got out some of Stew's precious ice and dropped a block on 4 of the dents.  Covered them with a cup so Coco wouldn't lick 'em, and left them all day.

And two of the dents were completely obliterated, and two probably need another ice cube on them.  
But basically,  IT WORKED!

How neat, and it was so damn easy.  Now I won't feel bad about leaving dents all over the place when we move, because there won't be any.

Today I am off to Mosaics in Cambridge.  It's a great way to get right away from all that I could be doing here.  A good distraction.

This evening is 'pub night', so another outing to look forward to.  Even though I really only go there for about an hour.  It is nice to catch up with the 'regulars', and share a bowl of hot chips.

12.30 pm and I'm home from mosaics.  I didn't do anything today except yak.  They we did a little road trip out to Matangi, where a lady sells mosaic supplies.

I did not buy much, just these:  

ABOVE:  I'm sure at some point I will use them.

After that little visit, I came home and had me lunch.

Now I'm about to head into the sewing room to get some work done.

After a few months of respite, the dog from hell has started barking again.  I know when my neighbour is not home because her dog barks non stop until she gets home again.

We had the same 'problem' in Cambridge.  That dog barked Mon - Fri, 8.30 - 4.30.  Like clockwork.

God I hope we don't find we have the same problem where we are moving to.  That would do my bloody head in.  At least where we are going, I'm sure it would be sorted damn fast!  It's a private village, with RULES.  I bet one of them is NO BARKING DOGS. (hence why Marley lives with Steve and Bex now).

I was going to sew this afternoon, but I just can't be arsed.  I'm tired, I did not sleep well at all last night.  Too much on my mind.  All going well, my mind will be at ease by the weekend.


  1. Good to know that the ICE trick worked. Easier than steam. Probably safer, too!

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Great about the dents in the carpet - if only all housework was that simple and easy!! Audrey

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I had read about the ice cubes before. Glad it worked out for you. Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Great news about the carpet. Kj

  5. I wonder what changed regarding the barking dog. Did she keep it quiet when your house was for sale, and now that it is sold she doesn't care. Interesting.


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