Sunday, March 16, 2025


Two days ago I said we would NOT be buying any new furniture until we have moved.  Then we could take our time to decide what we wanted to replace with new stuff.

What would fit etc.

But, then we started looking online at dining suites.  And saw one we both really loved.

It is on sale RIGHT NOW, and so is the Sofa Bed we've had our eye on for months.

So LET ME JUST SAY... WE have changed our minds, and will be going shopping TODAY for those items.

Both have $800 off them, so it would be crazy not to order them now, eh.

The sofa bed will take at least 3-4 months to arrive once ordered, so best to order it NOW, and have it arrive a couple of months after we have moved.

We can use the 2nd bedroom for storage/sorting out shit over those two months.  That will be very handy.  *The sofa bed is going in the 2nd bedroom.

Before we go shopping, we will be helping move the trundler bed over to it's new home.  The buyers don't have a trailer, so we are using ours to get it to their home.  

We have a busy morning planned, and it should be fun.

Catch ya later.

ABOVE:  And we have another totally empty bedroom.  So three bedrooms now need nothing doing to them.  I've emptied them and cleaned them.
That much less to do on moving day.

We are about to head out to look at/buy furniture for the new house.   Then we will have a nice lunch out, then come home to do????

ABOVE:  Bought today, arrives in 2-3 weeks.  We love the detail on the top of the table, and it's white accent.  It is American Oak.  It has one extension, which is handy.

ABOVE:  Ordered today, arrives in about 4 months.  We have chosen a 'Stone' colour,  it's a mid Grey.  
The carpet in the house is dark Grey.

Also ordered today, but won't be here for a few weeks, a new Oven.  The exact same one I bought a while ago.   We don't need to get a new Induction Cooktop, as there is a new one there already.

The house has a new cooktop, dishwasher and Tilt-a-Door in the garage, so that's three things we don't have to buy. 

It has a bath, but we will be taking it out and installing a big cupboard in it's place.

The Village has a big Hot Tub for when I want to lie in a 'bath' just to relax.  No lovely smelly bubbles sadly... just bubbly wine.  😂😊

Now that we are home we will be relaxing for the afternoon.  I will work on my latest jig saw, which is coming along nicely.

Stew decided, in his infinite wisdom, to chew lollies while sitting right beside me.  I was like, you wanna die today? 
Then I thought of something... I would go out and buy some earphones to use with my phone, so I could listen to music, answer the phone etc using them, and drown out Stewie.
So off we went to the mall to buy some earphones. 
We had a very helpful man who steered me in the right direction, discussed all the options, and I ended up getting some SONY Noise Cancelling Earphones that I'm very happy with. 

Got home, charged them up and BOOM!  They work a treat.

Stew is safe from certain death.... AGAIN.

Poor man ... he has a lot to put up with.


We just had our dinner.  Gnocchi with Chicken/Onion/Cheese Sauce.  So yum!

Now, I'm probably gunna bugger off, and catch ya tomorrow.


  1. That's a huge discount. Good shopping!

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    All sounds good, have Australia we call them trundle beds...not trundler...Peta

  3. Excellent savings... you don't need to justify yourself to us 🤣🤣 if you change your mind about buying now that's your business. I bet you're busting to get in there... I'm excited on your behalf ☺️

  4. You certainly are getting those ducks lined up in a row guys

  5. Kiwionholidays1:37 PM

    Awesome new furniture choices
    It’s lovely to start fresh with a blank canvas and furnish it with what suits and fits but also looks nice 👍
    Agree with the table top 💯🥝🛍️
    Enjoy the rest of the day .,,,,,and feel, proud of you guys achievements and the totally organised way you’re getting your home ready for moving day
    Counting the 😴 sleeps with you lol

    Cheers 🥂

  6. I love that table gorgeous and the sofa bed looks divine.
    Your runners will look great on new furniture.

  7. Now you know that sofabed (or a couch just like it) will look wonderful in your new place in the lounge :) Also you'll have to match up that new dining suite with some matching furniture... perhaps a cabinet? I know you are planning on taking your wooden cabinet for your TV but I love the look of that lighter furniture.

  8. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday it was a nice quiet day. 😊
    Bex 💚

  9. Furniture is perfect and you are right the table is absolutely gorgeous.

  10. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Lol earphones, great idea! Love the new furniture. All so exciting for you both! Kj


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