I'd love to say I had a wonderful night's sleep, but I didn't.
And I have a pounding headache, almost the first one this year!
Having my naughty tooth out certainly put paid to the constant headaches.
I was going over to Cambridge for mosaics this morning, but if this headache sticks around, I won't be going anywhere.
I feel quite ill in fact. So I might just go back to bed with some panadol on board.
ABOVE: Stew went me these 'words' yesterday. He knows how much I take 'words' to heart. He wishes I didn't. So do I.
I will try harder to just let them flow over me.
10.42 am: I'm up and feeling better.
I've done the morning jobs and am now in the sewing room working on the last 4 smaller runners.
Being in the sewing room is where my mind runs amok sadly.
I do tend to stew over 'words'.
But gosh, I am so happy I've not done certain things that were asked of me by people in my life. I would sure in hell regret them now if I had done what was asked.
Some people like to use you, take what they can and then gaslight you, walk away and so on. I feel lucky that I can see most people's true character traits early on. Saves me having those regrets later on.
Still stewing on things, but moving on to better days.
I have almost totally run out of black thread! So a trip to Spotlight is high on the list of things to do next.
Wise words Stew