Tuesday, March 11, 2025



Coco is getting groomed this afternoon.

Until then, I am going out and about to look at bathroom fittings.  A new shower and vanity.  We are removing the bath as we don't need it.  (there is a lovely hot tub to soak in at our new village) 

AND when we gut the bathroom, we can use the community facilities until our new bathroom is ready.  So lucky that is an option.

I am taking a few things over to Steve and Bex's this morning as well.  Not much, cos seriously, I'm running out of outside 'stuff' to take over there.

Once I get home, I might do some sewing.  We will see.


  1. Have fun choosing your bathroom fittings!

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Could I make a suggestion please? Because this is a "retirement" style home, perhaps your bathroom could be one of those easy access types? So that people with mobility issues can get it? My in-laws remodelled theirs when they needed care to make the shower open (with a curtain), detachable shower hose, rails, and easy access if a chair or stool was needed. Maybe something like that? Because when it's eventually sold, it'll be to someone older who may need those facilities? Just adding my 2 cents worth anyway. xx Colleen.

  3. Have a wonderful day and focus on the things you love


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