Monday, March 17, 2025


For the first time in a very long time, I don't have a bloody thing to do today.
Sure, I can make the bed, do a load of washing, water the plants and so on.  All the usual Monday morning stuff.

But aside from that... NO PLANS, no 'to do' list of things.

I'm LOST.  What the hell am I gunna do with myself?

I don't need to make any more stuff for markets for the time being.
I cannot pack anything else now until just before we move, cos we are using it all.

I suppose I'll just have to take it one day at a time, and try to make the best of it.
Maybe I'll do some research into the East Cape/Gisborne area, for our upcoming little trip?
That is in 5 sleeps time.

OH HELL, did I even keep any suitcases out, or have I put them all into the storage unit?  Eeeek, I better go see.

11.27 am:  I found something to do.  I did a small grocery shop, mostly for toiletries, make up remover, face cream and so on.  Grabbed some Hot Cross Buns as well... already had two.  With Jam.

I looked for the suitcases.  Guess what?

I'm just too damn efficient at packing up our house.
So now we will be using a couple of plastic boxes for our stuff when we go away.  Does it matter.  Nah, not at all.

ABOVE:  Since arriving back home, I've put some washing on, flung all the windows open (it's bound to rain now), and worked on my puzzle.

I know, I've been very quiet on here today.
That's due to me having a function to attend this afternoon.  Stew joined me after work.
We met lots of people who will be our new neighbours, so a lovely visit.
Stew was VERY popular with the ladies... I can see I'll have to be swatting those hussies off him!  lol

We are now home, and are going to enjoy a quiet evening.  Just the usual really.

9 pm:  And the day is done.  It's been a cruisy day, with a nice ending with our little outing.
Catch you tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Lol. I bet you have.
    You're so organized. Lj

  2. Rhonda10:47 AM

    Why don’t you have a pamper yourself day! A long bath, reading or listening to music, do your nails, face mask etc etc etc. indulge yourself totally for you 💕

  3. I hope you still have your suitcases.

  4. That’s funny
    Sew yourselves some bags?

  5. Grab couple of those striped bags, from the warehouse, for your trip and then they be handy for traveling up to palmerston nth in November just taking small bag going up but coming back with christmas decorations so taking one of those with me (paid for extra bag)

  6. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Sounds good to me. Jigsaw looks good. Kj

  7. Look at that. You puzzle in a very neat and orderly fashion!

    1. *snort* would you expect anything else from me?? !!! I 🤣😅😊

  8. Hahaaaa.... woop woop meeting new friends 🙌 Gotta watch those hussies 🤣

  9. Glad you had a lovely time meeting and making new friend in your new location. Stew watch those ladies now 🤣

  10. Happy Saint-Patrick's Day to you!

  11. Great to meet your new neighbours. They'll all be popping in with welcoming goodies for Stew 😂


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