Saturday, March 15, 2025



Well it's about 5.45 in the morning, and we are up and getting ourselves ready to leave for Tamahere Market.

It is looking to be lovely weather today, so that's great.

Hopefully lots of people come to the market and we get some sales.

I sometimes worry we are seeing the same people month in, month out at Tamahere.  How many runners/bowl cosy's do they need/want ?

Just a thought.

For now though, I better get a move on.  

At least now I don't get me tits in a knot with stressing out before this market.  It goes like clockwork ... we have setting up down pat.  



BEX.  She's a truly wonderful 

wife, mother and family member.

Dad and I hope you have an awesome day and we will see you this evening.


ABOVE: 6 am. FOGGY. COLD. And I didn't think ahead. I'm in summer clothes and jandals on me feet.

While setting up the stall I was hot, now though? Sitting doing nothing, I'm freezing. 

Hopefully the day warms up or I'm gunna get VERY GRUMPY.

ABOVE: Stew had a wander around the market and came back with these wooly slippers! My feet feel much warmer now. Thank you Darling.  🥰😊

11.45 am and I am FINALLY warm! And it had been an incredibly slow market.  We just made our FIRST sale!
We thought it was going to be a NO SALE DAY... but thankfully not.

2.12 pm: Home.  Thank Goodness!   It got really hot after midday and I started to roast.  Luckily, we always take our time packing up and unpacking when we get home, so we don't overheat.

Now Stew is off to the supermarket, and I'm going to simply put me feet up until he comes home.

Then we are off to our storage unit to look for the extra chairs and extensions for the dining suite.  Our friend 'R' has decided it's too big for her home, so we are selling it.

We already have our eye on a little dining suite that we both love.  How much fun is it getting new furniture?  I love it.  We will probably order the Sofa Bed while there tomorrow as well, as they are giving us a really good deal on the two items.  ($1,600 off).  You can't beat that.


  1. Happy birthday Bex. Have the best birthday ever with your gorgeous family

  2. Happy birthday Bex may you be spoilt from your family.

    Fog jandals slippers funny fingers crossed great day ahead.

  3. Happy birthday Bex ... I.hope you have an awesome day 🎂🎉.

    I hope the market is going well Chris and the temperature has warmed up.

  4. Kiwionholidays2:15 PM

    Lovely photo of Bex and wee Lily I can totally see the resemblance now to her Mum
    I can understand the feelings of wanting to just snuggle down on the floor with her playing like her brothers do 🕺🏿💯

    Hope the sales picked up after lunch etc
    Cheers 🥂

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Happy Birthday Bex…
    Enjoy your birthday celebrations this evening 🎂🎉


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