Saturday, March 29, 2025



Kinda relieved, kinda not.

It is getting cooler in the mornings.  Fogs.  Damp and cool.

Great for walking.

Not so great for doing markets in.

Soon I'll be bitching about being cold, instead of too hot!  At least I'm consistent.

So, the dining suite.  I have been inundated with enquiries and cheeky offers over the past couple of weeks, all WAY LOWER than my asking price. (which was a reduction on the original price anyway)

So I withdrew the listing, then put it back up again at my original asking price.  I'm hoping that someone offers me less than the (new) asking price, without knowing I am actually prepared to drop the price a bit?   It's worth trying anyway.

ABOVE:  This is the Round Table Topper I got finished late yesterday afternoon.  I took a gamble on putting the floral fabric in the middle, I think it paid off.  

Our new dining suite has arrived into Hamilton, so we shall go out a bit later on and pick it up.  It will be staying in the box until we move into our new home.  No point assembling the table for now right?

Coco had her first dose of her medications last night.  It is going to take at least two weeks before we see any improvement (if any).  I really hope for Coco's sake it works.

10 am: So far this morning Coco has not had an 'episode'.  I know it's way too early for the medications to kick in, so just lucky I guess.
Stew is out getting the weekend groceries (mainly Diet Coke of course).
Then we will go out and pick up the new dining suite.

2.14 pm and we have the new dining suite (in 4 boxes) stacked in the garage.  Very handy being in boxes I must say.
Lunch was a kebab at Chartwell Square, and now we are just hanging out at home.  Stew is going to do some lawns/weeding soon. 
I have started another new jig saw, but it's slow going as I'm not really feeling it today.

7 pm and it's been an incredibly quiet day.  We didn't do much this afternoon at all.
So... I'm gunna bugger off.
This evening is going to be spent in front of the telly.  That is all.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Love, love, love the new round table topper. I hope Coco has an improvement soon. It's not easy on our hearts when our furbabies get sick due to aging. Ky Girl

  2. Hugs for Coco. I hope the strategy works on the dining table.

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    This is gorgeous. I love the floral fabric. Your table and chairs are beautiful. Kj

  4. When mum and dad had a 7day dairy if something wasn't moving out the door fast enough maybe carrots or a cabbage they would put them on a different shelf list them as same price and bangbthey be gone that day

  5. Loving the new round table topper just gorgeous.
    Enjoying cooler damper weather here too.

  6. Rhonda8:51 PM

    Love the round table cover. Glad Coco is showing improvement. Hope you are ok Chris, you seem down 🤷‍♀️ flat 🤷‍♀️. Be kind to yourself 💕

  7. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Can you use the pool at the new facility before you move? Do they have exercise classes? Do they have a walking group you can start now?

    If your weather is nice, it would be worth driving to your old walking group just to have something to do.

    Round runner is lovely. Looks like you used piping around the center, very nice.



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