Thursday, March 20, 2025


 The past few months, I've been selling off stuff we don't need on FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE.

Mostly, it's been a very positive experience.

But lately?  Not so much.

I am seriously annoyed at how some people try to dick you around.

Yesterday I had a 'buyer' say she would be coming at 5.30 pm to pick up the dining suite.  Didn't show up.

Then an hour later someone asked me to lower the price 'just a bit'.  I said no, as I had already dropped it by $100.  The cheeky bugger then said they would come and get it tomorrow, for $50 lower than my already reduced price! 

I said NO.  AGAIN.


I only have the dining suite left to sell... fingers crossed it does go before we move.  

This morning I'm off to Cambridge to try and finish my first mosaic project.   It's been taking me longer than it should, because I haven't been attending much.  

Once we move, I will probably give it up, as it clashes with the Aqua Aerobic class I want to attend at our new village.  There's two Aqua Aerobic classes a week, and I fully intend going to both of them.  I'm really looking forward to them.

Once I get home from Cambridge, I will be heading straight into the sewing room, where I will make a start on the two Round Table Toppers I want for the next market. 

Oh Yes, before I forget.  What was freaking me out last night in our Kitchen/Dining/Family room???

 Not ones that were flying around the room, cos there were only THREE live ones in the room, that we could see at the time. 

It was the dead ones that were freaking me out.

I went to close the blinds in the dining area, and noticed about 12 or so dead flies on the window sills!  And another 8 on the floor.  Ikkk.

I swept them all up and tossed them out the window. 

Literally 3 minutes later I returned to that area... and OH MY GOD!

There were that many MORE dead flies on the window sill and floor AGAIN!

I was like, where the hell did they come from?  They were NOT flying around the room a few minutes ago.

So, I swept THEM all up and tossed them out the window.  

By then I was a bit freaked out.

So after a few more minutes, I went back to check again.  And yep, another half a dozen dead flies on the floor.  TOTALLY FREAKED ME OUT. 

I closed all the doors, so if they were flying into the room from other rooms, they couldn't.  

And I sat there... counting flies that were in the room, alive.  FOR.  HOURS.

ABOVE: Those flies were so stupid, I caught NINE by the end of the night.  And I have NO IDEA where they came from, cos they were NOT in the room earlier on.  It's got me totally bamboozled.

Today I am going to close up that room and see if it's full of alive and dead flies when I get home!

I just don't understand where they are coming from.  We have NEVER EVER had a problem with flies in the house before.  I thought it might have something to do with the recent rain, after such a long, dry spell?

OH and I've ascertained that they are blow flies.  Triple IKKKkKKK. 

Another thing, there's none in the rest of the house, just that one room.  Weird.

12.35 pm.  I got home to ...

ABOVE:  I arrived home to 4 more dead flies and 2 alive ones.  NO idea how they got in the K/D/Family room.  I left all the doors leading into it closed.
One thing I have noted though, there's a small swarm of them in the sunroom, where the sun hits the carpet.

The sunroom is not 100% sealed off from the outside, as it used to be a patio.  The flooring is timber decking, covered 90% with large carpet mats.

I am wondering if that's where they have come inside the house, then migrated into the K/D/Family room?   *sigh*

I wonder if I will get to the bottom of it?

Meanwhile, I'm making my lunch, then will head off into the sewing room.
When I come back in here, I am fully expecting (god knows why/how), for the room to have flies again.   dumm dee dooo.....

ABOVE:  I have nearly finished my first paver at mosaics.  I will be grouting it next week.  Then I am going to make a number plaque for our new home.  As mosaics is on a Tuesday and Thursday, I think I can switch to the Tuesday, and not miss the Aqua Aerobic classes.  We will see.

4.20 pm, and the fly plague seems to be over?  There's been no new ones in the room for the past couple of hours.  What a relief.
I've now opened up all the windows and doors as the house was feeling very hot and cloistered.

If more flies come in, I'll just have to deal with them.

I have stitched up two more Round Table Toppers, and now just need to put the wadding in the middle and the backing on.  I'll do that tomorrow.
Tonight is 'pub night' and I'm going to visit the kids, then join Stew for 7 pm hot chips in the pub.

9.07 pm, just home from the pub.  It was another nice evening, spent with the kids, then the blokes at the pub.
Home to only a couple of flies in our K/D/Family room.  What a relief, the plague is over.
Enough about bloody flies, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Omg gross!! Probably the rain but check in case a dead bird or rodent around too 🤢

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    That would definitely shake me up too.

    Dead animal in attic above that room? Or somehow under house?

    I think blow flies generally signal something dead, garbage, sewer.

    Inside your house is spotless, so seems like it must be under or over.


  3. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I love the water aerobics classes that I am taking. It has taken me a bit to make it a routine...I've been going on Monday and Wednesdays or Tuesday and Thursdays. I hope you enjoy your classes once you start. Ky Girl

  4. Flies are seriously annoying. You think you've killed them all and a couple more land on you. Wonder where those dead ones came from. Not nice!

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Can't smell anything dead anywhere?

  6. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Ghosts! Lol. Most likely there's a dead lizard or animal under the floor in the sunroom and the flies are attracted to it that way. xx Colleen

  7. Ick hate flies it's lovely here now we have put a security screen door on front entrance lovely being able to safely have t open and fresh air. Your new aqua classes will be awesome fun...guess you can't join before you move.

  8. We get flies seasonally. In the fall. The window sills are full of them. Yucky.

  9. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I wonder if your neighbours on that side have put manure in their garden close by, or a dog has left a bundle full of maggots? Not nice.

  10. Ick I hate flies. We get them bad too.


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