Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 Today we start the third leg of our 5 day jaunt around the East Cape.

We are off to Napier next.  This is another stretch of road that I have never been on.   Stew's been on it once, back in the very early 2000's.

So, new territory still.

Once we arrive in Napier, we will have a tiki tour around, before meeting up with GM, who is a regular commentor on the blog.  I have meet her some years ago when she took one of the first puppies from Coco.

Sadly, that puppy died from, I think Parvo?  Now she has George, hence she is known as GM (George's Mum).  I call her Robyn.  😂😊

Her and my Mum used to 'talk' via the blog quite a bit too.  

So, we shall have a lovely day I'm sure.

8.30 am, on the road again. There's been some rain overnight,  so much cooler today. 

ABOVE: Not as far to go today. 


2.31 pm.  In Napier.  Had lunch, and wandered around the shops.  Then did the waterfront, and a little tiki tour.
We are now at the motel and ready for a relax for a while.
Feeling a bit jaded today I must say.

ABOVE: Where the Wairoa River meets the sea.  It was very rough.

ABOVE:  Seriously, I have no idea where this was taken!  Somewhere between Wairoa and Raupunga.  

ABOVE:  We stopped at this pretty little lake.
Nice to see you could actually swim in it if you wanted to.  
There were lots of little fish close to the shoreline.

ABOVE:  Lake Tutira.

ABOVE: There was even a small school group out kayaking on the lake. 

ABOVE:   DEVIL'S ELBOW, in the middle of nowhere!

ABOVE: We had stopped for road works at 'Devil's Elbow' bend on the road to Napier.
It was so pretty looking out over the bush.  They are building a bridge to cut out the bend.

ABOVE: FIRST stop once we arrived in Napier?  The fabric shop.  I found a bit of fabric there, some really lovely stuff.

ABOVE:  It was not very busy in the shopping streets at all.
We went to a cafe for a pie and chips for lunch.

ABOVE: We found these giant chairs along the waterfront.  Only time I'm ever going to feel small.

ABOVE:  My piece of Napier Driftwood to take home.

ABOVE: Nice view back towards Whirinaki Beach.

And that's it for now.  

7.55 pm: And we are just back from having a delightful dinner with Robyn at a very nice eatery by the Marina.

ABOVE: Stew and I shared some Calamari and Pork Bites, followed by a bowl of Chicken Fettucine each.  VERY filling, and very yummy.

ABOVE: Robyn had a monster burger!!!  She took half of it home for her lunch tomorrow.

It was super lovely to catch up with Robyn after so many years.
I hope it doesn't take as long next time.

We are now going to wind down and get to bed fairly early.  There is another long road trip tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    It wasn't Parvo, they narrowed it down to dog food she had eaten which sadly took the lives of other dogs locally as well 😪 dinner reservation has been made 😋 it's raining a bit but not cold. See you later on GM 💙💙

  2. Bye bye gizzy photo it's beautiful sun rays in the clouds

  3. Beautiful it all looks so nice!

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Another day of beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Ky Girl

  5. Awe Struck! I heard there was a earthquake in New Zealand. Hope that doesn't affect you in any way. I just got my first "CALL SHEET" . I have to be on set at 5:30 am. Which means leave home at 4:30 am. And wake up at???? Do I even go to sleep? What have I signed myself up for????

    1. The latest earthquake was too far away to affect us here. It doesn't seem to have done any damage. Two of our volcanoes are have a bit of a rumble too... we passed one the other day (White Island). Seems the country is having a bit of volcanic/seismic activity right now. Not too worried, it's happens.

    2. You signed up to have fun, and I am sure you will.

  6. Another wonderful day. You've been everywhere!! Boy what a burger. Sure was a whopper.
    Read about the earthquake this morning. Biggie but no damage, no one hurt and no tsunami. Just another blip on a screen.
    Have a great...rest of the day

  7. Looked like another wonderful day.
    Omg….that burger 😳


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