Monday, March 03, 2025



I have a bit of a surprise for you.  One I've held off sharing for fear of trolls having a go.
But here goes:

ABOVE: Steve, Bex, Dante, Archer, Lily AND Marley.

Yep, Marley now lives with Steve and Bex.  She didn't even have to change her surname.  😂😅😊


Because where we are moving to would not have worked out for Marley (or us).   Marley barks when she sees ANYONE passing our home, or when she hears a strange noise.

Where we are moving to, she would undoubtedly bark and cause a problem.  We could not risk becoming social pariahs at our new village, or being complained about.

So, Steve and Bex were only too happy to adopt her.  We sent Marley to them a little while ago now, to see how it could work.

And it's been absolutely perfect for everyone.

Marley cannot see out to the road or footpath from Steve and Bex's home, so does not bark there.

She is loved and pandered to by all the family, and of course, Marley LOVES them all, especially Lily!  It is the best thing for Marley.

Another huge positive, we get to see her all the time.

And finally, and a big consideration as well....

Coco gets to live out the last few years of her life in peace, without being bullied by Marley.  Yes, Marley bullied her.  Coco doesn't miss Marley at all.

She is loving being an 'only child'.  And we spoil her rotten.  She deserves to be spoilt rotten.

Coco will be 15 years old in 5 days.   She spends the majority of her days following me around the house, and sleeping wherever I am.

So that is our news.  

Moving on to today.  I am going to potter around the house, doing a few odd jobs here and there.

Then I will make a start on some smaller runners.

We have been asked on numerous occasions if we have smaller runners?  Last Saturday was no exception.

So I will be making some over the next two weeks, in readiness for our next market at Tamahere.

10 am:  Lots of stuff got done so far this morning.  I'm very happy with my efforts.
Lacy is here, and she just helped me move a couple of things.


ABOVE: Yep, he did pull some faces... until I yelled at him.  lol

Lacy and I just spent a couple of hours out and about.  I showed her around the village we are moving to, then we did some shopping, followed by a visit to Bex and Lily.  We took lunch with us, so a nice visit, just us girls.

ABOVE:  Marley has fully embraced being with the kids. So much so, that when I get up to leave, she doesn't even try to leave with me. In fact the little tart refuses to come with me!

3 pm:   I had a nap!  Lay down and was out to it for an hour.  Must have been tired, I've not been able to nap for ages, try as I might.
It never actually feels good when ya wake up again, but never mind.

ABOVE: The first of a run of smaller runners.  It's just the top, not quilted or bound yet.  I'm going to make about 6 in a row then quilt and bind them all in one go.

8.30 pm:  I got a bit more done in the sewing room this afternoon, will show ya tomorrow.
Stew arrived home and we both had some dinner before settling down for a couple of hours in front of the telly.
And that is me for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. So great to find the perfect home for Marley, a perfect fit.

  2. Whoa! I was a bit surprised at the "Family Has Grown" .... haha. I think that was a great solution for both dogs and both families. That, basically, is how we acquired the Jethro dog! He was a "family" dog too. And - yes - smaller runners. Hopefully they will be faster, and a bit cheaper, and someone that loves your work can head home with a little something.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Very kind and practical solution.

    If I remember correctly, Marley is the one who walks nicely. And likes to play, so I am sure it is a good fit. I am sure the boys were thrilled.

    You have lived next to a barking dog and know exactly how terrible it is. We live next to two very large dogs who both bark, it is awful.

    Very good you were proactive, smart to make the change very early.


  4. I love the photo!! One big happy family. And Coco's happy too.

  5. Ahhhhh that’s so neat love the photo of the family and their “new couch”.
    The boys have grown so much.

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Great solution Team Harvey 👏 ummmm can I ask how come it's a normal photo? Usually Steve and Dante are making funny faces 😂😂 GM 💙💙

  7. Anonymous9:45 AM

    We are only allowed one dog in the our village and a dog had to be recently rehomed shortly after its owners moved in because neighbours complained about the barking. Good move - both of your dogs will be happier with the new arrangement and the kids will be thrilled. Audrey

  8. Rhonda11:21 AM

    Perfect, kind and happy solution for all. Marley certainly looks at home and part of the family. The lounge looks fabulous too. The gift of the lounge to Steve and Bex is so generous but in a way I’m sure it’s in thanks for the enormous amount of work Steve has done at your current home. I had wondered how the dogs would go when you move. Last thing you need would be complaints from existing residents as all eyes will be on you when you move in lol 😜

  9. Gorgeous family pic ❤️

  10. When I read the headline,I thought Steve and Bex might be having another little one! That Dante looks so much like his dad. Great looking family. And I agree at Coco's age she deserves to be spoiled and be in peace.

  11. Perfect for Marley. Having the kids to play with is so good for her and them

  12. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Great that Marley is with Steve, Bex and family...perfect solution for Coco and you guys.....Peta

  13. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Great result! And Marley gets to remain in the family, absolutely no one should troll you about it. Margaret

  14. And more lovely photos of that cute redhead. Now safe with her new guardian. Delightful.


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