Sunday, March 02, 2025



A few months ago, I offered our leather lounge suite to Steve and Bex.  But then I changed my mind.

3 days ago we put an offer in on a much, much smaller home, and realised the leather lounge suite would be too big for the lounge there.

So, we again offered it to Steve and Bex, and they are more than happy to take it.  

So today it is going over to their home.  And we shall be keeping the Cream La Z Boy suite.

The house is going to look a bit empty !

But that's all good, because it means we will have that much less big furniture to move in 3 months time.

Downsizing is extremely freeing I must say.  It's like a MASSIVE declutter.  

I really am loving it.

There will be more decluttering going on once we have moved, and can bring back from storage all we have there too.

ABOVE:  I know I posted this back in December, but it's so appropriate for us now, and worth posting again.

I am sure I will 'WANT' more stuff once we move, and have sorted everything out.  Like a new oven, range hood, lights etc.  But all that can wait for now.

Now all I want is for time to fly, and May to get here quick.   I'm not too good when it comes to being patient. 

And back to now...  better get up and make a start on our day.

ABOVE:  And there it goes, the first load over to the kids.  There's probably two to go.

Nice time to do it, not too hot yet.

ABOVE:  Our lounge for the next 3 months.  Not much to move in there now.

ABOVE: Our entry foyer.  COMPLETELY EMPTY!

The new home doesn't even have an Entry Foyer!  lol

We are killing time today.  We are going out later on to check out how our furniture looks in Steve 'n' Bex's home.

So, we went to the mall, had a wander around for about an hour, grabbed a quick lunch (nothing special, just food court crap).

We also went and made sure the Samsung Double Oven is still available (it is), and got a brochure on Range Hoods.

ABOVE:  Waiting for Stew.  Pretty concrete I must say.

Home now, and still killing time.  We might even go for a walk down by the river again, just a little one as OMG, it's a hot day again.

Yeah nah.  No walk, as it just got hotter this afternoon, with virtually no wind.  The heat just simmered and hunkered down.  Horrible.
We visited the kids and admired their new lounge suite, which fitted in their lounge just fine.

Came home and made Vietnamese Spring Rolls for our dinner.  Again, they were just lovely.  Stew appreciated the work involved to make them, but as I said to him, they are no more 'work' than most dinners.

I just finished watering all the gardens and pots.  Time to just relax for the remainder of the evening.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hi, does your new home have 2 or 3 bedrooms? Peta

    1. It only has two bedrooms! When we look back over the past 5 years, we have only ever used two bedrooms! One for us and one for visitors. That is why a downsize isn't going to be a problem when it comes to bedrooms. AND it means NO ONE can move home again! BIG POSITIVE THERE.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Ha ha...good idea!!! Peta

    3. Haha had to have a wee giggle at the 'no one can move home again' 😄 we are good Mum and Dad, we are all goods....and hey maybe you can move in with us one day 😄 🥰....yeah I can hear ya both lol

      Love ya

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I've been thinking about ìt too. My next home will be a pensioners flat hopefully with no steps although the landlord is making noises about building a ramp now?? Where would I start lol.. have a.nice relaxing day. Kj

  3. Great idea to move stuff out when you have the opportunity.

  4. Wow really but the time to move on it should be a breeze.
    So hot here yesterday another glorious day.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Curious, will your dining room table & chairs fit in your new home? You all are doing a wonderful job in preparing for your move. May will be here before you know it. Ky Girl

    1. Yes they will fit, just shrunk down a little.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Great! Ky Girl

  6. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Steve, Bex and the children will love their "new" couch....Peta

  7. Ive down sized many times with so many shifts and still have way to much. Decided for lent im going to remove 40 items either biff to tip or take to op shop...wonder if I will even see a difference.
    It's 31degrees here so plonked in the longe chair by the air conditioning doing naught.

  8. Your place is going to seem so empty for a while. Who knows, maybe minimalism will grow on you!

  9. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Do you ever wonder why you keep buying stuff and moving stuff around. You never seem satisfied. Maybe if you lived with less you will be happier.

  10. Busy busy!! I bet it does feel nice getting everything cleaned out. I used to say if I ever moved I'd just get rid of most stuff since everything we have is so old!


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