Friday, October 12, 2007


Today: kids to school, walk Izzy, then.... hells bells I don't know!

There is always washing, vacuming, dusting, bla bla bla... I am going to lunch at Anne's later, that's something!

I can't believe it, but I have almost finished de-cluttering this house! I am still living in hope we hear that Stew has got the job in Auckland, but we are still "waiting".... We are very philosophical about it.. what will be will be.

Oh, I just thought of something! I havn't de-cluttered the back shed! Cool, something else to do. And the kids toys need going over too, must chuck out all the broken stuff. See, just thinking about it for a mo and I have thought of some jobs for me.


  1. Morning Chris! If you are really desperate for things to do - my house (and life) desperately needs de-cluttering so feel free to come down and do my house for me!!! :)

    Fingers crossed for Stew's job in Auckland... do you know when you will hear whether he has been successful or not?

    Have a great weekend :)

  2. I'm back from my short break away and I have enjoyed catching up on your blog posts...

    You are doing sooo well with the diet and for staying on track 100%.

    You've had a couple of great weight loses too! Well done you!

    Keep up the great work :-D


  3. PS: I LOVE your new header :-)

    Mandy is sooo talented. How nice of her to do that for you...

  4. Do you ever sit still woman?????? LOL. Catch you later at Annes :)

  5. Hey! Don't forget about YOU! Take some time to relax!! You will burn yourself out the rate you are going.

    Back later hun

    Huge hugs to you xx

  6. Oh Chis... come and declutter my house...
    I havent got time... ;o)

  7. I love decluttering!!! Must clean out the kids toys too, ready for the overload at Xmas again...aarrgghh...

    Enjoy your day:)

  8. I am reading the post you gave at 6:00 in the morning on Friday. I can't believe it is Friday for you already. I am sitting here on Thursday at 4:30 in the afternoon. Crazy, that time change thing!

  9. After you finish your house....could you hop on a plane and come take care of mine? I would really appreciate it! :)

    Good luck on the job!

  10. I know..... Come back over here and declutter my house (Ok the shed...shut up!!*giggle*) .... then down to Tassie to Wanna and back again ..... !!

  11. My house is a mess and have lots of jobs for you do to here too. ha. I'll get to them someday but not now. I'm just having trouble keeping the house tidy.

  12. Thanks for the hand in the de-clutter!! Good to catch up and see you tomorrow!

  13. Great to catch up at lunchtime. Weren't we good girls foodwise.!! LOL :) Yep Anne was very helpful doing her de clutter. Now we have to do some more of our own, once we have read them of course. :)

  14. You can fly out here to de-clutter my house! Just lemme know when you'll be here. :D

    I hope the job thing works out...

  15. How about I take up a collection and get you a air ticket to us here in Oz for some decluttering lol

    Love your new header mate

  16. We try to declutter too, but it doesn't seem to stick with us on account of our three kids. Plus my wife loves to shop and shop and shop.

  17. Hello from FNQ (Far North Qld)

    Just wanted to congratulate you on your huge loss this week. Well done. You deserve it.

  18. ying my hair up too at this rate I will be investing in a hat (god I hate hat hair though what to do???) Might have to carry the straightners to work lol.
    Have a good weekend...........

  19. Hope the iron tablets work!

  20. wanna clean my shed?? lol
    GOod news on getting bumped up the Hospital list! have a great wknd!

  21. First of all major congratulations on that loss - absolutely bloody fantastic and nothing like a good loss to keep the motivation high. Would be great to get all your 'bleedin' (pardon the pun) problems sorted out. Have a lovely weekend.
    Z xx

  22. Glad to see you had a good time at lunch. I'm hoping Stew gets that job and you'll be moving. You've done such a great job on the house, it will look perfect for viewing. Have a great weekend.

  23. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Congrats on BOTH the de-clutter and the normal glucose levels.

    I can't freaking believe how much weight you lost last week! AMAZING!



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