Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm taking a free pass on weighing in today.... I have been totally evil on the diet front this week, and I can't bear the thought of what the scales will say.... probably something like "get off ya fat bitch"!

I will try to do better this coming week.... and I must up the exercise too, that has also gone by the by. I actually feel like an old woman right now, I ache all over....doing the splits sure hurts! Anyway.... I'm still in bed, awaiting me Latte....

Later on today I am expecting two house appraisals to come in, will be very interesting to see what they value our home at. We had a look on the Net last night at houses in Auckland... shit a brick! We will be living in a hovel compared to what we have here! Prices up there are the pitts!


  1. Yeah for free pass day. Good for you. Have a great week!

  2. Houses are expensive here in the UK.

    You have your house priced at $500.000 which equates to £184.311 whis is a fab price because a 5 bedroomed house here in the UK would cost anything bewteen an easy £300.000 - £1.400.000 which equates to $813.830 - $3.796.571

    Depending on the area.

    Infact check this link out


    Everyone says that the UK is expensive....bah humbug, they aren't wrong.

    Hugs to you xx

  3. Start of a new week Chris - so put last week behind you and move on! You can do it:-)

    Good luck with the house sale and try not to stress too much, be happy - this is what you wanted!

  4. Know what you mean bout the house prices ... get this tho ... we had a lovely house in Auckland and couldn't afford a shack coming to Waihi Beach!! Now THAT'S over priced for ya!! Nothing under $600,000!!! And that's even the falling to bits batches!!

    Hope your house sale goes smoothly, extrememly stressful time, so at least you're normal!!!

  5. LMAO. I'm sure my scale would love to tell me to "get off"! Ouch to the splits! Careful there woman! Although, if that's how you get lattes delivered to you in bed, I may have to try it!
    Hope you get good appraisals on your house! Fingers crossed.

  6. Ohhh the splits, thats not good...

    Shame about the house prices in Auckland, always the way tho..

  7. I have also let the last 3 weeks slide, am getting back on the wagon today. Let me give you a hand up here with me honey! I'm sure the scales weren't thinking 'get off fat bitch', they were probably thinking "ooohhh, I can see right up your dooodad."!!!

  8. Hi ya,
    I have a house in Akl that I'm thinking of selling.
    Its in Titirangi (lovely area) perched on a small hill in the bush. Lufflyyyy. (but probably not big enough, only three bedrooms and an office)

  9. Just popped in to say HI!!!

  10. Ouchies on the splits, you'll have to get Stew to rub it for you!!.

  11. I feel the pain with the splits episode.. Ouch, not nice alright.

    Don't you start stressing out now mate. Things will happen.

  12. Hope the house sells quickly, maybe then you'll sit back and put your feet up for a bit ... lol ... I get tired just THINKING about all the things you cram into your week!

    Can't get over the house prices in NZ and I thought we had it bad in Australia! We bought our house 10 months ago - 4 bedrooms, lounge, dining, family, rumpus & study and we only paid half the price you're selling yours for!!!

  13. I am sure you are going to get a really nice price for you house hun.. it is a huge house and it is well looked after..

    Love Chubbymum

    P.S I know what you mean about not getting around all the blogs arghhhhh.

  14. I can understand wanting a free pass. They have used to have one at wt watchers so why not for us at home. I haven't weigh in ages.
    Hope you feel better soon, yuck about the splits. And hope you get some good appraisals for your house.

  15. Glad you are feeling good!

  16. For a faster sell, declutter--even if you have to reant a storage place...take out any personal photos or momentos.
    I'm a licensed real estate agent here in the states....I love home improvement stuff.

    GOod luck in your new search. Sorry to hear about the financial differences you will be facing.

  17. OMG the splits.....yikes. Ouch hope you're feeling better soon. I will keep my fingers crossed that your house sells quickly. Good luck with the viewers.

    Stop stressing relax and breath!

  18. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Good luck with your house going on the market! That has GOT to be exciting!

    No worries about getting to your 100 blogs that you read - we all know you're a busy woman!


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