Monday, October 08, 2007


Today: kids to school (doing a little happy dance!), walk Izzy then get on with the kitchen cupboards... and a few other bits and bobs.

I have updated by Blogroll.... if I have missed you out and you wanna be on it, give me a yell....

Yesterday I had a rant at Griffin for pulling some of his wallpaper frieze off... said he would have to sleep in Brylee's room if he did it again (thinking it would be the last thing he'd EVER want to do).... well the little bugger thought that was the BESTEST idea ever.... so guess where he slept last night? I have a photo to prove it.....


  1. Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kids are just crazy, you think that you come up with a way to stop them doing something but then it backfires....on US!! usual....ummm but he might stop pulling the frieze off the wall anyway, he might get bored having to sleep in Brylee's room.

    Enjoy your day...kid free...yeeehaaa

    Back later tonight and in a few hours.

    Hugs to you sweets xx

  3. I was thinking about you ... cool huh? LOL ... you and your lack of smiling ... and then talking about plastic surgery stuff ... well ... this is Leenie logic here ... it takes 22 muscles to smile - SO FUCKING SMILE - like all the time! ... and you wont need no facial surgery *proud of Leenie logic* :D

  4. Those kids are just the cutest!!

  5. Love the photo of the sleeping arrangements. Good you could help your friend out and be there.

  6. Well done on your loss on the weekend!! And seeing Griffin havin a sleep over in Brylee's room is rather cute!! Bet you're glad they are back at school today!!

    Hope you have a great day, and thanks for including me in your blogroll!!


  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    UGH! We still have another week of school holidays here! It's driving me crazy!

    Thanks for adding me to your blogroll...much appreciated!

  8. Loved 'Leenie logic', that girl has too much time on her hands.

    Just wanted to say that I love the new profile photo - very sexy.

    Is your hair naturally that wavey or did you do something to it? It looks really nice and I'm loving that wee bit darker colour.

  9. Things dont always go to plan girl...
    Man there must be a huge time diff between us now... we have started daylight savings now...
    tis 1.55pm here.. just having my lunch break at home...
    catch ya soon...
    And brylee looks gorgeous...

  10. Woohoo on the your weightloss on Saturday. Bugger about the All Blacks, I know how your feeling with us losing to the Poms.

  11. What a cute picture of her!!

  12. Yay for school holidays being over!!!
    I love the fairy outfit!! So cute!!
    Hope you are still on track ... you are doing so well!!!

  13. Love the fairy outfit. Kids always outsmart us eh!!!!! Good luck on getting the cupboards finished. :)

  14. unpredictable ah. That little fairy sooooooooooooo cute, makes me miss the littles from my old place of work :)

  15. Kids are so cute when they are asleep. The whole food thing is never ending isn't it.

  16. Oh my word what gorgeous photos! Don't you just hate it when your planned punishment goes wrong! Ah well, looks like they had a good time.

  17. Don't you just love the quiet when the kidlets go back to school. I was very happy indeed.

    Your friend is lucky to have you and that you were able to drop everything to visit her.

    Hope you get those cupboards finished.

  18. Oh the little shit!!! did ya wanna throtle him!!! LOL *giggles*

    Brylee looks so cute, girls love that sort of thing eh?

  19. What a cute fairy outfit, Brylee looks just gorgeous. Maybe the punishment for Griffen should be that he has to wear the fairy outfit!! LMAO - now that's why I won't get the "Mother of the Year Award" eh?? hahaha
    Good night my friend. Thanks for your supportive comments lately. Be lost without you. Bri

  20. What a cute little fairy princess you have there.

  21. AHAHAHAHAHA, Ahhhh, thats funny. You thought to punish him and he wants to do it.

    She looks SO cute in her costume...

  22. Ok so on my second read through the first paragraph didn't say "walk izzy through the cupboards" but i still laughed.

  23. Anonymous4:15 AM

    LOVE your new pic! Your eyes look electric blue- lovely!

    Brylee's costume is too cute, I remember having stuff like that too.

  24. aawwwww! little crazy haired brylee!

  25. That photo may come in very handy someday :-)

  26. That is so adorable. I hope he doesn't pull more wallpaper off so he can sleep in sister's room.


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