Tuesday, October 30, 2007


In my brain....last night.....just before I fell asleep.... I'm sure there was a thought about what I was going to waffle on about this morning.... I'm bloody sure there was!!!


Today: kids to school, make house ship shape then... go for a lovely long walk with Izzy, maybe even into town ..... I'm sure I can find something to buy .... if I try hard enough..... as long as it's NOT something delectible to eat that is!

Do I need anything? Do I want anything? NOT REALLY.... unless it's another diamond.....


  1. Awww, I hope that you and Izzy enjoyed your walk.

    Also, did you manage to pop into town? If so, did you treat yourself to anything nice?

    I hope the week ahead will be a good one for you!


  2. Diamonds are always a good thing.

  3. It is quiet!! See you in the weekend:-)

  4. Not like you to not buy anything!!!!!! Keeping the house 'pristine' all the time for selling does make for more work :( Hope it doesn't take too long so you can relax.

  5. A bit of nookie might be in order. Get you destressed and revved up again.

  6. quiet in blogville.. never... even i have posted today..hehe

  7. My 18 yr old nephew has long hair too and we all tell him to cut it and he ignores us. Your son's is even longer. Oh well, they are only young once right?

  8. Hi
    Been reading back through your posts and can relate to emotional eating....and balloons for legs....oh dear never mind hey your blog always brings a smile to my face...take care

  9. That's not such bad hair. Andrew has his long - and it's red and curly. Then he dyed it black so it's black with red roots, but what can you do.

  10. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Awww, I think your son's hair is cute! Then again, I tend to like those shaggy haired boys.

  11. Boys can be a royal pain in the arse. Thought I was finished mothering but apparently the boy's brain has gone to complete mush. Do hope we survive.

    Hang in there. Feel better soon. Don't worry you house looks lovely.

    Till tomorrow.

  12. Blogger really sucks when it comes to uploading photos. Lately I have noticed that many of my old posts have a little X where the photos used to be. Apparently blogger is not supporting the old photos.

    I guess that is why they have so many billions in the bank. CHEAP


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