Monday, September 10, 2007


I slept in!! Stew actually did get up this morning early and go do his exercise, so I didn't wake up till 7.15 ! So, I'm taking a bit to wake up properly.... don't feel very enthusiastic about today...

Today: kids to school, walk the dog, do some housework.... dream about moving! Applications for the job in Auckland close today.... so will be on tenderhooks for the next few days to see if Stew is asked to come for an interview.... fingers crossed people! I really want to move, but am not looking forward to all the hassle involved if we do!


  1. Well what did you expect watching sports till teh wee hours of the morning!

    Congrats on the win.

    Good luck on the rest!

  2. Have a top day ... fingers crossed Stew gets an interview....

  3. Good luck to Stew. xx

  4. We missed the rugby but will make sure we will see the other games.

    Missed the catch up Sat!

  5. Wow not like you to sleep in. Fingers crossed for the job interview for Stew.


  6. Having just been through the whole "should husband apply for promotion or not and uproot the family?" saga, I can sympathise with you. Fortunately for us, we're nearly moved and everything is looking rosy. Hope all works out for the best for you.

  7. ohhh, I have my fingers crossed that you are able to make the move your wanting to do. (plus, that will give me a great excuse to take a drive back up to Akl to hit the shops with ya. Think we both have retail therapy as one of our favourite pass times. lol)
    I'll have my fingers crossed that he gets called for an interview.

  8. Fingers crossed that Stew gets not just an interview but the bloody job!

    Patio looks great but I can't wait to see what colour you spray those chairs.

  9. Just interested as to why you are so keen to move to Dorkland?? Is it the weather, the change of environment or other reasons??

    You sound great for someone who just had surgery.

  10. Good going on getting out walking again. And good luck for Stew to get an interview soon.

  11. Good luck to Mr Chris!!! Hope all goes well...

    Can't wait to see the chairs, not good to breath that stuff in... You'll be all woozy!

  12. Fingers crossed for Stew. Chris, the paint was supposed to be on the chairs not up your nose. Did you have the nozzle pointing the wrong way!!!!! ROFLMAO
    (now ducking for cover LOL)

  13. LOL at your comment - the meal out wasn't even cheap - just nasty:-(

  14. Stop huffing it then you silly tart!

  15. we weren't sure about living in hamilton and loved it, now we live just out of Auckland...and we love it so i totally understand where ya coming from...although we dont have a beach house...hahah

  16. Fingers cross about the job for Stew! Move up to Auckland, welldone on the walk

  17. that is great that you went our for a walk

  18. Sounds like Auckland would be a win/win for everybody! Keeping fingers and toes crossed!

  19. uh huh, likely story on how the paint got up your nose....

  20. Good for you on getting the walk in, I'm sure it felt great.

  21. Do hope you get your wish to move. Another busy weekend I see. Take care and have a good day.

  22. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Wahoo - you're feeling much better these days it seems!

    Crossing my fingers for you.... Moving is such a pain in the ass, but sounds like it would be well worth your efforts!

  23. Why would you be moving? It is kind of amazing, but Australia seems to be gigantic. I don't have a map handy, but I recall it is the largest independant land mass? Ever since I was Mad Max and The Road Warrior I have wanted to visit!!


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