Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Hmmmm, you would think after all I did yesterday I would sleep like a log eh? Not so, last night was bloody awful, went to bed nice and early (10 pm) and could not sleep, tossed and turned all darn night, think I finally got to sleep around 3 pm.

So, Today: kids to school, walk Izzy, then maybe have a nana nap! After that, I'm going to repair a wee hole in the rumpus room wall, and fluff around in there some more. Plus, the spare bedroom upstairs needs to be rewallpapered, so might go look for some paper for it. Ahhh, never ending.....


  1. Isn't tha so damn annoying....going to bed....feeling tired and NOT getting to sleep till the early hours?

    Pink n whites, now then, I forgot about those.....UNTIL YOU MENTIONED THEM.....YUUUUMMMMY! Where's my shopping list?

    I refuse to let folk and events drag me or keep my down, I'm a fighter and life is too short eh? And I'm worth picking myself up for!!!! Positive thinking!! It is a great thing!

    Have a fab day!!

    Hugs to you hun!!

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I hate it when I am in bed and can't sleep - I feel Like waking up my husband as he breathes heavily beside me - annoying!

  3. gr8 news about your friend Karen

    Hope u manage to get 5 mins shut eye today

  4. Glad Karen got the all ok! have a great day

  5. Awww, I'm sorry to hear that you were unable to get a decent night's sleep. I know how miserable that is :-(

    I hope that you catch-up on some much needed sleep soon.

    By the way, I love the sound of the "nana nap" haha.


    Lins xx

  6. You're confused? Well you are blonde after all, so thats unsuprising...:D

  7. Glad to hear your friend is doing ok after her surgery.
    I like how you re-decorate a lot and come up with cute things. Wish I was into that more.

  8. Great news about Karen:-)

  9. Welcome to the world of not sleeping!
    Just make sure you only look for wallpaper and don't actually start wallpapering. You are supposed to be taking it EASY!!! xx

  10. Having a lazy afternoon myself....LOL......have asked Anne if she is around on Friday as I'm coming into town for a hair appt. at 12noon. Have to be home by 3 though!!! Maybe before I go for that or after. If you are free maybe we can all catch up? By the way where is the Hospice seem to get such great bargains there :)

  11. I hate it when you can't get to sleep,the cushions in the rumpus room look great as well.

  12. Hello chris. Love the little touches you made to the room and back area, gifted chick. You havent listed this old chicks blog yet?, Need lots of support.Ha. Hope you are still taking it easy, and gee girl , a lazy day here and there isn't going to hurt you . take care. K

  13. It is three O'clock in the morning here! I have been so negligent in visiting blogs because of work and family.

    As I was thinking of Australia I kept wondering if it is bigger than the USA or Russia? I am still wondering, as I am sleepy but I want to do my blogging!! Getting up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom, it is like I am awake and yet the dream world is here too. Funny thing! At least I did not pee on my leg.

  14. LOL i love you yyou are so to the point!! glad your having lazy day.. its good to be lazy every now and then.. finally got the net back so can keep in touch again! :)

  15. Wow you have been busy... hahaha... NZ part of Aussy... we would have you ..hahahahaha
    Love the outdoor area.. looks awesome...
    Love the cushions...
    umm what else...I miss blogging... I am tired... and i just want a day or two all to myself!!!!
    I am fubar....

  16. Heck, I hate nights like that....

    Ohhh great to hear the good news about your friend Karen...

    Jen xx

  17. i know i am a few days behind but i really like your deck "upgrades" it looks so nice! Now i am jealous cuz you are heading into summer and we are into winter!! (OMG -30* days on the way!)
    Love the sheep note holder! (we farm sheep! haha so i am a bit biased i guess) Kiwi's are cute to but nothing holds a candle to sheep!
    i know i asked you this before but due to my stupidity--are you close to TePuke? My g/f is there. She owns a travel agency

  18. My dad said New Zealand was his most favorite place to visit.. he's been all over the world...

    I'd love to come hang our w/ ya for a week or two!!

  19. Hope you sleep/slept much better tonight. (You are - I believe 14 hours ahead of us, or I'm 14 hours behind you.) My day has started off the same as yours - not getting done what I had planned on. Gotta go with the flow sometimes. Have a wonderful day.

  20. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Haha, your line "I feel stink!" cracks me up for some reason.

    Hope you got a better night's sleep!

  21. Awww, I love the dinky little note holders. They are soooooo cute :-)


  22. LMFAO @ Dorks... tee hee...

  23. Lol ... I actually think that's the first time i've ever seen a kiwi!


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