Saturday, July 21, 2007


Today should be exciting, I've got 4 items selling on Trade Me, closing today. And they are all technically 'sold' already as they have reached their reserves, but we all know that with these auctions it can go mad in the last 5 minutes or so and the price just goes up and up, so fingers crossed for some fun this afternoon!

Being saturday, I'm off to WW and morning tea with my girlfriends, so should be a nice morining. Then it will be back into my painting... next phase .... it takes time for sure. I am so impatient I was using my hair dryer last night to get paint dry!


  1. OO we did the same yesterday, trademe is sooo good for that sort of thing...

    enjoy your day!!

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Can't wait to see your paintings when they're complete! I'm so envious - I'm kind of in need of a creative hobby. You MUST post pictures when they're complete!

  3. Have fun at your morning tea!

  4. I can't wait to read the Harry reviews...

  5. Have a great day xxxx

  6. Thanks for the reminder - I must pop out and get my copy of HP! For the kids, of course.(ha!)

  7. You harry potter fans are so weird....

    Iknow the feeling of selling. I put a bunch of crap up and sold

  8. crap, didnt finish the thought.

    yeah, I know the feeling, I put a bunch fo stuff on ebay and it all sold.....

  9. The kids are lining up for the book right now in our city. Goes on sale in about 50 minutes. The kids are all dressed up in character - and having a blast in the line up. I have not read any of the books - but of course have watched the movies. Would be sad if the sorry did come to an end like the media is saying...

    Take care.

  10. I hope you got more for your items on Trade Me.

    Just look at Mikes face, he don't look pleased to have been woken up.....snigger.

    Harry Potter is fab. The infant school which J.K Rowling attended was on TV yesterday, a lovely typical English school.

    Okay, can't wait to see the paintings.

    Oh! BTW I WILL get after pics posted asap


  11. stalker? who me? never!!!

    avoiding wedding guest list. OMG IT SUCKS!!! hayleys baby MORE exciting!!!!! SHE NEEDS TO HURRY UP ITS LIKE TWO HOURS OVER HERE AHEAD...she could at least consider the time difference for us!!!

  12. That is a brilliant day. Your paintings are brilliant - I wish I had your talent. I have got HP as well - can't wait to get started on it. We're off to see the latest film tomorrow night as well, have you seen it?

  13. Wow ... i'm impressed! I've only been reading your blog for a short time and already i'm in awe of how creative you are - painting, decorating ... is there no end to your talents?

    Hope you enjoy the book!

  14. The picture is lookin good!!

  15. ya spaz!!!!!!!!!

    did you not see my wink ;) at the end of my sentence after i lay down my demands hahahahaha

    should've told you to keep your kids at home and given their teacher a day off tomorrow - wonder if you would've followed my instructions then!?!?! LOL

    i'm off to bed, night night!!!

    p.s admit it though...I AM CUTE!


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