Thursday, July 26, 2007


Yessss Sir reee Bob, it's going to be a busy day....

Kids to school, walk Izzy, Go to work at Hospice Shop, then take school kids to swimming, and I have no idea how many I am transporting! I offered to provide transport for the school's Elective Programme, and cos I've got an 8 seater they snapped me up! Go figure! Brylee and Griffin are in the Swimming Elective so I should be able to keep an eye on them too, neat.

Now I just have to remember to give them their togs and towels!

LOSEC is a prescription Ant-acid


  1. Sounds like a gr8 day ahead.. now dont spend too much at the shop.... hahaha

  2. Great job on the transformation. You look great.

  3. I LOVE 2nd hand stuff, I can't help myself either!! This is why we needed a garage

  4. You spent $50 and call it a bargin?

    Thats a woman for you....:D

  5. Hey, you could paint those bottles, something crafty I reckon??

  6. Good grief, you're a busy woman! My head spins reading the schedule you keep!

    Yes, I'm a weird tea-lover! ;) If that's the worst thing I'm called this week, it'll be a good week!

  7. Thought I'd better leave a comment ... read your blog ummm 4 times today but each time been too busy to say anything.

    Then realised later on that I been commenting on everyone else's ... didn't want to make ya feel left out chickey ... so haven't go much to say ... but hi :)

  8. hello

    I like the trays and the tie!!!
    guess what finally got two of your emails!
    have a good night

  9. Swimming costume always cracks me up! We use so different words just being from diff. countries. But I did know what you meant by it.
    My wee one is taking swimming next week too. He loves the water and I am thrilled about that as I want him to scuba dive with me some day.

  10. OOOOOOOOOOO go the bargains...esp bargains that get used!!!!!!! HEHEHE

  11. Sounds like you have had a full on day!!

    regarding my post on weightloss and education is that many people don't understand the science behind losing weight... and if people where better educated, they would have more success!

  12. Anonymous8:20 PM

    i just realised i didnt tell u i bought a pandora bracelet! it has one charm, a ghost on it and its to signify the former me. hehe i got it last wk when i lost 3 kgs, so i have started a new obsession haha. each loss i will buy a charm!!


    and ooh you are one hella spunky woman. meow!

    d x

  13. Hey

    good plan not to take your wallet work!

  14. Haha...I am thinking tiny donna needs glasses..... hehehehehehe

  15. Anonymous12:59 AM

    just dropping by to say hi! boy do you keep a tough schedule lol...have great day :) Tho its prolly like the next day over there before you get this huh?

  16. That's one busy day. Hope you find sometime to relax in the evening.


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