I just got my second ever Blogging Award, I feel so SPECIAL ... lMAO !!!!
Isn't it pretty too? I love blue.....
Ok, FatBlokeThin gave me this award cos I have :
"The natural ability to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection. Good Schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don't limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
Isn't that neat! So, in the time honoured tradition of these things, I shall pass this award on to a few other bloggers just like me! If you are not mentioned, don't go packing a shit with me, I read over 150 blogs a day, I can't give all of you an award OK ????
- Wannabslim, cos she rocks and is always there for me
- Jules (four kids and a fiance), cos she stalks me and the blogs I read... what a tart!
- Carmachu, cos he's funny, and SEEMS to be nice!
- Marshmallow, (Do you have an extra large in this...), cos she is full of amazing advice and is out there in blogland all the time.
Now obviously I could go on and on.... but will stop at 4 cos it is a nice number! Well, 150 is too of course, but I ain't going there!
And now for today: I WILL get to the gym, even if I have to take the kids and leave them in the gym's creche! That would be a first!

I got to the gym... it was friggin hard work, I had to drop my weights down and do less repetitions.... and I still think the above will be my face tomorrow when I wake up !!! My legs and glutes are going to be killing me! Not to mention me arms and chest! Ahhh, must go again! Have booked my spot for friday's RPM.... woo hooo I'm getting back into it!Oh Dear, my poor friend Janene (blogger and WW) is stuck in hospital .... she has a nasty infection in her groin... so I shall probably go visit her later on this evening... there is nothing more depressing than being stuck in hospital on ya own.. well ok, you are not on ya own, but you sure do feel like you are! So, its a freezing day, and even with the heaters on I can't seem to get warm... fuck I hate being cold. I went and visited Janene up in hospital, took her some fruit... and marshmallows... and magazines.... she was in a ward all on her own! And get this... she had been made to sit and wait over an hour while they "found" a bed for her! UMMM HELLOO... she was in a ward with 5 empty beds ... go figure. So, we had a lovely visit, even though she was in pain and quite spaced out with the drugs....
Now I'm home, we had pre-cooked chook and cheese on buns for dinner.... naughty me didn't cook. Ahhh can't be perfect all the time eh? Looking forward to a nice cosy evening in.... tomorrow I'm off to work at the Hospice Shop again, hope I don't end up spending too much! Ha ha ha. As per usual, a quiet evening... nothing left to do but drag me man off to bed... nite nite!