Friday, July 19, 2024



Lacy put up a Facebook post yesterday, and I just had to copy and paste it.

I'll never forget who raised are the best thing that happened to our Mum and Family xx
Stew, I do believe Lacy 100% loves and appreciates YOU.
I believe that Stew deserves all the accolades for taking me and 4 little kids on, way back in late 1985!

Now onto something else I saw on Facebook and MUST SHARE:

ABOVE: Who agrees that it's hysterical?

Moving right along... I did NOT get that third Braid Runner bound yesterday, I got caught up in some frenzied 'Spring Cleaning'!
So, I WILL do it this morning.

When I was cleaning all my precious blue glass and Polish Pottery yesterday, I decided to start USING the blue Polish Pottery dishes.
What is the point of 'saving' them for special occasions?
How many special occasions do we have left?
I should be using it, and enjoying it NOW.

Don't leave anything for later.
Later, the coffee gets cold.
Later, you lose interest.
Later, the day turns into night.
Later, people grow up.
Later, people grow old.
Later, life goes by.
Later, you regret not doing something...
When you had the chance.
Life is a fleeting dance, a delicate balance of moments that unfold before us, never to return in quite the same way again.
Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, a weight that bears down upon the soul with the burden of missed chances and unspoken words.
So, let us not leave anything for later. Let us seize the moments as they come, with hearts open and arms outstretched to embrace the possibilities that lie before us. For in the end, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we left undone, the words left unspoken, the dreams left unfulfilled.
( — Before the Coffee Gets Cold is a 2015 novel by Toshikazu Kawaguch.)


LAURA: I am more than happy to give you a reply to your comment, but it would need to be via a private email.

ABOVE: Finally got this one finished. NUMBER 99 Braid Runner.
I keep thinking I've made more of them, but after double checking, it's 99.
I might do the top part of #100 today.
Then I can stop and have some lunch, even though it's already 1.25 pm.

ABOVE: Guess what?
I made AND FINISHED number 100 this afternoon!
It's 4.45 pm. Not a bad effort.

Now... I'm going to stop, close the curtains, turn on the heat pump and sort out dinner.

Forgot to sigh off.
Better late than never.


  1. Nice messages today!

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hi, Chris, I've commented on several posts over the years because I love what you write and I love how motivating you are for me!! And I think you are such a wonderful mother and grandma. So I have a question for you. And I truly don't mean it as a personal, nosey question, but I am curious, as a mom and grandma if you've ever had to deal with the following issue: Did you ever have a child or a grandchild that struggled as a teen with "behavior" issues? And I'm referring to the kind that keep you pacing the floor all day and night with worry because they are disrespectful, come and go as they please, use drugs and or
    alcohol, and pretty much tell their mother to "F### off!!" The guilty party is my 17 year old grandson. And naturally I wouldn't expect you to name your guilty party, if you even had one, which I doubt, because you and Stew seem like such a good team and a united front. I was just wondering since you've raised a lot of kids, if this was ever an area of struggle for you?
    Thanks for being a great writer and motivator.

    1. Laura. Happy to reply via a private email.

    2. my email is:

  3. I love, love, love that piece you quoted! Stu and I live and breathe that philosophy every day. That is why he has retired early, why we just looked after our boys (and dog) for three weeks, why we still live nearby them while the boys still like us being around, why we just took them to away for three nights, why we are taking them on a short cruise next month, why we have the motorhome etc etc. Life is just too short to put off 'stuff'. My mother died when she was 58 and Stu's mother dies when she was 53. Life if for living!!

  4. Kiwionholidays5:05 PM

    Hi Chris time poor again but sum up of todays post with WOW on all fronts loving 99&100 and especially the one from Lacy so heartfelt 💯🥝❤️🕺🏿💐
    Cheers 🥂

  5. Rhonda5:58 PM

    Love the piece you have quoted today about living life etc. beautiful sentiments from Lacy too 💕💕. 100 braid runners wow! Congratulations Chris, I love the green tones in this lot too. In relation to your commenter who asked for your advice about raising your children, I’m flabbergasted at the intensity and private nature of the questions. It’s probably just me but I consider this is your blog and as much as you share, you are extremely mindful of being careful not to infringe on the privacy of different subjects, situations and persons. There are many organisations no matter where in the world we live to obtain confidential help in dealing with any parental difficulties of the commenter. Every single situation is unique to the individuals going through a difficult time and so not a one size fits all solution. I mean no disrespect and the decision to divulge any private circumstances is your decision. I suppose the point I am making is that it isn’t appropriate for anyone to ask for such sensitive information.

    1. Laura8:21 PM

      Get a grip Rhonda!! If you read my comment with an ounce of comprehension, you would've understood what and why I was asking! I was most certainly NOT asking for advice on how she raised her kids for God's sake! I was asking a question as a mother and grandmother to a fellow mother and grandmother if she ever had the kind of struggles that I referred to! I didn't ask for names or personal information!! I am personally flabbergasted at your rudeness to just butt in to my comment to Chris and blast your opinion about it. I didn't ask YOU! You say you meant no disrespect? Well guess what? You were very out of line and disrespectful.

    2. Laura6:06 AM

      In no way, shape or form was I asking Chris for any personal information and I was not asking for "advice" on how she raised her children! I think you should go back and read what I wrote. I asked a simple question as a mother and grandmother to a fellow mother and grandmother! I love Chris's blog and have read it for years and have always admired the different ways she has dealt with "kid" issues. So sorry that you chose to be upset and "flabbergasted" at my question to Chris. You basically told Chris that she shouldn't reply to me and I think that is most certainly NOT your place. I was and am feeling sad and anxious about my grandson, so I turned to someone that I admire and asked a simple question that I made very clear was not a question of being nosey. You say you meant no disrespect, however that's exactly what happened. Thank you for making me feel worse than I was feeling before.

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I think I like your current batch of runners the best. They are such lovely colour and pattern combos and are beautifully made. Well done on reaching a century! Catriona

  7. Rhonda11:19 PM

    I would like to apologise to you Chris if I have over-stepped the mark in referring to a comment on your blog. I have noticed previous interactions and comments from followers on certain blog posts and thought it was acceptable. It seems it is not the correct etiquette. Once again I’m very sorry for any disrespect. You will have read Laura’s reply to me and I clearly have upset her. It was not intentional. Lesson learned. A blog is not Facebook and so do not comment on a comment! Got it now!

  8. 100 ! Congratulations!

  9. Holy moly 100? You're incredible. I love the living life. So easy to put things aside. Use that beautiful blue glass wear & enjoy it.

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    100 Awesome. Beautiful. Kj


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