Sunday, July 14, 2024



Today I am heading over to Cambridge for an FBG Mid Winter Christmas.

It's to celebrate being half way through the 'Urban Challenge'. 

We are having a pot luck lunch type thing, and a few festive activities thrown in for fun.

This means poor Stew will be home alone from about 10.30 till mid afternoon.

I wonder what he will get up to?  If I know him... he will watch sport on the telly!

I now have to think about what to wear.  'Christmas Attire' is optional.  I think I'll give it a miss.  I don't exactly have anything Christmassy to wear.  Who does normally?

I don't even  have Christmas pyjamas.

So, that will be me for a big chunk of today... out and about in Cambridge.


Alright...  It's almost time to leave for Cambridge.   I've tried on TWO outfits to wear.

I am going to show both of them to you.

ABOVE:  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress... I bought it years ago and have only worn it once.   I've only worn the red jacket once, to show it to YOU the other day, never out of the house.

SO... I am not going to tell you WHICH outfit I wore, until I get home.   

My nod to Christmas is the singing Christmas Tree!  He's rather cute.

ABOVE:  Playing pass the Christmas Cracker.... lots of fun games were had!   

I wore the Red Jacket!

I decided it looked way better than the dress, Stew agreed.

One of the games was to make a Christmas Decoration, using supplied papers, ribbons and stickers.

I stuck a white snowdrop on my forehead and declared myself a 'Christmas Decoration'.  I'm a bit lazy! lol

I stayed at the function until around 1.30 pm, then came home.

Once home, we took Steve 'n' Bex's van back to them and had a visit with them.

ABOVE:  Miss Lily showing off her gorgeous hair in the sunshine.

After visiting them, we headed towards home,  on foot.

Passing Flaggies, (Stew's local pub), I suggested we pop in for a quick drink.

Perfect timing!  Lots of friends there this afternoon, we ended up staying a couple of hours.

We have had a really neat day I must say.

ABOVE:  I don't exist ... the dogs only love Stew when he's home.

Unless I'm eating my dinner, THEN I have two little shits sitting right in front of me, eyes boring into me, hoping I give them something.

It's time to get me hot pods and blankie ... It's a damn cold evening, even with the heat pump on.

Sunday night TV sucks!  We are both quite tired, so an early night is on the cards.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Clearly you need to wear the fancy red coat!

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    If I was choosing for you (which clearly I'm not, lol), I would say the red jacket - you look really good in it and you are smiling! I think the dress needs some alteration as it was obviously bought at a time when you were bigger than you are now. Audrey

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am red jacket, not mad on the dress, it makes you look much larger, and horizontal stripes will do that. Marie, Melbourne

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Poor Stew! Almost 6 hours with no adult supervision! Hope he's OK when you get home! 😄
    I like the red jacket outfit better!

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Love the dress too! Looks so comfy. Have fun!

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hope you had a lovely time. Both outfits look great. I think you wore the dress. Not as Christmassy as the red jacket but something that you love to wear!

  7. I love the dress as I think it is cheeky with style. And that's how i feel your personality is.

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Oh! I love the red coat! I hope that’s what you wore. The dress is cute too. But not as Christmas-y.

  9. That red jacket looks awesome on you - the colour and style of it really suits you! Great to hear that you are having a fantastic day.

  10. What a lovely day 😁. That red jacket looks great on you.

  11. That jacket looks fantastic on you. Glad you enjoyed the party. That Lily is so cute.


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