Wednesday, July 03, 2024



All going well, I'm going to Cambridge for an FBG walk this morning.

It's going to be a rather DULL Day around here, because after my walk I am back to cutting out strips.

You can look forward to a walk photo, stat photo and that's about it!

SO LET'S TRY SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT!  It's something I have not done in all my 17.9 years of blogging.

I want YOU to send me a photo of what you are doing, or a lovely view out ya window, or of ya dog/cat... I DON'T MIND WHAT.

Just send me something via my email, and I will POST IT ON HERE.

My email address is :

How simple is that?  It could be fun for all of us.  Certainly something different eh?


I will start to share them once I'm home from my walk.  

PLEASE let there be some to share!

I share enough eh?


11.45 am:  and I'm back from my walk, ready to do a big photo post!

ABOVE:  Two from Christine H on her way to work in Wellington today. 

ABOVE: Ashlee G's pussy cat.

ABOVE:  KJ's flower pots...

ABOVE:  And KJ's rather splendid looking vege garden. 

ABOVE: Susan C's almost finished quilt.

ABOVE:  Beth P's beautiful lilac flowers.

ABOVE:  Felicity L's rather cute bunch of flowers, on a very lovely table runner.

ABOVE: Emma C's desktop.  Looks a bit like mine, minus the toys.  lol

ABOVE:  Vickie's   Gooseneck Loosestrife flowers in her garden.

ABOVE: Marie McN off to the gym at some ungodly hour of the morning today.

ABOVE: Christine (DOGSTARS) spotted a hummingbird in her garden.

ABOVE: Christine (DOGSTARS) also got me a bunny photo. 

ABOVE:  A quilt Vickie made for her son and DIL.

ABOVE:  Colleen... hard at work!  lol

ABOVE:  From Dee we  have two glorious sunrise photos.

HOW COOL WAS THAT!  Such fun getting so many lovely photos.  Thank YOU.

As for my morning's walk:

ABOVE: My Expressway rabbits this morning.

ABOVE: Sun trying to break through the fog at Cambridge.

ABOVE: There was a bloke trying to hitch a ride on the Expressway onramp at Cambridge.  He's really hard to see, just above the road cone, in the middle of the photo.

I wonder if he's still there?  I certainly would never pick up a hitch hiker now days, or any day for that matter.

Too risky.

ABOVE:  I was very happy with today's walk stats.  I walked with one of our blokes today, P is a good walking buddy.

After the walk, I stopped for a chat with everyone at the cafe, then came home.

Slowly warming up now.  I will probably have some lunch before continuing with the strip cutting.

ABOVE:  From Karen K in Gympie, Australia.  A gorgeous Sunrise OR Sunset, taken from her back veranda.

ABOVE:  Today's official walk photo.   Minus a few walkers who left before the photo was taken.  There were about 18 of us today, so a very good turn out.

ABOVE:  Another photo for the blog, kindly sent by Bex.  Miss Lily looking adorable.

I have been cutting strips this afternoon, as planned.
Stew just got home.
His dinner is Lamb Spare Ribs, mashed potatoes and ?  Veges or Baked Beans.  lol

AND... he had eggs with his meat and spuds.

I carried on cutting out after dinner, but now (8.20 pm), I'm done for the day.


  1. I sent a pic. I walked around looking for something to photograph and the little Hummingbird said "MEEEE"....

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I sent three pics. Two from my garden and a quilt.

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    You really don't want a pic of me doing a pee test do you?🤣

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Too funny! Lots of awesome photos there everyone! Keep up the great work! xx Colleen

  5. Bunnies look exactly the same here and there!
    My friend and I used to hitchhike ALL THE TIME.
    I can not imagine doing it now.

  6. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Didn't realize how have 2 Felicity followers. Fancy thst fool standing there in the fog, lucky he didnt get run over.

  7. I am sick in bed and although i did take a pic i really thought you didn't need to see me like that 🤣🤣

  8. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Sent a photo but realise I am 12 hours behind you! Catriona

  9. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The photos are lovely. I can't wait to see your runners. Ĺiĺy is growing so fast. Kj

  10. Fantastic idea Chris. Loving em all. But which one wins first prize. Lily of course!! Adorable

  11. Anonymous1:58 AM

    I just sent my picture, as I am office here in Albany, GA USA and hard at work! Until 5 PM at least and then I get a 4 day weekend !!!! Wooo Hoooo. Dawn P. Albany, GA USA


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