Saturday, July 13, 2024



I was fossicking in my wardrobe the other day, and came across an item of clothing that holds very special memories for me.

ABOVE: This photo was taken way back in 2016, when Mum was over here on holiday.
When she flew home to Australia, she left her Red Jacket here for me, as she never wore it in Australia, finding it too hot.
She joked that I'd probably never fit it, but oh well... never mind.

Well.  It didn't fit me for 8 years.

ABOVE:  I'm so happy to report it DOES FIT ME now!
And I can even do it up!  
Lacy said I looked very prim and proper, and like I was going somewhere 'important'.  lol

I don't think anyone could call me 'prim and proper'.  EVER.  Perish the thought.

This morning Stew and I are going to Tirau to FINALLY pick up a precious Kauri Clock that we took to the Clock Shop for repair, WAY WAY back in March!
They have finally fixed it.  
It belonged to my Dad, and he had it inside his last boat. 
So obviously, it's rather precious to me.

*snort*  ... I must have been half asleep when I did this post... put two RISE AND SHINES ON IT!
Fixed now.

And we are off to Tirau shortly.
Cracker frost this morning... bloody freezing again.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow, I'd rather have frost thanks.

ABOVE:  5 pm.  Clearly wasn't missed all day!
Tirau was busy today.  We picked up the clock, had an amazing burger for our lunch at Cabbage Tree Cafe, then came home.

Where we then spent the next couple of hours sorting out our market stuff, ready for next weekend.

ABOVE: Coco was keen as mustard to be included in the equation, but alas, no Coco.  You won't be coming with us!  We simply do not have the room.

ABOVE:  We have done a substantial re-jig of how we pack our car, so everything fits in better.
Now we can return Steve and Bex's van, so Bex can use it once she starts doing markets again.
And my car gets to go back in our garage.

We are both a bit knackered now... so it's time to just relax for a while.  I think we are going to have a very simple dinner tonight, lunch was SUBSTANTIAL!


  1. Emma C9:20 AM

    That red coat looks amazing. Enjoy wearing it :-)

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The coat looks good and the colour suits you. Now you are ready for when you become Mayor of Hamilton. Audrey

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    You look very smart in your red coat...beautiful you can have your mum arms around you every time you wearing it. FELICITY

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Ahhh…. I love this post. You look stunning in red and you have a lovely memory to wear with it. You wear it well.
    Be happy.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The coat looks great. What’s a cracker frost?

    1. (NEW ZEALAND) KIWI SLANG for a really heavy frost. We can say it's a Cracker Jack day meaning its a really lovely day etc.

  6. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I have the grandkids here for a couple of days so internet time is very restricted.
    The red jacket look fantastic on you

  7. Finding clothes that you've had in the cupboard for years and finding they finally fit is such a boost!!! And it's your Mum's coat. That's wonderful. Wear it often. You'll be surprised how fast it's suddenly too big 😄😄😄

  8. Anonymous5:28 AM

    You do look like you are going somewhere important in that coat! Snazzy! I have been away for a few days and your blog doesn’t recognize me on my phone! - Dogstars

  9. Red coat amazing on you and means you are carrying a bot of your mum with you.❤️❤️

  10. What a lovely jacket and wonderful memory. It's like a hug. Enjoy!


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