Saturday, July 20, 2024



5.45 am.

It's pitch black outside.  No idea what the weather is doing yet... but we are expecting RAIN. 😖😠

I really hate the July/August/September markets.  They are invariably COLD, WET AND MISERABLE.

The only reason we do them is to hold our spot at the market.

*SIGH*.... we are not expecting much today.

In fact, it will probably be a bust.

And I will bitch and moan about it all day!  lol

Stew is thinking the same as me.  

Time to get a move on though, the sooner we leave, the sooner we can come home again!


ABOVE: Our 'wet' set up. Everything tucked in, only half our stock out.

ABOVE: A few hardy souls braving the wet, miserable weather.

It has lightly rained non-stop all night,  and it is still raining.

We set up in the rain. It was HORRIBLE,  but we managed to keep everything dry. 

I'm wet across my back... but oh well. I'll  live.

There's only half the number of stalls here today, which doesn't surprise us. You have to be mad to be out here in this weather.

So, it's  now 8.10 am, we are all set up... waiting to see if any shoppers arrive.

ABOVE: Ahhhh.... that's  better. I took off the wet sweatshirt and put on my amazing puffer jacket. All is good in my life again. Well... cupcakes help. 🤣😅🤣

Remember me saying just the other day I WASN'T gunna get a rain jacket after all ? 

Ha ha ha... Stew just said we both need one, after we both got wet setting up the stall this morning. 
So we shall probably look at some tomorrow. 

ABOVE: 10.30 am. Can ya see the crowds? YEAH, me neither.
It is absolutely pissing down now. 
Happy Happy Joy Joy. 

100% looking forward to a long, hot soak in my bath this afternoon. 

ABOVE: Finding amusing things while just sitting in the wet misery that is today.
GREEN LICHEN on a tree.
It's pretty.

11.51 am. OMG it really can't get much worse! HEAVY RAIN. NO PEOPLE. Just over an hour until we can pack up and get the hell out of here!

1.30 pm:  And we are home.  The organiser of the market came around and told all of us to pack up an hour early.  The weather was just atrocious.

We now need to get our thinking caps on, to work out what we can do if it's that wet again, because of this:

ABOVE: We had to be extremely careful moving around, to keep the water and mud off the patchwork!
It was horrendous.

ABOVE: Our site, once we had put everything back into the car.
We again, had to be very careful how we packed up and put things back in the car, so we didn't traipse too much mud into the car.
What a mission.
Luckily, the only things we need to clean are the gazebo, it's sides, the plastic 'flooring' and a table cloth.
Everything else stayed clean and dry.
Bloody miracle.

Now that we are home, we can reflect on what a day it was!  We made NO SALES!
Hard to sell to people who are scurrying around trying to keep dry.  And there were VERY, VERY FEW 'customers' today.

Although we made no sales, we still had a good day.
We saw our market friends, the organiser (J) came around and thanked everyone for turning up, and we were given a big bag of tamarillos for free from the lady opposite us.  

I am now about to run a lovely bath.

Bath is done.  And there's a story about that!  Tomorrow.

For now, I'm gunna sit and sober up!


I think... I might be... a little inebriated. 
Stew is getting our dinner.
Think it might be takeaways.
After the rugby.
NOTHING can happen until after the rugby.
New Zealand vs Fiji, played in San Diego.

7.23 pm:  Well... around 4 pm I was feeling very tired.  Me eyes shut and then...
My head spun, my stomach churned and I felt really ill.
Alcohol and me just don't like each other at all.
So I went to bed to try and get over the ikkk.

THREE.  HOURS.   LATER.   And I'm feeling much better.

We are now gunna have some dinner.
And that is all I have for the day.
I think that's quite a lot if ya ask me!


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Is it possible to pay for your spot at the market even if you don't go because of the weather|? Audrey

    1. Anonymous2:42 AM

      I was wondering this too.

  2. Awwww that’s disappointing I’m working in the rain washing cars amongst other things!!

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Icky weather cant imagine much has changed except the cold getting into ya bones...we have fog here and its raw right thru. FELICITY

  4. Oh ... so sorry to hear that you have such rotten weather up there for your market day today. I hope you made at least a couple of sales for all your efforts. Enjoy warming up when you get out of there!

  5. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Maybe the organizer needs to skip the winter months and just do better weather months.

    Here booths put down straw if it is rain/mud in the spring or fall.

    We have no events in the winter with outside booths to the best of my knowledge. Things, like the Saturday Farmer’s Market, move everything inside for the winter.


  6. Anonymous4:24 PM

    That would have been miserable. It's overcast here but not raining ATM so I'm going to go to supermarket while I am not dizzy lol. Kj

  7. Ohhh my gosh….you are going to enjoy that bath

  8. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I cannot drink alcohol in any form. It is not that it disagrees with me. I am pretty sure I am very allergic to something used in the process. Wine in particular makes me feel very sick almost immediately.


    1. I am a two glass wonder on wine. Totara Cafe is a liqueur, and I drank it like it was Diet Coke! It's 21% alcohol... it hit me like a ton of bricks after two half glasses!

  9. RuthW in MD12:19 AM

    You look good in that puffer jacket! Too bad about the rain.

  10. The organizers should just cancel when the weather is that bad :(

  11. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I can imagine that Chris. I seldom drink now. Can have the wobbles without assistance. Lol kj


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