Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Ya, I don't need to get up too early this morning.  I do have an FBG walk over in Cambridge at 9.30, so that's good.  I've not been getting too many walks lately.  

There's just not too many on offer until next months 5 new walks are 'released'.

Once I get home from Cambridge, I have a couple of jobs lined up in the house, then I will get into the sewing room and churn out a couple more Braid Runner tops.

I think from memory I now have 13 tops made.  I'm aiming for 24, then I shall quilt and bind them all. That's going to be a mission!

Once they are done, I will move on to making a few other sorts of runners.   I'm trying to cut down how many different runners I make.

I haven't quite decided which designs to keep, and which to drop.   But, I'm leaning towards keeping these ones:

I think I will add the odd different one here and there, but just keep to these ones primarily.

So, that's me for now, I'll be back later.


1 pm:  I'm home much later than usual from a walk today.

The walk was lovely, the rain held off which was lucky.

After the walk I popped in to see an FBG'er at her apartment, then came back into Hamilton. 

To Spotlight.  Where I bought something I certainly did not go in for!

ABOVE: The batting I use all the time was finally back in stock.  So I kinda bought A LOT of it.

I doubt I will run out for a long time now.  I had been conserving my batting as much as possible, due to there being NONE to be found for months.

It has been raining quite heavily for the past 2 hours or so.  Not nice being out and about in it.

Glad to be home.

Time for some lunch, then some jobs.

ABOVE: Today's walk stats.  A nice distance, easy to do with company.  I'm sure they will be a walk photo later on today as well.  Yaaa, faces to 'doctor'.  lol

ABOVE:  Today's walk photo.
Next walk is on Thursday morning, a 'social walk'.  It's going to be from the Cambridge Velodrome to the Gaslight Theatre and back.  A nice walk through some countryside. I'm looking forward to it, even though there is a VERY STEEP hill right at the end.

ABOVE: The view from the sewing room.  Raining cats 'n' dogs.
And I'm sewing.
That is all.

ABOVE:  Well, not a very productive day today, just one runner top made.   And it's a very muted one at that.  It will suit someone.

I'm stopping now, it's cooling down, Stew will be home soon and will want his dinner.

So, Stew cooked the pork belly strips I had out for him.  I was a lazy tart and just watched him. 
He's trying to do just protein for dinners now, so he had a couple of eggs as well.
I'm craving something sweet, and we have nothing. 
That means I'm crabby.
Time to sign off.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. It does make sense - simplifying the number of options..... I always get to caught up with "we can do this, or this, or how about that" situations. There is enough variety in the ones you have. Even I have been tempted (and probably have) to send you ideas!

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I still prefer the pointy ends on the runners but know it’s much easier to chop them off
    It’s been cold here today. It’s was 2 degrees when I went to work at 6 am then I couldn’t get warm all day even if the sun was shining. I got some great sunrise photos over the bay

  3. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Ran errands all Monday morning. So many errands! Had the dogs with me which is lots of company.

    Had a very good nap in the afternoon. I was still tired from Sunday yard work.

    Went to the pool for just 45 minutes, feels so good with my lower back/joints to float in the deep end for a bit each day.

    And then worked hard in the garden until the sun went down and we could not see. We were moving hosta out of an area we are going to grass. So many hosta! It was extremely hard work. I was dripping with sweat. I do all the digging, my husband hails and plants. Some of them were quite large.

    Would have gone back to the pool about 10pm when we finished cleaning up, but they close at 8pm. . .


  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    The muted green runner is lovely. It also looks like stained glass window to me.

    I was trying to think what runners are not on your continue-to-make list. I went back and looked. I am sure I missed some.

    Very Wonky houses
    fat bottomed girls
    Twisted pole
    Preprinted panels
    And maybe a couple cows.


  5. Emergency sweet: Peanut butter toast with chocolate chips sprinkled on top!

  6. I love the kiwi one. Actually they are all really eye catching. Glad you got your walk in before the rain. I really don't like rain. It can make me blue.


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