Tuesday, July 02, 2024



Last night I decided to make a start on cutting out the new fabrics.

Even better, I did it on our kitchen bench top.  Such a damn good idea!  It was the perfect height for cutting, why the hell haven't I used it before?

ABOVE:  I got all of the new green strips cut out last night.  Not all of each fabric, just some from each length.  

ABOVE: These are the fabrics I shall be working on today.

But not straight away.

I have an FBG Social Walk on this morning.  That comes first.

I will get back to the cutting out, after my walk.


8.24 am: And this morning's walk just got cancelled due to shitty weather.  And for once I don't mind at all!

I think I'm slowly coming around to NOT liking to get wet while walking!  Particularly when it's not nice sitting having a nice hot drink afterwards, while all damp and cold.

So, good call B, let's do it on Thursday instead.

I'm now going to get all our washing done, tidy up the bedrooms, do any other odd household jobs, then get back to the cutting out.

I LOVE CHOCOLATE.  I have resisted it on a whole for years now.

Until the past couple of days.

Stew and I indulged.

ABOVE:  OMG this chocolate is to die for.

So rich.  So tasty.    And I should have known better.

Chocolate makes me TERRIBLY CONSTIPATED.

T  M  I:  I've just spent the past 45 minutes in the bathroom... quietly dying.

D Y I N G.  

I am now traumatised.  I need a minute or 30 to just sit and recover.

It's not even a laughing matter.  I'd LIKE to be laughing, I really would.



ABOVE:  I've cut out about 10 lots of fabric so far this morning.  BUT, I decided to gather up ALL the fabrics I want cut into strips, and just plug away at them until they are all done.

So, I've just doubled my work load.  

OH, I also went over to a local fabric shop run from her home, and bought 'a few more' fabrics.

I think my 'stash building' is over now!

2.08 pm:  I'm slowly getting through the piles.

In the meantime, my brain is ticking over, thinking of something that could be quite FUN for tomorrow.

My post tomorrow is going to be TOTALLY DIFFERENT to the 'norm'.  Come back tomorrow to find out what it is!  😃😊😉

4 pm:  Seven hours of cutting out strips today ... so far!  My back is now hurting, but wow!  I have got seven hours under my belt. Usually I am in pain after only one hour.   Obviously, cutting on the kitchen bench is working for me.

I'm now taking a break, and I might continue cutting out after dinner.

I did do a wee bit more cutting out... so at the end of the day I cut out (into 2 and a half inch strips), twenty eight metres of fabric!

I certainly won't get that much done tomorrow, as I have a walk on in the morning over in Cambridge.  By the time I get home from that it will be lunchtime.  Half the day will be gone.

We had sausages and veges for dinner this evening.  Very nice they were too.

Now?  Time to sit and just relax, with me hotpod and blankie on my lap.  Bliss.


  1. Bending over to cut would hurt my back too! Can you get your cutting table raised? I think you know a handy builder who might be able to help :)

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I have a built in counter in my sewing room. A little higher than kitchen height. It is steady/solid for cutting. You can probably find a used island/counter on one of the online listings for very little. Bonus - storage underneath.


  3. I was recently ill, as in going both ends. But then I was so constipated a didn’t go for 2 weeks 😂

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I was recently ill, going both ends, so had a massive clean out. It then took me two weeks to go to the loo. I didn’t eat for 2 days which didn’t help either. ( I have never been regular)

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I"ve raised my cutting out table by using four house bricks, placing one under each leg. I wrapped them in old curtain fabric like a parcel and closed with a safety pin it works a treat.

  6. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Great cutting effort

  7. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Just remembered I put a bit of sponge inside each parcel for the leg to sink into.

  8. Could you get a standing desk? That way you can set it for sitting & standing and alternate. I have one for work & have pre-sets for standing, my office chair & my kneeling chair 😊

    1. I did think of getting one for sewing on, but not cutting. I will think on it. The kitchen bench is working just fine right now. *smiles*

  9. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I always cut on my. Breakfast bar-It was built specially for this purpose. I put my two big green cutting mats together and off I go! I also use my overlocker here standing up but like you I need to sit down to sew on my machine. Beautiful selection of fabrics. Catriona (in rainy Scotland)

  10. Can't wait to see the new "mystery post".
    Glad you found a wat to cut fabric that eases your backpain.


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